The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1903: a sword fallen

This sudden sound made everyone can't help but be one of them.

Originally everyone thought that there should be no more accidents today, but I did not expect that there were still people coming.

Moreover, this person's words are full of chilling meaning, clearly that Taoist is not in the eye.

Just when everyone guessed who the speaker was, many of the disciples of Jianzong suddenly showed their excitement.

And then, there were several sounds, and the same sentence was said.

"Who dares to move my younger brother!"

Although everyone did not know who the first voice came from, but heard the sounds that followed, especially the word "teacher", it was a lot of people who immediately understood that they came in such a moment. Who is it?

When I asked Daozong a battle, no one in this world knew Jiang Yunshi’s incomparable power. On top of him, there were three brothers and sisters.

What's more, his brothers and sisters are not ordinary monks, but the three masters.

On identity, they and the three disciples of Dao Zun, and the lords of the dynasties, are equal.

On the strength, they are also at least the strongest of the five people, and should not be underestimated.

The people were still strange. Jiang Yun and Shan Haijie faced such a big crisis this time. His brothers and sisters never showed up. I didn’t expect it to come.

The face of Dao Zun is suddenly sinking down, and the heart is extremely angry.

The three men clearly should be on the battlefield outside the field, and they also arranged for the strong to stay with the three of them, how can they let them escape now, and at this time came to the mountains and seas.

This made Dou Zun's heart secretly confess: "It's all waste. This little thing can't be done well. See how I can pick you up!"

The arrival of these three people is not afraid of themselves. What really makes them jealous is their master.

Because there is no life for them to be a shackle, then there is no trace of jealousy!

If the ancients do not appear together, then today, no one wants to kill Jiang Yun.

Thinking of this, the Taoist gods immediately swept outside the mountains and seas and saw the four figures that had appeared in the seams.


However, when he saw the four shadows clearly, he said with a slight sigh: "It turned out to be a sword, and the old man did not come?"

"Since the ancients are not old, then they are four, can't stop me!"

Although Dominion does not know why the ancients did not come, but he believes that the ancients will definitely come.

Therefore, Dao Zun gave a big drink: "Quick speed, all killed!"

Anyway, he killed Jiang Yun, and he has already become a deadly enemy with the ancients, and simply do not endlessly, and simply kill them all.

When you get everything, you can return to the deity immediately.

At that time, even if you were old and found yourself, there was no way to take it!

Jiang Yun naturally heard the sounds that sounded and saw the four figures that were about to enter the mountains and seas.

This made his heart warm, and at the same time, he finally vomited a long breath, whispered: "This battle, won!"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Dao’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was no point in the heart. It was inexplicably raised with a bad foreboding.

Is it that Jiang Yun has not used the cards until now?

However, now he has no time to think about it anymore, and smiles coldly: "Due to the end, dare to speak up!"

"Don't say that your brother is coming, even if it is old, no one can save you today, die!"

As the voice of Dao Zun fell, his body suddenly had numerous lines of madness, condensed into a palm, and patted Jiang Yunqi.

This palm condenses all the power of Taoism, and it is necessary to kill one by one. Even he has given up his intention to win Jiang Yun.

Looking at Dao Zun, this is a must-have, but Jiang Yun’s face is a mocking smile: “So soon, I forgot how your avatar died.”


The palm of the line was smashed on the body of Jiang Yun, and there was a loud noise from the sky, which aroused the storm of the sky.

However, in the center of the storm, Jiang Yun was unscathed, standing on the ground, staring coldly at the stunned color of the Tao.

After a glimpse of the Tao, he suddenly understood: "Damn, is that the power of the weird space!"

In the body of Jiang Yun, not only the power of the nine people and the power of silence, but also the power of the void.

Just Jiang Yun attacked the three palms of Taoism, seemingly useless, but in fact, he used the power of the three palms to cover up the power of the void that he secretly released.

Today, the second avatar of Dao Zun has once again been placed in a space completely enclosed by the power of the void.

All the attacks of Dao Zun on him will be borne by the surrounding space, and Jiang Yun will not be injured.

However, Jiang Yun is able to use this space to launch an endless attack.

Although Dominion knows that he has already taken Jiang Yun’s plan, he is cold and cold: “Even if you trap me in this space, you can’t kill me in a short time!”

"As for the four people who came to save you, they would not be the opponents of Senro and the dead army!"

"As long as I keep going, it will still be you when I die!"

When he heard the words of Dao Zun, Jiang Yun smiled lightly: "Dao Zun, you should not force to calm down."

"Others don't know the power of Jiansheng. Are you still unclear?"

"And my three brothers and sisters, if I am not mistaken, they should have entered the realm of humanity!"

"They are four people, enough to defeat all your dependencies."

"However, you may not see it, because before that, you must have died!"

Every word of Jiang Yun will make the heart of Tao Zun sink a little.

After all the words of Jiang Yun were finished, the heart of Daozun finally sank to the bottom.

Because Jiang Yun said that everything is correct!

When I was not a Taoist, I took the initiative to find a sword, and I wanted to bring it together.

Although he eventually won, but Jiansheng's kendo is stronger than his own imagination.

Now, after so many years, Jiansheng has always been sitting in the sacred martial arts of Jianzong, even if he does not know his kendo, his height has reached its height.

If you say that after you and the old age, the monk who is most likely to enter the realm of the road will definitely be a sword student!

As for the Oriental Bo three, as the disciples of the ancients, they correspond to the learners, the monks, and the walkers.

The way they cultivated is not the usual way, it is the avenue of nowhere.

They have entered the realm of humanity and isomorphism, and their strength is strong, and they are equally unpredictable.

Therefore, the appearance of these four people, as Jiang Yun said, may change the final result!

Even so, Dao Zun still refused to give up, and screamed: "You are still doing what you are doing, and kill me!"

Already came to the five elements of Jiang Junhao, although he also heard the sounds of several sounds, hesitated in his heart, but at this moment he heard the command of the Tao, let him finally bite his teeth and raise his hand. , condensed all the power of the five elements to Jiang Junhao's head slammed down.


But at this moment, there is a sudden appearance of cold light, with endless sharpness, just like shooting from hell, from the eyebrows of the five elements, straight through!

The eyes of the five elements are soaring, the incredible color of the face, watching the four figures appearing on the sky above the mountains and seas.

He was filled with endless unwilling eyes, staring at the ordinary man who was walking in the forefront, and his body slowly fell backwards.

He did not think that he would die in the hands of the Taoist Lord who was equal to himself.

He did not even think that the strength of the other party is so powerful that it can kill yourself!

Jiansheng a sword, five elements!

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