The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2100: Trial content

Jiang Yun’s words made Nangong’s eyes flash a touch of indifference.

She was originally thinking about it. Jiang Yun came to Xuanyin at this time. It was just to help his daughter, or to have another picture.

Now, Jiang Yun actually has other requirements, which of course makes her feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, she can even imagine that Jiang Yun’s help for Nangong Huaiyu will be extremely important.

Otherwise, Jiang Yun can't risk such a big risk to help Nangong Huaiyu.

"Oh?" However, the tone of Nangong's dream is that he can't hear the slightest change: "What do you want Huaiyu to do, can you tell me?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "I will wait until after the Xuan female trials!"

Please ask Nangong Huaiyu to introduce the drums and help the ethnic groups led by them to become the generals. This kind of thing is too great.

Even if Jiang Yun has the confidence to win, Nangong Huaiyu will become a mysterious woman, but at this time, in front of the Xuanyin tribe, he can't say it.

As Shura said, the nine great generals do not want to see another genus in the southwestern wasteland.

If you say it now, even if Nangong Dream is the mother of Nangong Huaiyu, Jiang Yun is not sure if she will kill herself immediately.

Jiang Yun’s refusal to answer makes the dissatisfaction of Nangong’s dream face more intense.

However, in her capacity, she can't force Jiang Yun to say it, so she can only change her question: "Although Huaiyu is very valued to you, I want to know that for this mysterious woman's trial, you will How many things are you sure?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "I don't know, do my best!"

This is not Jiang Yun modesty, but the truth!

Up to now, he has even the specific content of the Xuan Nuo trials, even those opponents he will face, all know nothing, and what to say!

It’s a pity that his truth has made Nangong’s face finally completely gloomy, and his eyes narrowed slightly: “You are a guest, you have worked hard all the way, let Huaiyu take you to rest!”

"The younger generation is saying goodbye!"

Jiang Yun also saw that Nangong Dream was obviously not satisfied with himself, but he was too lazy to explain, and he could not show his strength!

Show strength in front of the sturdy and powerful, this kind of thing to do the axe, Jiang Yun will not do it!

With Nangong Huaiyu leaving with Jiang Yun, Nangong Dream once again looked at the old saying: "Are you sure that he can fight Tianyuan?"

The old man replied: "Even if it is not, but the power of World War I is there!"

"The power of World War I!"

Nangong Meng slightly frowned: "If there is no Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian, the power of the battle may have a chance, but there are two of them..."

Nangong Meng shook his head and said: "After waiting for Hengyulong to come, let them both try it!"

The old man did not answer immediately, but was silent for a moment before he cautiously said: "The patriarch, even though Jiang Yun is not as good as Heng Yulong, but Huaiyu will never agree to participate in the trial with Heng Yulong."

"It is better to let Jiang Yun go with Huaiyu!"

Nangong dreams a cold, but even if the eyes are closed, the same silence for a long time, gently nodded!


On the night, Xuan Yin’s inner city was brightly lit, and the Xuanyin people held a grand banquet for the natives and foreigners who will participate in the Xuan Nuo trial tomorrow.

Jiang Yun really does not like such an occasion, coupled with his own identity, he did not go, but stayed at the residence, listening to Nangong Huaiyu to explain the content of the Xuan Nuo trial.

Xuan female trials, just like the drug **** war, once in a hundred years!

Every female tribe has a chance to participate in her life.

Naturally, this means that in fact, there are not only one Xuanyin female, but many.

All mysterious women also have the qualification to compete for the patriarch.

Among the inner cities of the Xuanyin people, there is a Xuanyan Grotto, hidden in the depths of the earth, with a depth of nine layers.

Xuanyan Grottoes have also always been the place of trials for the Xuan Nuo trials.

Inside the Xuanyin Grottoes, there is the source of the power of the Xuanyin family.

Under the breeding of this source of power, Xuan Yin Cave can produce a kind of Xuanyin gas, which is good for the cultivation of Xuanyin people.

The task of the Xuan Nuo trial is to collect the scent of Xuanyin, and the final competition is also the number of people who collect it.

Moreover, as long as you don't kill your own family, you can also **** the scent of others.

However, in addition to the scent of Xuanyin, Xuanyin Cave will also create a monster named Haze.

Invisible and inferior, no gods, only know the power of guarding Xuanyin.

The most important thing is that the haze has a great effect on the power of Xuanyin, which is almost equivalent to the natural enemies of the Xuanyin people.

This is also the reason why the mysterious female trial will ask the foreign monks to help.

This time, the mysterious female trial, a total of ninety-nine people participated, the highest is the source of heaven, the lowest is the source of the territory.

The foreign monks who came to help the boxing are also limited to these two realms.

The mysterious woman trial is divided into two rounds.

The first round is the place to enter the Xuanyin Cave. In the end, 90 people will be eliminated and the remaining nine.

In the second round, these nine people, together with their helpers, directly tested by force. Whoever can win will become a mysterious woman.

It sounds like this kind of comparison is obviously extremely unfair. It is impossible to have a hope of winning by letting the source and the heavens fight.

But in fact, the power of Xuanyin can temporarily let the monks improve their strength!

Whether it is Xuanyin or a foreign monk, you can use the power of Xuanyin to enhance your strength.

However, the improvement of this strength is limited to the inner city of Xuanyin. Once you leave the inner city, the strength of ascension will disappear immediately.

Therefore, this means that in the first round of the test, the more the collection of Xuanyin's gas, the stronger the strength will be, so that in the second round of the test, there is greater hope. Conquer the opponent.

Nangong Huaiyu looked at Jiang Yundao with apologetic apologetics: "When the Xuan female trials, the danger of our Xuanyin people comes from the haze, and the danger of your foreign monks comes from other people."

"I think, you should also know that Xuanyin people can kill you, but you can't kill the Xuanyin people."

"The whole process of trials will be clear to the outside world. Once a foreign monk violates the rules, his companions will pay the price."

"So, you must be careful tomorrow, don't worry too much about me. After all, there are Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian."

"Although they don't know your true identity, you help me, they are their enemies, and they will never mind killing you!"

Jiang Yun nodded. "I know, you can rest assured that since I dare to come, I have naturally considered all the consequences."

Nangong Huaiyu thought for a moment: "Right, above the hall, you said something is going to help me, can you say now?"

"I am afraid, I can't do it!"

For Nangong Dream, Jiang Yun does not say anything, but it is necessary to say to Nangong Huaiyu.

"My ethnic group wants to be a general, so I hope that you can help me to give me a drum!"

The face of Nangong Huaiyu suddenly showed a shocking color. She naturally knew what the drums meant, but she did not expect that Jiang Yun’s ethnic group would like to worship!

However, thinking of Jiang Yun's ethnic group is a hidden world group, Jiang Yunben is to challenge the four great arrogance for the sake of the group's reputation, and maintain a strong position, so Nangong Huaiyu is relieved.

Although Nangong Huaiyu is a tribe, but after all, it is not a patriarch, nor will he mind that there will be another family in the southwestern wasteland.

"Just, unless I become a mysterious woman, I am not qualified to ask for a drum!"

Jiang Yun knows that Nangong Huaiyu has promised, and smiled slightly: "So, tomorrow's trial, I will do my best to help you become a mysterious girl!"


Early the next morning, nearly 200 people stood there on a large square in the inner city of Xuanyin.

And around the square, there are hundreds of thousands of people gathered!

Xuan Yin will test the mysterious females of the family, and will open soon!

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