The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2097: Entering the inner city

The power contained in this palm is several times stronger than the first palm of Nangong.

Although Jiang Yun was pale, his face looked extremely calm. He looked at the endless yin that had to be torn into pieces, and raised his palm again.

Still the blazing flame leaped from the palm of the hand, hitting the yin wind in front of it, destroying the yin wind, Jiang Yun's body shape was once again shaken back, and even the blood at the corner of the mouth was dripping.

"Ha ha ha!"

Nangong fluttered proudly and laughed: "Today, I am afraid you are not here!"

Seeing here, although the audience did not know Jiang Yun, it was a pity that he could not help him at the moment.

Because anyone can see it, Tianyuan’s action on the source platform, using all efforts, and two consecutive attacks, Jiang Yun can not die, it is reasonable to say that it has broken into the inner city.

However, the previous Jiang Yun three people disrespected this Nangong flight, so that the other party is obviously not ready to let Jiang Yun enter the inner city, let Jiang Yun directly sneak out of the site of the Xuan Yin people.

Luo Guang and Ba Jiang are even more anxious.

They are not worried about whether Jiang Yun can enter the inner city, but worry that Jiang Yun will be killed by the Xuan Yin people.

However, despite the anxiety, they all know that even Jiang Yun is not an opponent. Then, if they go up, they will not be able to help, or even die faster.

Luo Guang brows his wrinkles and talks to himself: "No, it should be! This Nangong fly only has Tianyuan triple, and the strength of the big brother may not be his opponent?"

Ba Jiang did not listen to him at all, his hands clenched into fists, and the thumb of his right hand constantly rubbed a ring he wore. There was a Tianyuan Dan that Jiang Yun gave him.

He can't wait to swallow Tianyuan Dan now, let himself enter Tianyuan, and then fly to Nangong in front of Jiang Yun.

At this time, Jiang Yun suddenly said: "Is there a limit to the inner city?"

"Is it difficult to let me endlessly accept your attacks like this?"

Nangong flew coldly and smiled: "Why, I still haven't died yet?"

"Well, in order to avoid someone saying that I am bullying, relying on strong bullying, as long as you take my hand again, I will pass you!"

Nangong Fei raised his hand for the third time and prepared to shoot another shot toward Jiang Yun!

However, just in the moment when Nangong Fei just raised his palm, Jiang Yun, who had originally retired to a few feet away, suddenly appeared in front of him and jumped to the other side.

Jiang Yun’s fist is beyond the expectations of everyone.

Because Jiang Yun, who has been injured in anyone who wants to come, should condense all the strengths to pick up the last hand of Nangong.

However, Jiang Yun turned out to take the initiative to attack!

However, many people's faces are showing appreciation.

A Tianyuan strong person nodded: "The third chapter of the Xuanyin people will inevitably be stronger than the first two palms."

"If he really waits to pick up, it will never be able to pick up."

"But now he is taking the lead and taking the initiative to attack, so that Nangongfei has not had time to use all the power, so it is very likely that he will take this hand."

"Yes, it's better to fight back than to sit up and wait. This kid, although looks mediocre, but the combat experience is quite rich!"

It turns out that these people are right!

Nangong Fei did not think that Jiang Yun even dared to take the initiative to attack, and Jiang Yun’s fist also used all his strength, even if he was not afraid, but if he was beaten by this punch, his face would be lost, so he Only the palms that converge half of the power can be greeted by Jiang Yun’s fist.


Jiang Yun’s body flew straight out, and Luo Guang and Ba Jiang both exclaimed: “Big Brother!”

The two men flew together and caught Jiang Yun's body, and the strength of the two men was still retreated by the strength of Jiang Yun's body, until they retired from the dozens of feet and then barely stopped.

"Big brother, how are you?"

"I'm fine!"

Jiang Yun opened his mouth and spit it out. It was obviously extremely heavy.

Even so, he struggled to break free from the support of the two, stood there, staring calmly at the Nangong Feidao: "I am now able to enter the inner city?"

Nangong Fei’s eyes glared at Jiang Yun, and his eyes sparkled with cold light.

Although he really did not want Jiang Yun to enter the inner city, but he personally said that Jiang Yun just took over his third palm, even if he had passed.

Today, Jiang Yun is doing it in a tricky way, but after all, it is the next, so he can only sneer: "Yes, you can enter, but now you are like this, after entering, it is sure to die!"

Jiang Yun did not care about him at all, and he staggered before the closed city gate: "Open the city gate!"

Nangong flies a bite: "Open the gate and let him in!"


Four Xuanyin people opened the city gate, and under the gaze of all kinds of complex meanings, Jiang Yun took Luo Guang and Ba Jiang two people and strode into the city gate and entered the city. city.

With the rear gate closed again, the two people in Bajiang rushed to come over again and wanted to help Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun is reaching out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. The swaying figure is also stabilized. He smiles at the two people and said: "I am really fine!"

It’s true that Jiang Yun, who is like nothing, is a glimpse of Ba Jiang and Luo Guangxian, but then Luo Guang suddenly realized: “Big brother is deliberately weak!”

Just now Luo Guang felt strange that the Nangong flight was not repaired by Tianyuan Sanyuan. Jiang Yun could not be beaten so badly.

Now he understands that Jiang Yun deliberately concealed his strength.

In order to hide his identity, Jiang Yun also has to hide his own strength.

After all, there are very few very few sources in the source of the Internet.

If you don't have a wound, then as long as these people see themselves standing together with Nangong Huaiyu, they will inevitably think that they are Jiang Yun.

At this moment, a Xuan Yin woman appeared in front of the three people, and politely said to the three people: "Three, can tell me now, are you invited by any ethnic group of our family?"

Although the woman did not know that Jiang Yun had hidden her strength, she witnessed Jiang Yun’s takeover of Nangong’s three palms, but it changed her impression of Jiang Yun.

As a monk, of course, you will respect powerful people!

Jiang Yun looked around, although there are many Xuanyin people here, but at least there are no foreign monks, so this lowered the voice: "Nangong Huaiyu!"


When Jiang Yun reported the name of Nangong Huaiyu, the woman couldn’t help but exclaimed: "You, you are the person who is invited by Huaiyu sister to help the boxer?"

Although Jiang Yun was a bit strange, the woman’s reaction was a bit big, but she didn’t think much. She nodded. “Yes, I have already entered the inner city. Naturally, it is impossible to tell lies.”

"Please also trouble the girl, find the girl in Nangong for me, and say that the old person was invited."

However, the woman is anxious: "What are you looking for, you still have to go to see my sister Huaiyu!"

After the talk, the woman turned to the front and rushed to the front, and Jiang Yun three face each other, do not understand why the other party is so anxious.

However, they naturally did not have time to ask, they could only follow the woman and ran towards the inner city.

As the figure of the four disappeared, the figure of the middle-aged man emerged, watching the direction in which the four disappeared. The brow frowned: "He turned out to be the helper of Nangong Huaiyu? How? Never heard from Nangong Huaiyu?"

"I knew that he was invited by Nangong Huaiyu, and I should start with a little more!"

"However, he has been hurt, not afraid at all, plus Xue Jingyang is here, this mysterious woman, there must be no moon!"

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