The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1913: Deliberately

Come, it is the moon of the ruins of the ruins of the moon!

At the beginning, Jiang Yun did not hesitate to squat on the battlefield outside the field. After many hardships, he finally found the moon as fire and sent him back to the Moon Spirit.

Therefore, at this moment, I saw that the moon was standing beside my master and returned to the Taoist domain. It was beyond the expectation of Jiang Yun, and he did not think of it at all.

When I saw Jiang Yun, and then heard Jiang Yun’s words, the body of the moon was so trembled that it had not yet opened, and tears had come out in the eyes.

Jiang Yun’s face suddenly changed, his body shape shook, and he came to the moon like a fire: “What’s wrong? Is there something happened to the Moon Spirit?”

While talking, Jiang Yun also looked up at Master.

The old man shrugged his shoulders and said: "Don't look at me, I don't know."

"I met this girl in the extraterritorial battlefield. She told me to look for you, and then I was unconscious. I just woke up these two days and I took her directly here."

At this moment, the moon suddenly turned soft and knees soft, and went straight to Jiang Yun!

"Moon girl, what are you doing!"

Jiang Yun's complexion changed again, and he hurriedly swung his sleeves. He gave up the body of the moon like a fire: "Moon girl, you have a life-saving grace for me, and your moon spirit and me are also very concerned."

"No matter what happens, you just say, why bother!"

At this time, Jiang Yun has been able to think of it, it must be the Moon Spirit or the Moon Zun!

If the moon is on fire, it is definitely a situation where there is no way to go, and this is back to the domain and find yourself.

Otherwise, you can kneel down to yourself with a character like a fire!

After being lifted by Jiang Yun, although the tears still linger in the moon, I finally spoke: "Jiang Yun, beg you, save my moon spirit!"

"Reassured, I will save!" Jiang Yun nodded heavily: "But you have to tell me first, what happened to the Moon Spirit!"

Next, the moon is like a fire, which tells the story of the Moon Spirit.

Not long after Jiang Yun left the Moon Spirit, a group of people came to the Moon Spirit, and they wanted to bring all the people of the Moon Spirit to the Imperial Division, saying that the Moon Spirit had escaped from prison.

Yuezun naturally refused to go forward and his theory, and the other party directly shot without saying anything.

Even though the strength of the moon is extremely strong, the other party is obviously prepared, and the moon is not an opponent at all.

Seeing that she was about to be defeated, Yuezun passed the sound to the moon, letting her escape from the early passages of the family, and let the old one in the family escort.

Although the moon is not willing to leave, but also knows that if he does not leave, then the Lingzu will be wiped out by the whole army, so he can only escape under the protection of the old family.

Even so, it was still discovered by the people of the Imperial Court, and all the way to kill, even the old people were killed.

When escaping, the moon was like a fire, and when it was about to be caught up by the imperial criminals, he unexpectedly found himself fleeing to the entrance to the extraterrestrial battlefield where the Baifa people guarded.

The month is like a fire, and there is a relationship between a strong white-haired person and a good husband, so he asks for help.

I did not expect the other party to be derogatory, although there is no way to directly protect the moon as a fire, but they are willing to take the risk of sending the moon into the battlefield outside the field, thus avoiding the pursuit of the Crown Division.

The moon is like a fire, there is no way to go, plus she also thought of Jiang Yun, so she was sent to the extraterritorial battlefield.

Then after experiencing a lot of dangers, I finally saw the ancient age.

After listening to the story of the moon, Jiang Yun naturally understood that the experience of the Moon Spirit is due to himself!

In order to return to the Taoist domain, the Moon Spirit who pretended to steal the sacred fire was sent to the Imperial Division by Yuezun and entered the prison.

Originally, according to his own plan, he was sent to the extraterrestrial battlefield together with the madman and other people, and then returned to the domain.

This way, God does not know what to do, even if it is the Crown Division, there will be no slightest awareness.

Unexpectedly, I unexpectedly entered the cultivation place in the stagnation group, and from there, I entered the field battlefield directly.

In this way, for the people of the Imperial Court, it is equal to the inexplicable disappearance from the prison, and it is naturally easy for them to discover.

In the prison, the guards are strict, and each prisoner has the mark left by the imperial punishment department. It is impossible for anyone to disappear inexplicably.

Therefore, his own disappearance has caused the suspicion and attention of the Crown Criminal Division and found the Moon Spirit!

However, the whole thing is said about the moon.

In particular, she has entered the extraterritorial battlefield from the demise of the domain, and the process of escaping to the domain again is simply arranged!

Now all the passages in the domain have been closed. At the beginning of the month, the moon is at the cost of the Tao. I hope that the white-haired powerhouse can get through and the other party refuses.

And such a person, even unconditionally help the moon like a fire, let it enter the field battlefield, it is simply impossible.

What's more, the strength of the moon is not strong, and the people of the Imperial Court can easily beat the moon and the old, how could they not catch up with her?

Needless to say, in the extraterritorial battlefield, there are many crises in the field. Even if it is self, with the help of life and death, it takes a little twenty years to reach the domain. If the fire is able to live to the domain, it is even more impossible. Things.

In short, this is the person of the Imperial Court who deliberately let go of the moon, and designed it, let her enter the field battlefield and enter the domain.

In order to let her find herself, lead her to return to the domain to save the moon spirit, or to go to the Royal Court to vote for the net!

The moon is as simple as fire, and there is a protection of Taoism everywhere. It is impossible to think of such complicated things.

And Jiang Yun’s experience is so rich, so a little imagination can be used to speculate on the purpose of the Crown Division.

At this time, Jiang Yun’s ear also sounded the old-fashioned voice: “If this girl is telling the truth, then she can find you, completely deliberately for others!”

Obviously, the ancients also thought of it.

Jiang Yun nodded quietly.

These things, Jiang Yun naturally will not say it.

Because once it is said, the heart of the fire will definitely be incomparable.

"Moon girl, you can rest assured that since this matter started with me, I will definitely not care."

"And, the person the Imperial Criminal Division is looking for is me. Even if they take the Moon Spirit, they should not be too difficult for your people."

"Now, you should take a break with me back to the mountains and seas. When I finish the matter, I will immediately go to destroy the domain and rescue the Moon Spirit."

The moon has stopped crying, and when I heard Jiang Yun’s words, I just nodded silently.

Although Jiang Yun gave the moon a fire guarantee, but his heart is also unable to do anything.

The Crown Division, which was created by the two major royal families.

If you want to save the moon spirit, you have to fight the two royal families.

Their own strength, even the strong people of the humanity can not fight, how can we contend with the two royal families!

What's more, now Dao Zun is still not dead, the mountains and seas and everyone are always in danger, and where can they settle down, leave the domain and go to the domain.

Now, Jiang Yun is not in the mood to take care of the passage of the domain. He will send the moon back to the mountains and seas.

He can see that although the moon is not dead on the road, it must be frightened, especially worried about the safety of the tribe, so that she has not rested well, and must rest and rest.

"Master, let's go back to the mountains and seas!"

"Well!" Gu did not nod and nodded: "Well, you take her back to Tibet, I will go by myself, lest others see it, and cause trouble!"

Then, the ancients suddenly said in a voice: "If you want to go to the domain, go to the domain, you don't have to worry, there is a master!"

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