The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1984: Small southwestern boundary

Ye Danqiong’s words made Jiang Yun, who was also buried in the book, suddenly look up, his face showing ecstasy.

Ye Danqiong knows that Jiang Yun is very concerned about Xueqing, so he does not sell off the customs. He said directly: "In fact, I knew that there was a kind of medicinal herb that could remove the poison from the Snow Girl's soul, but some herbs have disappeared."

"Now, I finally found all the alternative medicines, and now I let Chunyang collect them."

"As long as the medicine is complete, I can start refining the drug immediately."

Jiang Yun stood up and gave a courtesy to Ye Danqiong: "Working hard!"

Although Jiang Yun is very clear, Ye Danqiong is helping himself because of his identity as a ruined person, but in any case, these days, Ye Danqiong is not sleeping at these books, and he pays a lot, so he is truly grateful.

Ye Danqiong smiled and waved: "The Lord does not have to be like this. Even if it is not for Snow Maiden, I need to quickly fill in the things I have missed these years. After all, I have been sleeping for too long."

This is the truth, if Ye Danqiong is not because of sleeping, then do not say that the drug is rumored, and I am afraid that I have already entered the virtual world.

Jiang Yun thought for a moment: "Predecessors, it is better to give me the name of all the herbs."

"If I can meet, I will buy it."

Jiang Yun simply can't wait to collect all the herbs now, let Ye Danqiong refine the medicinal herbs, and immediately rescue the snow.

"it is good!"

Ye Danqiong naturally understands Jiang Yun’s mood and smiles and nods. “There are several kinds of medicinal materials that are extremely rare. They are really not necessarily available for pure yang.”

"If you have met, buy it, even if you buy more, you are prepared, it is not a bad thing."

“In addition, during the Shura period, some secrets are ancient.”

"Some cherished medicinal herbs that have been extinct in the outside world may be found in them. The main esteem will go to Shura, and you can also try your luck."

Therefore, Ye Danqiong copied a detailed copy of Dan Fang to Jiang Yun, and specially marked several cherished herbs in it, Jiang Yun carefully remembered.

Ye Danqiong was also vigorous and vigorous, and immediately called Ye Chunyang, let him hurry to buy herbs.

After the settlement of Xueqing was temporarily solved, Jiang Yun stayed in the Tianxiang people for a few days.

Because he must absorb all the lines of silence in the holy stone, and then study the cultivation method of the dead.

The practice of the Taoist domain can only reach the peak of the Taoist territory, so his next cultivation focus should be placed on the power of silence.

If he can cultivate to the source of origin, then he will have the ability to compete with the Tao.

If you can reach the virtual world, then don't talk about the domain, even if it is in the domain, he really has a foothold in capital.

In particular, it is possible to make the group of the tenth group better listen to his orders.

When it was nearly ten days later, Jiang Yun found Ye Danqiong: "Predecessors, I am going to leave and go to Shura."

Ye Danqiong nodded and said: "Well, it is better to leave the Snow Maiden to me."

"If they collect enough herbs in Chunyang, then I will start refining the drug."

"If you are lucky, you will be able to meet in the battle of Medicine God three years later!"

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "I hope so!"

Jiang Yun’s departure is also expected by everyone.

In addition to Ye Younan's reluctance, other people, even with Ye Danqiong, are a sigh of relief.

After all, Jiang Yun’s identity is there. He stays in Tianxiang, and everyone will feel an invisible pressure.

Before leaving, Jiang Yun remembered one thing and told Ye Danqiong privately: "Predecessors, the death of the young grandfather, should be a nobleman named Ye Shuo, who is the grandson of Ye Zhan."

"Just, there is no clear evidence. I have not told Xiaonan about this incident. I am afraid that she is too excited, so I can only ask the seniors to deal with it as appropriate!"

In the eyes of Ye Danqiong, there is a cold light.

The same family is disabled, that is the taboo of any ethnic group.

According to her character, now I can’t wait to find that Ye Shuo and shoot it directly.

However, she also understands the meaning of Jiang Yun, this hatred, it is best to leave it to Ye Younan to report.

"Reassured, I know how to do it!"

Jiang Yun nodded. "Well, in this case, the younger generation will leave for a while. Three years later, the drug **** will see you again!"

Originally, Ye Danqiong also wanted to send a few people to follow Jiang Yun's side, but was rejected by Jiang Yun.

He is used to being alone, but not used to follow.

The departure of Jiang Yun did not let any Tianxiang people know, but under the leadership of Ye Chunyang, quietly left from the transmission line of Tianxiang.

Looking at the transfer of Ye Danqiong and Ye Chunyang, Jiang Yun once again rushed to the two to hold a fist.

This trip to the Tianxiang people is really a great harvest for Jiang Yun.

In addition to successfully retreating the Tianxiang people, let him in this devastation, and finally have a base, and did not expect to have the hope of curing Xueqing.


Xiuluotian, although not far from the Tianxiang world, but because of the special status of Shurao in the southwestern wilderness, there is a virtual road that can go directly.

The location of this void road, called the Flying Stars, is extremely large, and the various forces within it are intricate.

The reason, naturally, is because of the empty road and Shura Tian!

After all, this is the last world to the Shura, and the road to all monks.

Over time, it has become very prosperous, but the situation has become extremely chaotic.

All ethnic groups want to occupy a place in this flying star world, so that they can get close to Shura Tian, ​​and they can also earn a lot of benefits.

Even the nine major generals have their own forces stationed in this world.

Even, it is said that even in the Shura’s ethnic group, there are ethnic groups who are invisible in this world.

Therefore, some people joked that the flying star is a small southwestern boundary, which means the world, which is the epitome of the entire southwestern wasteland.

From Tianxiangjie to Feixingjie, the distance is not far away, and the time is full, and the time of one month is enough.

The reason why Jiang Yun set off in advance is that he does not want to stay in the Tianxiang people to bring them pressure. Secondly, he also wants to familiarize himself with the entire southwestern wasteland.

Although Ye Chunyang and others have told him a lot about the Southwestern Wilderness, Jiang Yun is still willing to look at it with his own eyes and listen with his own ears.

In this way, when Jiang Yun rushed to the flying star world, there was still a month away from the opening of Shura.

The entire meteor community has long been overcrowded.

Especially near the Flying Star City, where the empty road leading to Shuratian is located, it is even more crowded.

Not to mention the city, even outside the city has been occupied by a large number of monks, all waiting for the opening of Shura.

This phenomenon did not occur when Shura was ready to enter at any time.

Now, Shurao is only open every once in a while, so those who want to enter it can only be gathered together at this time.

The arrival of Jiang Yun naturally did not attract anyone's attention.

In fact, Jiang Yun’s character has always been low-key. In the Tianxiang world, it was only to collect the Tianxiang people, so they had to be strong.

Now, he has recovered the low-key of the weekday, just like a very ordinary monk.

However, although Jiang Yun is low-key, but this way, he also knows that he now has some fame in this southwestern wilderness.

Naturally, because of the strong performance in the Tianxiang people, especially the killing of the two people of the Fire Lions, the light of the holy stone was lighted and was passed down by many foreign monks who were present at the time.

In order to avoid trouble, he had to change his appearance and enter the Flying City with the crowds.

Jiang Yun did not know that just as he stepped into the Flying Star City, a young man who was even more inconspicuous than him was quietly behind him!

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