The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1908: Strong mountain and sea

In the mountains and seas, in the face of Jiang Yun’s invitation, Linglingzi and Lu Yourong will naturally have no opinions.

They are the creatures of the mountains and seas. The mountains and seas are their homes. They have never left in the face of life and death, and now they will not leave.

Nine ethnic groups do not have to say.

Jiang Yun is their main esteem. They have been married for nine years, and now they are reunited together. Of course, all of them are only looking forward to it.

What's more, they also know that the mountains and seas are the first world opened up by the ancestors of their respective ethnic groups in the Tao.

Until now, there are still guardians of their powers.

Therefore, for them, Shanhaijie can also be regarded as their home.

In the ancient times of the Tao, some people do not want to stay in the mountains and seas, but Xiao Letian is the pioneer of the Taoist world, and at the same time is the Xiao people, he must stay in the mountains and seas.

Moreover, he also has a bold idea to bring the Taoist world, even the monks within the entire prison, to the mountains and seas, or to the mountains and seas.

All the prisoners in the Tao are also full of hatred for the Tao. There are also many strong among them. If they can use it well, they can also become a force against the Tao.

As for the Jianzong people, they looked at Jiansheng, but Jiansheng’s eyes looked at Situ Jing.

Situ Jing smiled slightly: "Little brother, we have nowhere to go now, and the mountains and seas are also our half home, so let us stay here!"

In the same year, Situ Jing three people followed the ancient age, practiced in the Tibetan Peak for decades, and naturally have feelings for the mountains and seas.

Of course, the root cause they are willing to stay is to help Jiang Yun.

As Situ Jing’s voice just fell, Jiansheng immediately followed: “I will stay too!”

In the end, all the people who are in the mountains and seas are willing to stay here.

Even, they also said that they are willing to call their friends and family to come to the mountains and seas.

There is no reason for it, today's mountains and seas, too strong!

There are as many as seventeen people in the same humanity and context!

The three brothers and sisters of the Oriental Bosi, Jiansheng, Leimu, the patriarch of the three tribes of the nine tribes, the two men of the ancient times, and the leader of the three avenues such as Dan Daozi who will come soon.

Even among the dead spirits, there are Bu Yi and three humane strongmen!

You must know that among the Taoist domains, a strong person can have a road and countless boundaries.

However, within the realm of mountains and seas, there are actually 17 humanitarian powerhouses.

In the past, this is something that everyone can't even think about!

In addition to the humanity, there are Jiang Yun and the nightless dust in his body, as well as the sky in the abyss of the sea.

Although no one can see and know about the existence of the sky, everyone has a feeling.

At the time of the appearance of the ridiculous monarch, the fog of the surrounding body and the sect of the nine-nation Dao, which was arranged at the expense of the lives of thousands of monks, were easily broken.

This is not Jiang Yun’s shot, it must be a hidden master in the mountains and seas.

As for the power of Jiang Yun, let alone be said.

Within the mountains and seas, he is almost invincible.

In addition to these top powers, there are many monks in various other realms.

For example, the millions of disciples and nine ethnic groups in the upcoming Third Avenue.

These monks are not strong in personal strength, but there are Liu Peng’s Zhou Tianjie.

In short, nowadays the strength of the mountains and seas is strong, even if they dare not say that they can compete with the Tao, but even if the Taoist wants to attack the mountains and seas again, it needs to be measured.

Hearing everyone's attitude, Jiang Yun also nodded with a smile: "In this case, you can go to various places in the mountains and seas and choose the right place to live."

Although the area of ​​the mountains and seas is not comparable to other roads, Wushan Island has now resurfaced.

Coupled with the Great Wilderness, let alone accommodate those people in front of you, even if you have thousands of times more lives, it is more than enough.

With the slogan of Jiang Yun, everyone is naturally no longer polite, and they have spread their knowledge and started to find a place suitable for themselves and others.

And Jiang Yun immediately began to restore the power of the protection of the nine people in the mountains and seas!

Because, Jiang Yun is clearer than anyone else, don't look at the overall strength of the mountains and seas today, it seems that they can sneak a sneak peek at the Tao.

But in fact, the strength of Tao Zun is still much stronger than the mountains and seas, and more powerful than himself!

Just by Tao Zun alone, you can easily kill the entire mountain and sea!

The powerful environment, Jiang Yun has a deep understanding through the fight with the wild Junyan.

I used all the cards on my own, and with the help of the entire mountain and sea and the sacred objects of the Nine, and the cost of the second silence, I finally suppressed it.

The strength of Daozun should be higher or lower than that of the ridiculous Junyan, so Jiang Yun did not dare to have the slightest contempt.

Fortunately, the Tao Zun deity is still being shackled by the night, and he does not need to worry that he will leave the land of nowhere.

In addition to the Taoist deity, the nine ethnic groups he personally created are definitely more than 10,000.

There is also the death of the Sen Luo and Dao Zun are the same retreat.

This time, Sen Luo is also a heavy casualty in the mountains and seas, and certainly will not be so good.

A Lord of the Dead, a respect for the domain!

It is not difficult at all to join hands with the two men to destroy the mountains and seas.

What's more, there are collusion between Taoist and Calligraphy, as well as the destroyers.

As the respect of the Taoist domain, the hands of Tao Zun have the same temptation for the monks who destroy the domain - the fruit!

As long as the Taoist can provide the fruit for the destruction of the domain, then the destroyer will not mind to help him deal with the mountains and seas.

The overall strength of the destructive domain is far stronger than the domain.

At the beginning of the month, they all had a cooperative relationship with Daozun, and according to Yuezun himself, his strength is stronger than that of Taoism.

The strength of the moon can only be included in the middle and upper stream!

Therefore, in combination with these circumstances, Jiang Yun did not dare to take the slightest care, and must strengthen the defense of the mountains and seas as much as possible.

The only thing that makes Jiang Yun feel regret is the sacred object of the Nine people, which he can’t use now.

Because they must be used to suppress the wild prince.

In fact, any one of the nine sacred objects can easily suppress the wild prince.

But it is a pity that even if Jiang Yun has been silenced for the second time, the power of the sacred objects that can be used is limited. Therefore, only the nine sacred objects can be used to suppress the wild prince.

However, this is also a good thing for Jiang Yun.

Because if he can really use the sacred objects of the Nine, he will have a dependence on the sacred objects of the Nine, so that his own strength cannot be improved.

In short, for the next period of time, Jiang Yun and the entire mountain and sea community are in a busy state.


Outside the battlefield, a young woman stands in front of the ancient!

The woman's appearance is very ordinary, and the clothes are still covered with blood stains, which looks quite wolf.

At this moment, the woman is looking at Gu Buzhen with a vigilant look: "Who are you?"

"I am old!"

"Old is not old..."

Speaking of these three words, the vigilance on the woman's face suddenly turned into a surprise color: "Predecessors are Jiang Yun's master?"

“Not bad!” Gu did not nod and nodded: “What happened to you, how did it become this look, even the real looks are hidden?”

"What about your father?"

The series of problems of the ancient and the old, the surprise that just appeared on the woman’s face faded away. Instead, it was the bitterness of the face, and shook his head: “Predecessors, I want to see ginger...”

After waiting for the words to finish, the woman’s body suddenly shook, and the whole person was directly comatose.

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