The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2098: Two major masters

At this moment, on the upper floor of the Xuanyin family's inner city, Nangong Huaiyu stood there, his mouth closed and his face reluctant.

Standing beside her, her mother-in-law is full of sadness.

The old man’s mouth opened several times, clearly wanting to say something, but in the end he was helpless to close, even a little voice did not dare to send out, just looked up at the first place on the main hall, sitting a middle-aged beauty woman!

Although this beautiful woman looks beautiful and graceful, but at the moment, the face that does not see the traces of the years is full of anger, exudes a temperament that is not angry and powerful.

However, as she watched the depths of Nangong Huaiyu's eyes, she had a hint of helplessness and kindness!

The middle-aged woman secretly took a breath and said to the Nangong Huaiyu: "This time the mysterious woman trial is your only chance."

"If you don't invite foreign masters to help each other, even if you want to participate alone, you really don't know what you think!"

"If you fail to test, you can't be a mysterious woman. In the future, even if it is me, there is no way to give you any care."

Nangong Huaiyu’s neck raised: “I don’t need anybody’s care, I can’t be a mysterious girl, and I will live well.”

"You!" The beautiful woman sank and looked at the old man, and there was a stern stern in her eyes: "I let you look at her, but you used her to be like this!"

The old man hurriedly bowed to the beautiful woman: "Actually, in fact, Huaiyu invited a foreign monk, but the other party, I am afraid it is not coming!"

The beautiful woman glimpsed a little, and her brow wrinkled: "Who did she invite? Why can't she come?"

The old man smiled and said: "Huaiyu invited... Jiang Yun!"

"Jiang Yun?"

After the woman repeated the name, she suddenly angered: "Noisy!"

"You can help him in the Danding world. Now that Jiang Yun is already a common enemy of the six ethnic groups in the Southwestern Wilderness, others can't hide too much, and you dare to invite him to help you participate in the trial!"

"This time, Xue Qianxi has been looking for me several times. It is clear that I want to explore the origins of Jiang Yun from your mouth."

"Tell you, if you are not the daughter of my Nangong dream, you have already been taken away by him!"

Nangong dream, Xuan Yin will be the patriarch!

For foreign monks who know Nangong Huaiyu, they only think that Nangong Huaiyu is the Tianjiao of the Xuanyin.

But in fact, the true identity of Nangong Huaiyu is the only daughter of the Xuankang patriarch!

Because the patriarch of the Xuanyin family is not hereditary, but ultimately elected from the mysterious woman.

Therefore, even if Nangong Huaiyu is the daughter of the patriarch, there is no privilege in the Xuanyin.

Even, like other tribes, you need to participate in the Xuan Nuo trials, first obtain the identity of the Xuan female, and then qualify for the position of the patriarch.

As a patriarch, Nangong Dream should treat all ethnic groups equally, but after all, Nangong Huaiyu is her daughter.

She certainly hopes that her daughter can inherit her position and become the next Xuan Yin patriarch.

Naturally, she also attaches great importance to this Xuan female trial.

Seeing that tomorrow's trial is about to begin, she deliberately found Nangong Huaiyu and asked her how she prepared.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Huaiyu was prepared to participate in the Xuan Nuo trial alone, which made her feel worried and angry!

Seeing that Nangong Huaiyu lowered his head and did not speak, Nangong dream forced the anger to say: "I just heard that no moon has invited Xue Jingyang as a person to help the boxing. As a result, Jiang Yun can't help you! ”

"I have already notified Heng Yulong, he will arrive soon, and will accompany you to participate in the trial tomorrow!"

The Xuanyin people are the generals. There are three slaves under their jurisdiction. Hengyulong is one of the slaves and has strong strength and has entered the heavens.

"I don't want it!" However, Nangong Huaiyu shook his head hard: "If you let Heng Yulong come, then I would rather not participate in the Xuan female trial."

Regarding the attitude of Nangong Huaiyu, the old man on the side could not help but sigh.

She is watching Nangong Huaiyu grow up from a young age, and only she knows best. The relationship between Nangong Huaiyu and her mother is not good.

As for the reason, it is involved in her father!

In order to become a patriarch, Nangong Dream can be said to be a fool.

Although Nangong Dream did make up for it afterwards, Nangong Huaiyu, who knew the truth of the matter, could never forgive her mother.

Moreover, Nangong Huaiyu is also a talented person. Nangong Dream believes that she is qualified to inherit the position of the patriarch and has placed high hopes on her.

Nowadays, this mysterious female trial is indeed extremely important. Every female tribe of Xuanyin has only one chance in her life. It is impossible for Nangong Dream to let Nangong Huaiyu be reckless.

Seeing her daughter refused, Nangong’s dream brows, and the anger that has always been suppressed will burst out.

However, her brow suddenly wrinkled: "The sword is coming!"

"There is Xue Jingyang first, now it is a sword, how can I not know, the arrogance of my family, when is the relationship with the young masters of the great generals!"

Tu Jian, sword butcher less master.

As can be seen from his name, his position in the sword butcher is almost the next patriarch.

The nine masters of the tribe, although all of them are very famous, but the most famous ones are Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian!

Because among the nine major generals, the Danyang people are the richest, and the sword butchers have the strongest strength.

As the only young master of the sword butcher, the sword is even considered by many to be the most powerful existence of the younger generation of the entire Southwestern wilderness.

Of course, this is just a guess of the good guys.

The youngest of the nine great generals, who is the strongest, no one knows.

As a young master, they all have their own needs to be scrupulous, and there is no chance to compete on the same stage.

After all, if you lose to other young people, you will not lose them alone, but the entire ethnic group, so under normal circumstances, the nine ethnic groups will try to avoid encounters.

When I heard the dream of Nangong, the old man said with a slight sigh: "The sword is also coming, he should not be invited by Nangong!"

Nangong dreamed and nodded: "Yes, it is the Nangong 瑾萱 invited."

This time, the Xuan Yin people's mysterious female trials are most likely to become mysterious women. There are three people.

Nangong Huaiyu, Nangong Temple and Nangong No Moon!

Nangong Huaiyu is the daughter of the patriarch, while the other two are the daughters of the elders!

Even the mothers of Nangong Wuyue and Nangong Temple lost to Nangong Dream that year, so now they obviously hope to defeat Nangong Huaiyu and revenge for their mothers in the trial of the Xuan female.

Nangong Meng stretched his finger and gently tapped the armrest of the chair: "Tu Jian and Xue Jingyang are not so good!"

The foreign monks risked death to help the Xuankang people participate in the trial of the Xuan female. It is impossible to come in vain, but to have a plot.

"With Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian as two people, they can impress them. I am afraid that there will be only future cooperation!"

"If the expectations are not bad, and you have no moon, they should use the interests of the ethnic group in order to become a mysterious woman, and give them a promise to Xue Jingyang!"

"Huai Yu, tomorrow's mysterious woman trial, whether you want it or not, you must let Heng Yulong accompany you."

"This is not for you, nor for me, but for the sake of our Xuan Yin people will not become the fat in the mouth of the Danyang and Swordsmen!"

Nangong Huaiyu is silent!

Although she does not care about becoming a mysterious woman, even for the position of the patriarch, she is still very passionate about her own ethnic group.

She also knows that the mother is telling the truth.

No matter whether Nangong has no moon and two people, who will eventually become a mysterious woman, I am afraid that both the sword and Xue Jingyang will be qualified to intervene in the Xuanyin family!

To stop this from happening, you must defeat them and become a mysterious woman.

Just, Heng Yulong plus himself, can really beat them?

Nangong Huaiyu shook his head silently, and said in his heart: "If it is him, there may be a chance."

Just then, a sudden voice came from outside the hall: "Huaiyu sister, Huaiyue sister, the old man you invited is here!"

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