The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2099: Peach

The sound of this rushing voice rang all the three women above the main hall.

In particular, Nangong Huaiyu, after a sigh of relief, was unable to control the heart and accelerated the beating.

There is only one person invited by myself, Jiang Yun!

Is it true that Jiang Yun is coming?

Taking a deep breath, Nangong Huaiyu forced himself to hold his inner excitement and wanted to make himself as if nothing had happened, but the trembling voice was selling her emotions.

"Please, please ask him to enter..." Halfway, Nangong Huaiyu hurriedly changed his voice: "No, let him wait outside the temple, I will see him."

Here, after all, I still sit with my mother.

The patriarch of the Xuanyin family is a foreigner who can see it.

After that, Nangong Huaiyu did not have time to greet her mother, and the whole person could not wait to rush out.

What kind of character is Nangong Dream? Naturally, I can see the excitement of Nangong Huaiyu, and her eyes are slightly lifted, and a deep sense of light flashes through the depths of her eyes.

Although she knows that her daughter has some resentment against herself, she naturally wants her daughter to be happy as a mother.

At the moment, the performance of Nangong Huaiyu has already shown that she is affectionate to Jiang Yun.

Although I can easily see the situation outside the temple with the knowledge of Nangong Dream, what is her identity and where she can make such a thing, so she turned her head and looked at the old saying: "What do you think, Jiang Yun ?"

The old man’s face was also full of shocked colors. When he heard the dream of Nangong, this time he came back to the gods: “This act is overbearing, but it has the courage to do something, not worse than the great patriots of the great generals!”

For everything that Jiang Yun has done, Laojiao is witnessed by his own eyes, and his heart is truly admired.

Nangong dream is a brow: "That's it?"

The old man was slightly indulged and immediately understood the meaning of Nangong Dream.

The man who sees the daughter of the Xuan Yin patriarch, if it is only stronger than the patriotism of the family, it can not be said!

Therefore, the old man hurriedly said again: "Even if the major generals are less masters, there are few who can overcome him!"

The eyebrows that Nangong Meng twisted slightly relaxed down: "That is better than Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian?"

"This..." The old man hesitated for a long time and said: "It should still be worse!"

Although Laojiao really admires Jiang Yun, his understanding of Jiang Yun is limited.

Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian are the strongest among the younger generations in the Southwestern Wilderness.

When she wants to come, take Jiang Yun and them, naturally there are still some gaps.

In the eyes of Nangong Dream, there was a disappointing color, but he nodded again: "Xue Jingtu and Tu Jian, that are the resources of the two major families."

"Looking at the entire southwestern wasteland is also two of them, worse than them, it is justifiable."

"This is what happened in the Danding world. It is indeed quite good!"

"Now, under the circumstances of all sides, he is willing to help Huaiyu, and he should have some feelings for Huaiyu."

"Just don't know, he really likes Huaiyu, or he has a plot for Huaiyu. Hey, this kind of thing, care is chaotic!"

"Like this, you let Huai Yu bring Jiang Yun to come and meet me!"

The old man’s body couldn’t help but tremble slightly. The old face showed a touch of joy. She was happy for Nangong Huaiyu.

Even Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian, the patriarchs did not let them see, but now they are willing to meet Jiang Yun, this is not because of the importance attached to Jiang Yun, but to the face of Nangong Huaiyu!

"Yes!" The old man promised, and hurriedly went outside the hall.

At the same time, Nangong Huaiyu is like a stupid, looking at the three strangers standing in front of you!

Where is this Jiang Yun!

I have never even seen these three people.

Jiang Yun and other three people are also looking at Nangong Huaiyu, because when they saw Nangong Huaiyu, Nangong Huaiyu was hiding the true appearance.

However, Nangong Huaiyu was just too excited and forgot to re-appear the appearance, so even if it was Jiang Yun, it was a bit unwilling to confirm.

Or the Xuanyin woman who was responsible for bringing the three people to the road: "Don't you say that you were invited by Huaiyu's sister? How do you feel like you don't know now!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly, and two medicinal herbs appeared in the palm of his hand. He was flatly handed to the front of Nangong Huaiyu.

"This Dan is named Tianyuan Dan. It was made from Tianyuan Fruit and is now sent to Nangong Girl. Thanks to the Nangong girl for helping me!"

Tianyuan fruit!

When I heard these three words, the eyes of Nangong Huaiyu suddenly became brighter and finally understood. The person in front of me was indeed Jiang Yun, but it changed her appearance.

After all, Tianyuan fruit, all were robbed by Jiang Yun alone.

After confirming that this person is Jiang Yun, Nangong Huaiyu looks at the two Tianyuan fruits again, and the light in his eyes is brighter.

For Jiang Yun, sending these two Tianyuan Dan is indeed to thank Nangong Huaiyu for his help. It is also a matter that he has already decided, but in the view of Nangong Huaiyu, it is not like this.

Tianyuan Dan, that is invaluable, and he did not give Jiang Yun any help at all, but Jiang Yun was so generous to give him two Tianyuan Dan.

Among them, is there any other meaning?

Although there is a desire to refuse, but under the ghosts, Nangong Huaiyu has already reached out and took two Tianyuan Dan, a little shy: "that Huaiyu is disrespectful!"

"Huai Yu, your mother please..."

At this time, the old man also followed, and half of the words suddenly stopped.

First, because she saw Tianyuan Dan in the hands of Nangong Huaiyu, and second, she saw the "unfamiliar" Jiang Yun.

Until Nangong Huaiyu nodded to her, she continued: "Please come in and see!"

When I heard the old man, Nangong Huaiyu’s face showed a strange color, and then he looked at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun did not know who the mother of Nangong Huaiyu was, but since the other person is an elder and wants to see himself, he certainly cannot refuse.

"Well, since you are here, you should meet your predecessors!"

Therefore, Jiang Yun asked Bajiang and Luo Guang to wait in the same place, and they followed the Nangong Huaiyu and Laojiao, and walked toward the front hall.

Jiang Yun is calm, but the expression on the face of Nangong Huaiyu is both exciting and embarrassing.

Excited, naturally because Jiang Yun really came!

Originally, she had not had any hope for the Xuan female trial, but who could think of the last moment, Jiang Yun turned out to be like the gods and soldiers!

Hey, I am worried about my strong mother, will it be difficult for Jiang Yun!

In this way, the group finally came to the main hall.

Looking at the Nangong dream sitting on the top, Jiang Yun’s eyes could not help but flash.

Although the other party did not give off the slightest breath, but Jiang Yun's eyesight is old and powerful, and it has been vaguely felt. The strength of the other side seems to be similar to that of Shura and Xue Qianxi.

Step into the virtual world!

The mother of Nangong Huaiyu turned out to be a strong man!

After understanding this point, Jiang Yun also guessed the identity of the other party, but still not humble and hugged a fist: "The younger generation Jiang Yun, see the Nangong predecessors!"

Anyway, there are no outsiders here, Jiang Yun also simply used his real name!

After Jiang Yun stepped into the hall, the eyes of Nangong Dream always looked at Jiang Yun.

She naturally saw that Jiang Yun’s appearance had changed, and she couldn’t see it!

She also saw that Jiang Yun’s cultivation was only a source of strength, but it was somewhat weak.

However, Nangong Dream certainly does not show up. With Jiang Yun straight up, she whispered: "Since it is here, why not reveal the true face?"

Jiang Yun calmly said: "In order to avoid giving myself, I also avoid unnecessary troubles for Nangong girls and nobles!"

Nangong dreamed quietly and asked: "If you know that there is trouble, why should you come?"

"I voted for peach, reported it to Li! When Dan Dingjie, Nangong girl helped me, now that Nangong girl needs me to contribute, I naturally come."

Nangong dream smiled and said: "Is that all the time?"

After Jiang Yunwei hesitated, Lang said: "In addition, the younger generation also wants to ask Nangong girl to help!"

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