The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1854: Too much debt

"Jiang Yun, maybe you think I am always helping you, and I am kind to you."

"But actually, everything I do to you is just to make up for my inner guilt and make my conscience better!"

The words of the night alone were really brought to the impact of Jiang Yun, so that he suddenly stopped.

As a result, he did not feel the pain of the body that was brought up by the body of Dao, but his eyes were so large that he looked at the night.

Although for the origin of the night, and why the other party is hidden in his own soul, Jiang Yun did not know.

But whenever he is in danger, the night alone will help, and he has several life-savings for himself. This makes Jiang Yun’s heart to him really grateful.

However, now, the night of the solitary dust actually said that from the time of his birth, he existed on his own body, so that he could not understand the nine-nation road seal, completely because of him!

Although Jiang Yun’s mind is extraordinary, at this moment, he can’t think of it, why is it so night?

At this moment, the Taoist on the side followed up and said: "He is right!"

"Don't say that the nine ethnic groups have been sealed, even your reincarnation, the history of each life is related to him, because of him!"

Dao Zun’s words gave Jiang Yun another heavy blow, but they also made him more confused.

Obviously, the words of Tao Zun are enough to prove that the night is all true.

Just, what is your own reincarnation and life history, all related to the night?

Jiang Yun’s mind naturally emerged from the tree of reincarnation, the reincarnation of his own life revealed by each leaf.

Can it be said that every reincarnation of his own life, the night alone is hidden in his own soul?

In the face of the doubtful eyes of Jiang Yuntou, the night alone did not give more explanation.

He just said calmly: "Now you should understand, just because I have dragged you too much and owe you too much, so I will continue to help you."

"And now, it's time to end it all!"

The night of the lonely dust finally recovered the look of Jiang Yun, and then looked back to Daozun: "Dao Zun, my words are finished, now, you should make a choice!"

"Is it really necessary to fight with me for a fish to die, and to go to the end, or put Jiang Yun, put the mountains and seas, in exchange for my initiative to go back to see your deity!"

Dao Zun is in silence!

Obviously, for the night alone, he does have some taboos, and he is not willing to fight with his own life.

However, let him let go of Jiang Yun, let go of the mountains and seas, but he is also unwilling.

The hatred between Jiang Yun and himself is already incapable of being resolved.

If you change it before, you may not care about Jiang Yun’s life and death, but today’s Jiang Yun has already qualified to threaten himself.

Give him more time to grow up, and sometimes even threaten his own deity.

The best way is to take advantage of the present and completely obliterate him before he grows up completely, once and for all.

What's more, if you really leave the mountains and seas this time, then if you want to enter the mountains and seas again in the future, I am afraid there is no such possibility.

After a long time, Daozun’s face finally showed a sinister smile: “Give Jiang Yun, can!”

"But the premise is that his body, I want it!"

When the voice fell, Dao Zun simply did not give the opportunity to react to the night, and suddenly there was a ray of light in the top of his head, which directly rushed into Jiang Yun’s body.

The speed of the light is extremely fast, and only a very small number of people can see it faintly. In the light, there is a slap-sized Taoist, which is clearly a soul of Taoism!

Naturally, they also understand -

Dao Zun, want to win Jiang Yun!


Dao Zun’s move made the face of the night’s dust suddenly sink, and his body shape shook, and he immediately rushed into Jiang Yun’s body.

There are many people who want to win Jiang Yun, but no one can succeed. It is because there is a powerful soul of night dust, which is always hidden in the soul of Jiang Yun.

In order to win the body of Jiang Yun, you must first destroy the souls of Jiang Yun and the night, or drive out the body of Jiang Yun.

As you can imagine, no one can do it at all.

Now, in order to protect Jiang Yun, the night of the lonely dust has left Jiang Yun’s body and emerged, which is equivalent to letting Jiang Yun’s soul lose his protection.

Then, with the power of the soul of the Tao, you may be able to easily win the body of Jiang Yun.

Unfortunately, the speed of the night is fast, but the speed of the Tao is faster.

At the same time that his soul rushed into the body of Jiang Yun, he had already raised his hand, and countless lines of the pattern filled the night.

"You'd better stay awkward, so I might just let the soul of this kid out of the body."

"But if you are impulsive and bother me, then I can't guarantee that his soul is dead or alive!"

The words of Dao Zun suddenly stopped the shape of the night, even if he could break these lines, he would not dare to act rashly.

However, in addition to anger on the face of the night, in the depths of his eyes, there is a trace of calm!

Everyone did not see this serenity, only Bai Ze saw it!

"Hey, Dao Zun is too young to watch the night!"

Bai Ze’s heart said: “The soul of the night’s predecessors didn’t all appear at all, just a part of it!”

"If you respect the soul of the deity, you may still succeed, but it is impossible to win the Jiangyun with just one incomplete soul!"

"Even, this should be the trick of the night predecessors!"

"In the capacity of the predecessors of the night, the character of your Taoist must also be extremely understanding. You can't think of it, you will win Jiang Yun, so the night predecessors deliberately lead you to be fooled, and lead your soul to win Jiang Yun!"

Bai Ze, but see the soul of the overnight dust!

It is also because I have seen the soul of the night, so that he is full of confidence in the night after that.

Because the soul of the night is so powerful, it is beyond his imagination!

In addition to Bai Ze and night alone, Jiang Yun, who is being defeated, has returned to calm!

Although his mind still echoes the words of the night and the Tao, but feels the soul of the Tao to enter his body, but it makes him immediately calm down.

Take your own!

The biggest difficulty is not to find your own soul, or to kill your own soul, but to pass the wind of silence!

For the wind of silence, Jiang Yun has some understanding.

It is entirely about using your body as a place to sleep.

Before the body of his own silence is not exposed, the wind of silence is in a deep sleep, and even if he is completely defeated, it will not react.

But when the body of his own silence was revealed, the wind of silence changed from deep sleep to light sleep.

Once someone wants to win, no matter who they are, they will certainly wake up.

And with its high status, there is a very hot temper, and people who disturb his sleep will be punished.

For example, the demon of the moon!

Therefore, Tao Zun wants to win himself, unless he has a way to calm the wind of silence.

The wind that can be silenced is the first source of strength born in desperate darkness. It is the foundation of the most powerful power of the ruined royal power in the demise, and it is the sorrow that the Taoist can comfort.

Now, Jiang Yun even looks forward to the soul of Taoism, and can quickly seize his body.

Sure enough, just after the sorrow of the Taoist **** entered the body of Jiang Yun, the face of Tao Zun was slightly changed.

He has clearly felt that there seems to be a wind that has blown his soul.

And the breath contained in this wind, let your soul, can not help but utter a trembling!

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