The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1983: The change of Shura

The elders of the Tianxiang people, the reason why the outsiders do not know, is to hide the true strength of the Tianxiang people, but now that there is Ye Danqiong, and the soul of the seven patriarchs return, then the elders of the elders can naturally appear in the face.

What's more, as today, the Xiang people have officially returned to the death of the tenth family. They don't need to be as good as they used to be, and they are low-key. It is also time to show some of their own strengths, so that Jiang Yun can build momentum.

Ye Chunyang naturally understands the meaning of the old ancestors, and suddenly there is a light in his eyes: "Yes, I will do it!"

As a monk, why do you always want to be obscured? Everyone wants to be able to do something big and vigorous in their lifetime!

Obviously, the Tianxiang people are about to usher in a drastic change!

After Ye Chunyang left, Jiang Yun said: "Predecessors, there are also guests in the domain?"

"There are some natural people, some strong people, and even one person who serves as a guest of several ethnic groups at the same time."


Jiang Yun nodded. So, the relationship between himself and the Tianxiang people can have a reasonable explanation.

Just half an hour later, Ye Chunyang has gone and returned: "The ancestors, the Lord, the mission, those people have all gone!"

This result, Ye Danqiong and Jiang Yun are not surprised.

The strong is respect!

The three strongest people on the bright side of the Tianxiang people have far more strength than other ethnic groups.

Coupled with the advantages of medicinal herbs and the birth of Ye Younan, especially Jiang Yun, a powerful figure who has illuminated ten lights, has become the guest of Tianxiang.

These strengths are no longer comparable to other ethnic groups.

If you can't compete, naturally you will only accept your life, even if the blood refining family has given up the plan to revenge for refining.

Ye Chunyang went on to say: "Just, there are fire lions. Although they didn't come, I am afraid they will not give up!"

Ye Danqiong waved his hand impatiently: "The slaves in the district are also dare to arrogant!"

"There are few masters who have been beaten, and they have faces to avenge themselves!"

"Not to mention, even if you come, don't be afraid, you can't kill it!"

"How did your patriarch behave? I was afraid of the tiger before I was afraid of the wolf. I don't think you really want to be a fan!"

After hearing these words, Ye Chunyang’s chin almost fell to the ground!

The fire lions, but the three slaves of the greedy wolf family, the ancestors did not even put it in the eye!

Although the heart is awkward, but Ye Chunyang certainly dares to perform, can only stand there and only promise.

Seeing Ye Chunyang's appearance, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a little sympathy. Suddenly I saw Ye Younan, who was on the side, and hurriedly shifted the topic: "Younan, this leaf predecessor is an ancestor of your family. Later, you are practicing and refining. If you have any strength, you can ask her!"

The anger on Ye Danqiong’s face suddenly dissipated, and the smile filled the face: “Yes, you will live here alone afterwards!”

Seeing the ancestors' instant change of face, Ye Chunyang is almost vomiting blood, this treatment is really too big.

Although Ye Younan did not know the specific identity of Ye Danqiong, he saw the patriarch calling his ancestor as his ancestor.

Now that the other party is letting her follow her, this is naturally a big chance.

Therefore, Ye Younan hurriedly stood up, and he was very well-behaved and yelled at Ye Danqiong: "Younan sees the ancestors!"

Ye Danqiong smiled and let Ye Younan sit next to him. When he looked at Ye Chunyang, he again said: "Let you come, you want to tell the Lord, what is the situation of Xiu Luotian now!"

"Shu Luotian!" Ye Chunyang said with a slight glimpse: "Does the Lord Zun go to Shurao?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "I want to go there and see!"

Ye Chunyang said: "Now Shurao is different from the past. It is no longer ready to enter, but will be opened every once in a while."

“And, you need to be at the time of entry, and you will be eligible to enter only after you have passed a certain level!”

Jiang Yun asked inexplicably: "Why is there such a change?"

"In the past Shura, there were many ethnic groups coexisting, but a long time ago, one of the ethnic groups suddenly rose strongly, defeated all other ethnic groups, integrated all the ethnic groups together, and monopolized the entire Shuratian, becoming the master of Shura."

"Since then, this group has shut down Shura, and it will only be turned on every few decades or even hundreds of years!"

Jiang Yun brows and wrinkles: "This group, what is the name?"

Ye Chunyang said: "The name was not known before, but now, it is called the Shura!"

"When will it be turned on again?"

"This is not clear, but it should be faster. It has been nearly a hundred years since it was last opened."

For the change of Shurao, Jiang Yun has not been too concerned.

After all, such a place where there are countless opportunities, it is also normal for a strong rise of the ethnic group.

Just do not know, this rising Shura, is also one of the ethnic groups of the 10th!

Next, Ye Chunyang took Ye Younan to leave temporarily to find out the specific time for Shura Tian to open.

Ye Danqiong and Jiang Yun naturally continue to search for ways to treat Xueqing.

In a twinkling of an eye, another month passed, and Ye Chunyang finally came again. Shuraotian will open in three months.

This is naturally good news for Jiang Yun.

In addition, Ye Chunyang has another thing to ask Jiang Yun.

That is the candidate for the drug **** war!

In the battle of medicine, only three people can participate in each ethnic group.

The original Tianxiang people were Ye Lingzhu, Ye Zhiqiu and the Great Elder, but now everyone knows that Jiang Yun does not like Ye Lingzhu, so he specifically asked Jiang Yun's attitude.

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly: "Ye patriarch, you are difficult for me, I don't know who the aristocrats have high remedies, how do you choose me, or you decide!"

"As for Ye Lingzhu, although her character is not good, if there is no substitute for refining, then let her go!"

Today's Ye Lingzhu has also fallen from the throne of Tianjiao's arrogant woman. In the family, there is no slightest position. It is a punishment for her past actions. Jiang Yun is too lazy to go with her again. Counting.

However, Jiang Yun’s voice just fell, and Ye Danqiong immediately shook his head: “The drug **** war will start in three years!”

"With these three years, I am enough to make the young South improve on the refining of medicine. Let the young South go to Ye Lingzhu."

Jiang Yun is not happy, Ye Danqiong will let her have the possibility of rising!

When I heard the words of my ancestors, Ye Younan’s heart was suddenly shocked, and he was exposed to fear.

Although she has already revealed the talent of refining medicine, she did not expect that the ancestors were prepared to let me participate in the war of medicine. This is for her, but she has no confidence.

Just when Ye Younan wanted to refusal, Ye Danqiong looked at her and said: "You can work hard in the young South. When the drug **** fights, the Lord should come, don't let the Lord disappoint!"

Ye Younan’s words suddenly swallowed back, but looked at Jiang Yun with a look of anticipation.

Although Ye Danqiong has a way to cure Xueqing, Jiang Yunben is very interested in the war of medicine.

And since there are still three years and time is enough, he nodded. "When the drug **** wars, as long as I have nothing big, I will definitely go and cheer for the young South!"

With Jiang Yun’s words, Ye Younan just nodded a little!


Finally, when it was seven days, Ye Danqiong finally read all the contents of the book, and after spending some time thinking carefully, his face showed a smile: "There is a way to save the snow girl." It!"

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