The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1902: Who dares to move him?

For the ruin of the Nine, this created the domain, the powerful existence above the sentient beings, and before the Taoist decision to destroy them, they have spent countless efforts and costs to find out about them.

After the demise of the Jiuzu, he gained all the power of the Nine, and let many of the Nine people use it for himself, in order to continue to understand the Nine.

He also believes that he is sufficiently thorough about the nine people, and he even knows the existence of the power of silence and the power of silence.

After all, his avatar has long gone to the domain, and he also knows a lot of monks.

But it is a pity that everything about the ruined family is the biggest taboo in the eradication.

The news he had painstakingly and costly heard did not involve the core secrets of the dead.

Even if it is a call for a relationship with him, he will not tell him about these secrets.

Therefore, he does not know the body of silence, and does not know that the body of silence can become stronger and stronger through constant silence.

In the cognition of Tao Zun, the power of the nine tribes is one and the other is the power of silence.

As long as the power of the nine tribes is sealed, it can naturally seal the power of silence.

In fact, the power of the nine ethnic groups is only derived from the reward of the tribe for the nine people.

Although the root of the power of the nine tribes is indeed the power of silence, the power of silence is divided into nine and rewarded to the nine races.

However, as the first force born in the demise of the domain, as the only royal power that has been in charge of the era for many years -

Even if the power of creation and the power of light and darkness are lower than the power of silence, what is the only way to integrate the power of the nine people?

Although Tao Zun seems to have sealed the power of the nine ethnic groups in Jiang Yun, today's Jiang Yun has truly possessed the body of silence.

The power he controls is the power of silence, far higher than the power of the nine tribes. It is not at all that the nine ethnic road seals can be sealed.

In the face of the fist that Jiang Yun attacked again, although Dao Zun was also taken over, but his face could not help but become cloudy and uncertain, thinking in the mind of Jiang Yun's words.

This scene is naturally seen by everyone in the clear.

For the repair of the mountains and seas, their hearts, which have been completely desperate, naturally rise to a glimmer of hope.

Even if they are sealed, but as long as Jiang Yun is not sealed, then with the power of Jiang Yun, perhaps still able to turn the tide and defeat the Tao!

Although this hope is not big, Jiang Yun has brought them too many miracles before, perhaps this time can still be done!

As for the newly motivated Tao et al., naturally, they are again sluggish.

Even Senro is a bit surprised.

None of them thought that the nine-nation Daofeng, which was formed by the sacred monk's life, could not seal Jiang Yun.

However, Senro has neither opened his mouth nor shot.

After all, for the deliberate intention of concealing the card to the present, he still has dissatisfaction in his heart.

Plus, he is not sure if there are other means for Jiang Yun, so just stand by and watch the Taoist preparations.

And Jiang Yun did not go to see other people at all, just looking at the Taoist, raising his hand is a boxing out.

After connecting Jiang Yun’s three punches, Dao Zun’s face finally recovered calmly and coldly. “Although I don’t understand why the Jiu Dao Dao has no effect on you, but with your current strength, it’s not my opponent!”

The strength of Jiang Yun’s three punches is strong, but after the personal experience, Dao Zun realized that this level of power was far less than when Jiang Yun had previously suppressed the ridiculous Yan Jun.

And this is inevitable!

The ridiculous monarch is the strongest person in the realm of the Tao, and the true strength can be compared with the Tao Zun.

Even if Jiang Yun used the sacred objects of the Nine, he eventually succeeded in suppressing it.

What's more, although the Jiuzu Daofeng is useless to him, the power of other Jiuzu can be really sealed, so that he can no longer rely on the power of the mountains and seas.

Even with the sacred objects of the Nine, Jiang Yun has no way to use it at the moment.

Because of the power of the holy things, it is suppressing the priests.

The use of the sacred objects of the Nine Kingdoms will be released again. For Jiang Yun, it is the real end.

Without the help of foreign forces, Jiang Yun is now relying on it, and only the six-fold cultivation of Taoism and the power of silence are not enough to kill Daozun.

However, in the face of Tao Zun's ability to see his own strength, Jiang Yun's face still has no slight change, but continues to move toward the Taoist.

Dao Zun smiled coldly and said: "I still insist on calming here!"

"In this case, I will kill those who follow you first and see how long you can calm down!"

Dao Zun turned his head and looked at the Sen Luo Road not far away: "Sen Luo, you see enough!"

"If you see enough, let your ghosts and dead spirits quickly kill all the people below, and avoid the accidents!"

"There are five elements, and the second is not to be idle. There are not many opportunities to kill the human beings!"

This sentence of Dao Zun is finally a hint of cold in the eyes of Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun himself is not worried about being killed. He is worried about the many monks in the mountains and seas below.

They are unable to counter the power of the Jiu Dao Dao, the Jiuzu is powerless, and the Lei and others have been repaired, and the strength is only half.

Although there have been many casualties on the side of the dead, they have not been affected by the Jiu Dao, and their strength still exists.

Especially those strong people in the human world, it is no exaggeration to say that even one of them can easily kill everyone.

What's more, there is the existence of Sen Luo, the Lord of the Dead!

Senro originally wanted to see more fun, but he was really worried that there would be accidents, so he shrugged his shoulders and said: "That's all killing!"

"But don't let them fly away, I want to bring them all back to the dead, just to make up for my loss!"

With the order of Sen Luo, the army of the dead army immediately continued to go up to the mountains and seas.

After Wu Xingzi and Dao Er and others looked at each other, they also smiled and walked slowly toward Jiang Junhao and other strong people.

In the face of the arrival of these people, Jiang Junhao and others have not looked at it.

Even Jiang Junhao is even more vocal: "The Lord, do not care about us, you must escape!"

Lu Yourong also said loudly: "Yes, Master Jiang, you are looking for a chance to escape, we will fight for you for some time!"

At this time, they have no hope of being able to survive.

And they are alive, they can only become the chips that Dao Zun used to smash Jiang Yun, so they would rather die.

They just hope that Jiang Yun can escape.

As long as Jiang Yun does not fall, then with the qualification of Jiang Yun, he will definitely have the ability to avenge himself and others in the future!

Moreover, Jiang Yun should also have the ability to escape!

Hearing the words of the people, Jiang Yun’s gaze was suddenly looked at the abyss of the bounds of the sea.

Although there is no abyss there, Jiang Yun believes that the mysterious sky must always pay attention to the situation of the mountains and seas.

Nowadays, the sky has become its only hope. As long as the sky appears, there are still opportunities for yourself and the mountains and seas today.

Unfortunately, in the face of Jiang Yun’s gaze, there is no slight reaction in the bounds of the sea.

It seems that in addition to monitoring the nine ethnic groups, he has no interest in other things, and there is no plan to shoot!

"Jiang Yun, you are also dead!"

Everyone who looks at his side has completely surrounded the repair of the mountains and seas. Dao Zun is also a yin and smile. When he raises his hand, he will attack Jiang Yun!

But at this moment, there is an indifferent voice coming from afar: "Whoever dares to move him, I will kill who!"

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