The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1909: District road

In just a few days after the end of the war in the mountains and seas, earth-shaking changes have taken place throughout the mountains and seas.

Wushan Island, the Great Wilderness, and even the bounded sea, there are buildings that rise from the ground.

Naturally, these buildings were built by monks who stayed in the mountains and seas.

Since it is decided to live in the mountains and seas forever, these monks naturally choose the right place to live according to their own preferences and habits.

The most densely populated place is Nanshan Prefecture of Wushan Island!

Because this was the place where the sects were asked, so Jiang Yun and Dongfang Bo, as well as all the disciples, decided to use this as their residence.

Moreover, they are completely based on the environmental layout of the year, so that the questioning and re-disappearance will reappear.

Asked that the five peaks stand tall, next to the five peaks, there is a Tibetan peak shaped like a sword.

Even the sleepy beast forest behind the mountain still exists!

Lu Yourong and the non-injured people, as well as the disciples who originally asked the main sect, even those who died in battle, asked the Taoist disciples to live in the five peaks.

Because the abyss of the bounds of the sea has always been closed and no longer opened, so that the dead spirits can live together with the living beings.

Real self-reincarnation, no life without death.

Above the Tibetan Peak, there are still people living in Dongbo and Jiang Yun.

The only difference is that they have lost their masters, but they have one more swordsman.

Asked about the five peaks, there are more than nine huge buildings, which are home to the tribes of the Nine.

Since Jiang Yun’s main privilege is to ask Dao Zong, then the nine ethnic groups naturally have to stay around Jiang Yun.

In short, the divisional pattern of the various forces of the mountains and seas today is centered on Jiang Yun and Wen Dao as the center, spreading in all directions.

Of course, not everyone thinks this way.

Like some monks in the ancient times, such as the ancestors of the wind and the wind, they chose to live in the Great Wilderness, and Jiang Yun deliberately kept a certain distance.

For example, Hai Yixue, the daughter of Hai Changsheng, still chooses to live in the bounds of the sea with the dead spirit of the sea.

However, with their current strength, once something happens, they can reach anywhere in the mountains and seas in a very short time.

For the changes in the mountains and seas, Jiang Yun is also filled with emotion.

After the ravages of the mountains and seas, the mountains and seas almost became a dead zone.

But now, not only all the dead souls have returned to the world, but also a lot of powerful monks, but also make the mountains and seas re-filled with vitality.

If there is no external disturbance, then Jiang Yun has no doubt that one day, the mountains and seas will become the most powerful existence of the entire domain!

However, he also knows that his ideas can only be expected.

Even though the mountains and seas can usher in a period of peace, the Tao will certainly not be easy to give up, he may come to the mountains and seas at any time.

Therefore, he is ready to wait until everyone is busy, to bring some people together and discuss how to face the Tao.

After all, he has limited ability to be alone, and now there are all kinds of talents in the mountains and seas. Under the collective efforts, there are always ways to come up with some ideas.


Looking at the unconscious woman in front of him, the old brow could not help but wrinkled slightly.

According to his character, even if he recognizes the origin of a woman, he will never be idle.

However, this woman is related to Jiang Yun, he can't care.

Micro-sinking, under the old sleeves waving, a soft force lifted the woman's body, while the gods also swept through the woman's body.

After a while, the ancient self-talking said: "This girl has suffered some injuries, and this time must be exhausted, not afraid to rest."

"I saw me now, my heart relaxed, and I was in a coma."

"I don't know what happened to her. How did her son care about her?"

"Forget it, the fourth thing is still handed over to the fourth child to deal with it!"

When the voice fell, the old woman was carrying the woman, and her body shape disappeared. It appeared in the cave where several stone tablets stood!

The old man who always guards here is not even open to the eyes of the ancients.

The ancients did not have to pay attention to the old man, and turned around and looked at the dense names on the stone tablets.

After a long time, he took back his gaze, sighed and walked to the old man who was always guarded here, and sat down very simply.

The old man still has no reaction, and seems to regard the ancient age as the air.

And the ancients did not speak, and the big hand waved, and there were several jugs in front of them.

Although the lid did not open, but there was a mellow wine fragrance floating in the cave.

The old man’s nose suddenly twitched, and it was obvious that he smelled the fragrant smell of the wine, but he still closed his eyes and said: “There is something to say!”

Gu Laojiao grabbed a jug, opened the lid, and poured a sip of wine into his mouth. He wiped his mouth and said: "Nature is to find a help for the predecessors!"

If Jiang Yun is present at the moment, it will be extremely surprising.

What is the identity of the ancients, and Tao Zun are equal people, but in front of this old man, actually called the predecessors!

The old man is calm: "What is it busy?"

"I have a disciple named Jiang Yun, who should have seen it before."

"Jiang Yun!" The old man nodded. "I have an impression on him. I just turned around from here, I didn't expect it to be your disciple!"

The ancients did not follow the old saying: "He should be going to destroy the domain soon, and the dragons and tigers in the destruction of the domain. My strength in this field is not enough to see. So, the younger generation hopes that the seniors can help take care of one or two!"

The old man shook his head and said: "The ancient is not old, you may not be able to change this short illness!"

"Just, you can see too much for me!"

"If he goes to the battlefield outside the field, I might be able to take care of one or two, but if I go to the ruined area, I am far from being there, how can I take care of it!"

The ancients smiled and said: "Although I don't know the identity of my predecessors until now, but many years ago, the words that the seniors told me, I always keep in mind, I dare not forget."

The old man said faintly: "There are not many words I have said, but it is impossible to remember every sentence!"

I was old and poured a sip of wine into my mouth: "I asked my predecessors to deal with Daozun, and the seniors told me eight words!"

"Which eight words?"

"Districted roads, but also dare to honor!"

Although at the moment, the old eight words are an understatement, but the meaning of these eight words, until today, still makes his heart extremely shocked.

The power of the environment is undoubtedly natural.

However, the eight words spoken by the old man clearly mean that the path of the road is nothing, or even the qualification of the title!

The extent to which the strength of the old man is so strong, is there such a sigh of relief to say these eight words!

Therefore, the ancients believe that even in the destruction of the domain, the strength of the old is certainly very strong.

The old man nodded: "After you said this, I remembered it. I did say this!"

"However, with this sentence, do you think I can help you take care of your disciples in the field?"

The ancients also nodded and no longer spoke.

After a moment of silence, the old man slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the jug filled in front of him. He sighed: "Well, look at the face of these wines, I try to be!"

Although the old man did not give a definite promise, but the old is not the face is already happy, stood up and respected the old man: "Thank you for your predecessors!"

"The younger generation will leave early and look back at the predecessors!"

As the figure of the ancients finally disappeared, the old man stared at the stone monument in front of him: "Is this old age, is it because I guessed my origin?"

"However, since his disciples have already obtained qualifications, it is not excessive to take care of them!"

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