The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1853: Because of me

In the eyes of almost everyone, Jiang Yun is already dead, but no one has thought that at this time, there are still changes, and they are shocked. This comes from the voice master in Jiang Yun’s body. Who is it?

Compared to the shock of other people, when I heard this voice, the face of Dao Zun was not without the slightest accident, but instead showed the color of excitement: "I finally found you!"

This voice is naturally the powerful soul, and Jiang Yun naturally understands the simple conversation between him and Dao.

Dao Zun’s torture for himself is actually to find each other!

From the body of Jiang Yun, a figure flew out.

This is a middle-aged man, or a soul of a middle-aged man!

The tall figure, the outline of the whole face is as hard as a knife and axe.

For almost all the creatures in this mountainous sea at this moment, they do not know where this man is sacred.

Only after a beast saw the man, his face suddenly showed excitement.

This monster is Bai Ze!

Only he knows that this strange man is the powerful soul in Jiang Yun’s body.

The reason why Bai Ze was attacking the mountains and seas for the first time in the Temple of the Tao, obviously knew that he did not come to the rescue, but this time he resolutely came to help, except because the relationship between him and Jiang Yun is indeed very deep, just because of this soul.

For the first time, the Taoist temple attacked the mountains and seas, and Jiang Yun was not there, so Bai Ze did not dare to come.

This time, Jiang Yun is here, and the soul in his body is also natural, so even if Bai Ze is afraid of death, he will still come.

Because he is also more convinced than anyone, this soul is simply the invincible existence, even if the Taoist, is not the opponent of this soul.

Although other people do not know this man, but when they hear the dialogue between the man and the Tao, they can naturally understand that the Tao’s torture for Jiang Yun is to force the soul.

The man stood in front of Daozun and said with a blank expression: "Your goal is me. Now that I have found me, I can put Jiang Yun now!"

"Let him!" Dao Zun suddenly laughed and said: "The night is solitary, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to be as innocent as before!"

"While you have appeared, but the secrets hidden in him, but more than you, how can I let him!"

Night alone!

For the first time, Jiang Yun knew the name of this powerful soul.

However, for this name, everyone present is full of sorrow, apparently no one has ever heard of it.

This also makes all the monks in the mountains and seas feel that this life of countless years is a white life, and realize that in the original world of the domain, there are so many powerful people that they do not know.

There was a thunder mother before, and now there is a lonely night. Both of them are clearly the same strong existence as Dao Zun, but before today, no one has ever heard of their names.

So, is there a strong person like this, is there still in this domain?

If so, where are they now?

With the fall of the Taoist voice, a faint cold light flashed through the eyes of the night.

Obviously, this sentence of Daozun poked his inner scar!

However, the cold light just passed away, and the face of the night alone quickly recovered the sorrowful color: "I admit that I used to be very naive, but it is different now!"

Dao Zun looked at Jiang Yun, who was still bound by himself. He smiled and did not care. "What is the difference?"

In fact, don't look at this avatar of the Tao, it seems to be able to control everything, but here is the mountain and sea, for him, this is equivalent to a completely strange world.

He didn't even know if there would be other ambush traps for himself. I don't know if the original Jiuzu still left other means for himself.

Therefore, he was happy to say a few more words with the night alone, and delayed a little more time, so that his own army of the nine nationalities could arrive in time.

As long as the nine armed forces arrive, they will have no scruples!

The night is lonely and faint: "It seems that you are the same as before, so many years have passed, still so arrogant!"

"How can you rely on the feeling of walking around? How many years have you been in your deity?"

The words of the night alone are not waiting for the Taoist to respond. All the monks present, especially the five elements and the second person, are suddenly one.

It may be rare for others to see the Taoist side, but when the lords of the avenues of the dynasty are generally holding events, the Tao will occasionally appear in person.

Needless to say, as a disciple of Dao Zun, Dao Er has seen more times.

However, the words of the night, but they let them realize that the Taoist they saw was always a avatar, not a deity.

Even Jiang Yun is even a glimpse.

He had never thought about this problem before, but now he heard the night and asked for it, and naturally made him realize that something was wrong.

Indeed, I have already dealt with Dao Zun many times, whether it is for the enemy or other circumstances, I have always seen the avatar, never seen his deity, why?

Although the strength of Tao Zun is not weak, his deity has become more powerful.

Anything, if his deity is out, he can't easily solve it.

If you don't say far, you will say that you have entered the mountains and seas this time.

If the Taoist deity arrives, then even if Jiang Yun blew himself up, I am afraid it will be difficult to hurt the Tao.

But the Taoist deity never appears, but sends two separate avatars!

Why does the Taoist deity never appear?

The face of Dao Zun is also suddenly sinking to the next sink, just like the cold light that has just flashed in the dusty eyes of the night, obviously it is also the scar of the heart that has been uncovered by the words of the night alone.

Through the reaction of Tao Zun, it is not difficult for everyone to guess that between the night of the dust and the Tao, not only the grievances are extremely deep, but also in the process of grievances between the two, they have each suffered the loss of each other.

Night Solitary is ridiculed as innocent by Tao, which is likely to have been deceived by Tao Zun, and the loss that Dao Zou eats in the night alone should be his deity, which has been unable to move for years.

I want to understand this point, but also to make everyone more curious and shocked - this night is where the sacred dust, and how powerful, even can make the deity of the Tao can not move!

Dao Zun looks gloomy: "Night in the night, after today, my deity can move freely, but unfortunately, you can't see it!"

Dao Zun’s voice fell, and suddenly he raised his hand and grabbed it in the night.

The night's solitary dust flashed, and it was easy to avoid the opening road: "Dao Zun, don't be too arrogant, although I am not the opponent of your deity, but with my strength, entangle your avatar, Still more than enough!"

Dao Zun smiled coldly: "Since you are so confident, why don't you shoot?"

The night's gaze looked at Jiang Yun, who still couldn't move. The eyes showed a soft color: "Because, I hope you let this child go!"

"As long as you let go of this child today and let go of the mountains and seas, then I will go back with you and let you dispose of it!"

"Do not……"

Not waiting for the Taoist to respond, Jiang Yun’s mouth has already squeezed out a word.

Although Jiang Yun does not know what is the entanglement between the night and the Tao, but he is absolutely not willing to fall into the hands of Taoism to save himself.

It’s a pity that Dao Zun glanced at him coldly, and his strength strengthened again. He suddenly couldn’t make the slightest sound.

And the night alone sighed softly again: "Jiang Yun, I have never told you something."

"The reason why you can't understand, when you were born, there will be a nine-nation seal. In fact, all of this is due to me!"

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