The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1914: 姜走姜云

Master's voice made Jiang Yun's heart warm, but in the face of the moon, he was not convenient to say something, so he just nodded silently.

Jiang Yun came directly to the Tibetan peak with the moon, and came to the residence of Situ Jing, and gave the moon to Situ Jing.

Situ Jing naturally knows that the moon is like a fire, especially when Jiang Yun was in the face of no name, it was like a fire that saved Jiang Yun, so the impression of Situ Jing was good for the moon.

After briefly introducing the two, Jiang Yundao said: "Sister, please help me take care of the girl."

Situ Jing nodded and said: "You can rest assured!"

Then, Jiang Yun passed the voice to Situ Jingdao: "Sister, look at her, don't let her leave alone!"

Although Jiang Yun is definitely going to go to the domain, he is not prepared to bring the moon together.

After all, in the demise of the domain, it is difficult for them to protect themselves. There is no way to go to the safety of the moon.

If you don't save the moon spirits, but let the moon have a fire, what will happen is not worth the loss.

Situ Jing smiled at the moon like a fire: "Moon girl, you will live here with me during this time!"

The moon nodded softly and did not speak. Now she is really homeless and helpless. There is no place to go except Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun comforted the moon a few words, and then turned and left, and came to the peak of the Tibetan Peak, where the ancients were already sitting.


"sit down!"

Jiang Yun sat in front of the ancients, although he had not seen his master for a long time, there are many words to say to Master, but the arrival of the moon is like letting him know for a moment what to say. Start.

On the contrary, Gu Lao took the initiative to open his eyes and said: "Your experience, and what happened in the mountains and seas, basically I already know!"

"As I just said to you, on the side of the domain, especially the Tao, you don't have to worry about it for the time being."

"Don't say that the Taoist deity is still unable to move freely, even if he can leave the land of nowhere, but as long as I am there, I will not let him know what the mountains and seas are."

"Not to mention, this month's spiritual encounter is related to you, and you can't ignore it, so if there is nothing else, you will go to the field soon!"

Upon hearing Master’s words, Jiang Yun couldn’t help but raise his head and said with a puzzled question: “Master, how do I feel like you are yelling at me to destroy the domain?”

No matter how strong the strength of Jiang Yun, which step he took, in front of his master, he always felt like a disciple who had just started to get started, so he didn’t have any scruples when he spoke.

After the silence, the old man said: "Do you still remember, when you were a teacher of me, I said a word?"

Jiang Yun said slightly: "Of course, Master said, from that day on, I was Master's fourth disciple."

"Just because my way does not match Master's, so Master can only accept me as a foreigner."

After that, after waiting for the ancients to open the mouth, the expression on Jiang Yun’s face suddenly solidified.

Foreigner disciples!

Looking at Jiang Yun’s reaction, the ancient faint saying: “Now you should understand the meaning of the four words of the disciples outside the Tao?”

Jiang Yun certainly understands!

I am from the domain, not the domain, but I still can't understand.

Master is a Taoist monk, so he can only be a disciple of his own discipline as his disciple.

It is a disciple outside the avenue and a disciple outside the domain.

Obviously, at that time, Master had already discovered that he had a seal left by Taoism, and he knew that he was not a Taoist soul!

The ancient elders continued: "In the domain, you can practice a limited height."

"Even rudely, you are now going to the limit of practice, there is not much room for improvement."

"And if you want to defeat the Tao, you have to go higher and further, you can't say that you will give up the cultivation of the avenue, but obviously the domain is more suitable for your growth!"

Jiang Yun is silent.

Indeed, it is impossible for me to unravel the other three seals that Dao Zou left on himself, so that he can never understand and never enter the realm of humanity and isomorphism.

Now that I am doing my own training, I am about to reach the threshold of the Taoist Temple. This is the limit that I can reach.

Even if the five robbers of the heavens are not up to the world, how can we fight against the strong people in the human world and how to fight against the Tao!

Then, if you just give up the monasticism, go back to the domain to practice your own power of silence, or other kinds of power, it is possible to raise your cultivation to a higher level without enlightenment.

Only by improving and strengthening, can you better fight against Taoism and protect the people you want to protect!

Obviously, these, Master has already thought for themselves!

"It’s just an opportunity for this month’s spiritual family. You can go to the domain with peace of mind. When you become strong enough, go back to the domain!”

Jiang Yun looked at Master's face that had once again become a boy. After a moment, he nodded heavily: "The disciple knows!"

The ancients are no longer saying more, and changed the topic: "Yes, what about your jade?"

"That is obviously the martyrdom monk I sent to the mountains and seas. How come to your hands?"

Jiang Yun reached out and said: "Those who are the monks of the demise of the dark kings, I have a hatred with a young master of the Dark Emperor, they are coming to arrest me."

"In addition, they still have a task, they want to occupy the domain, so I killed them all!"

The old-fashioned eyes twitched slightly: "The dark royal family? No wonder!"

"Then their determination to kill you is not small. Before I met the moon, I killed a monk of the light and dark family named Baili, who was trying to catch you and Dao Zun. Come on."

"At the time, I still felt weird. If they caught you, they would have to pay attention to it. It turned out to be a domain!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "When I killed the Baili Xuan, I searched his soul and knew that they were very interested in this Taoist domain that still has the existence of the dead nine people. They arrested me for revenge. Tao Zun, naturally, is to control the domain."

"Then you have to be careful when you go to the field, they will definitely not give up!"

"I know that the Imperial Division who took the Moon Spirit also has the Dark Emperor!"

"Right, Master, you just said that there is a power in the jade that you understand?"

Jiang Yun asked inexplicably: "Why do you want to put this power in the jade, and that Bai Lixuan will immediately return to the Tao after seeing Yupei?"

Ancient and not old, he smiled and said: "What do you think is the power of my return to the market?"


"What about the power of light?"

"Not in the same place!"

"Then you should understand that since there is a force in the domain that can compete with the genre of the kingdom, this is enough to cause them to pay great attention!"

Listening to the ancients and not so old, Jiang Yun suddenly realized.

However, this also gave him a more direct understanding of Master's strength.

I only know that the monks in the domain have sought the fruit and the power of the Taoist domain, but I did not expect that the monks in the domain could understand the power of the domain!

The ancients closed their eyes and said: "Well, I know all the things you are worried about. The passage that connects the battlefield outside the domain, although I can't close it, but if I don't come too strong, I can solve it!"

"And, the people who are interested in this domain are not only the dark kings, they will also hold each other, and will never send too strong people to come!"

"You go to work, I have a little bit of work to do, just let me know before you go!"

Just when Jiang Yun just got up and was about to leave, his ear suddenly sounded the sound of the sky: "Come and come to me, don't let your master know!"

"doing what?"

"If you want to go to the destruction of the domain, to fight against the creation and the dark royal family, perhaps, I can give you some help!"

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