The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2104: Xuanyin

Xuanyan Grottoes, although underground, have a large area, like an independent world. There are mountains and waters.

Even the gray sky was faintly shining.

At this moment, Jiang Yun and Nan Gong Huai Yu are in a mountain.

It is clearly visible, there is a rolling mountain in front, and there is a black river not far away, which flows slowly.

At the same time as Jiang Yun’s eyes looked around, the knowledge of God was immediately released.

Here, the gods are clearly subject to certain restrictions, extremely erratic and unstable, and the area that can be covered is only about a thousand feet, not as far as the eyes.

Today, within this range of thousands of feet, in addition to himself and Nangong Huaiyu, there is no third person.

Obviously, the ninety-nine groups were randomly sent into the Xuanyin Cave. No one knows the specific location of others.

The sound of Nangong Huaiyu also sounded in his ear.

"The gods in the Xuanyin Grottoes are limited, and the haze is also invisible to the gods. They will be hidden in nothingness and anywhere, so be very careful."

At the same time, Nangong Huaiyu handed Jiang Yun a slap-sized white jade card: "This is Xuanyin, Xuanyin, we can not directly absorb, can only use this token to absorb and save."

"Although the only exit of Xuanyan Grottoes is on the ninth floor, if you are in danger, you can also crush the Xuanyin Order and be able to leave directly."

"But, without the Xuanyin Order, it is equal to being directly eliminated. This life has no chance of becoming a mysterious woman!"

"Although the power of Xuanyin is everywhere, but the depth of the Xuanyin Cave, the more intense the spirit of Xuanyin, now all of us are on the first floor, we must find the next layer as soon as possible. of……"

Just as the Nangong Huaiyu lingering for Jiang Yun explained the situation in this Xuanyan Cave, Jiang Yun suddenly reached out and went straight to Nangong Huaiyu.

Not only interrupted the words of Nangong Huaiyu, but also changed her face.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun’s fingers rubbed the cheeks of Nangong Huaiyu.

When I retracted it, my fingertips had already caught a small snake that was smashed out of nothingness!

This little snake has a black body. After being caught by Jiang Yun, it is still twisting the body, and Jiang Yun can feel his body is strong, not like illusion.


Seeing the little snake held in the hands of Jiang Yun, the face of Nangong Huaiyu became paler.

If it is not Jiang Yun who notices the existence of this little snake and seizes it, then it is very likely that he has just entered this Xuanyan Grottoes and will be attacked by this little snake.

Although it will not die, it will inevitably affect oneself and weaken one's strength.

At this moment, Nangong Huaiyu felt deeply feared that she had wanted to experiment with the mysterious woman alone.

I came in alone, not to say that I wanted to pass the trial, I am afraid that it is possible to throw my life in this Xuanyan Grotto.

"This is... haze?"

Jiang Yun did not care about the idea of ​​Nangong Huaiyu. His gaze was just staring at the little snake that was constantly twisting and still spitting a black snake letter to himself.

"Yes, this is the haze!"

Nangong Huaiyu nodded: "The haze can appear in any image, most of them are beasts, but humans may also appear."

"Their strength and image do not matter, but as the Xuanyin Cave goes down, the strength of the haze that appears is stronger."

"There is also the power of Xuanyin in the body of the haze!"

Upon hearing the explanation of Nangong Huaiyu, Jiang Yun’s brow slightly wrinkled: “What is the source of your Xuan Yin’s power?”

Although Nangong Huaiyu did not understand why Jiang Yun would ask this question that almost everyone knows, but still honestly replied: "Xuanyinzhu!"

Jiang Yun then asked: "When you kill this little snake, you can get the spirit of Xuanyin?"


Jiang Yun reached out and squeezed it. The body of the snake immediately exploded, and a black gas escaped from it.

Nangong Huaiyu hurriedly said: "Quickly use Xuanyin to collect."

Jiang Yun did not hurry to collect, but after looking at this 缕 缕 之 之 定 定 定 定 定 定 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了

This 缕 缕 之 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕 缕

Nangong Huaiyu said: "In general, as long as the Xuanyin order is blackened, it is basically able to enter the top nine."

"If there are two people whose black-and-white orders are all black, it depends on the length of time spent, thus setting a more specific ranking."

Jiang Yun suddenly smiled: "The premise is that you must be sure to leave here with Xuan Yin!"

Although Jiang Yun does not know the Xuan Yin people, is it really only the Xuanyin order can be used to absorb the scent of Xuanyin.

However, in this way, in the Xuanyin Grottoes, it is convenient for others to snatch.

Even, you can completely enter the exit of the ninth floor of Xuanyan Grotto and wait for it to rob others of the Xuan Yin order.

I believe that someone will definitely do this!

After thinking about it, Jiang Yun continued to ask: "What is the shape of this Xuanyan Grotto?"

"The shape of the inverted triangle, the lower the area, the smaller the area, the greater the probability that we and other people will encounter!"

“Every layer leads to the next level, how many entrances?”


"Now, we must reach the depths of the Xuanyin Caves as quickly as possible. On the way, you should not care about anything other than collecting the scent of Xuanyin!"

Since Nangong Huaiyu will not be killed by other monks, it is natural for her to collect enough Xuanyin.

After whispering a whisper to Nangong Huaiyu, Jiang Yun immediately chose a direction and galloped away.

And Nangong Huai Yuxi’s follower behind him, looked at him with vigilance.

Apparently, the little snake just made her feel awkward, and she was worried that there would be a haze out of nothingness.

But soon she knew that her fears were completely redundant.

Because Jiang Yun can always know the haze hidden in nothingness, and shoot and kill.

Just half an hour later, Jiang Yun has killed more than 20 haze, and found a few Xuanyin gas, and even successfully found an entrance to the second floor of Xuanyan Grottoes.

Although Nangong Huaiyu does not know how fast others collect the heat of Xuanyin, she feels that Jiang Yun’s speed should be extremely fast.

Indeed, Jiang Yun and her collection speed is very fast.

Even the amount of Xuanyin's gas obtained today is even more stable!

Because, at this moment, Xue Jingyang, who has brought Nangong no moon, is on the third floor of Xuanyan Grottoes, and continues to rush to the fourth floor.

It’s just that he and Nangong’s Xuanyin’s hand in the hands of the moon are still white and innocent, and have not collected a sinister atmosphere!

Obviously, Xue Jingyang is ready to rush to the ninth floor at the fastest speed.

On the other entrance to the second floor of Xuanyan Grottoes, standing on the sword and Nangong Temple, the two did not rush into the second floor, but just stood there.

Two figures rushed to them and stopped.

Tu Jian looked at the two people coldly and said: "Either now I will crush the Xuanyin to go out, or I will fight you out!"

This sentence made the two people's faces change. Although they didn't want to go out, they looked at the sword. They knew that the sword would definitely be said to be done, so they could only unscrupulously crush the Xuanyin order.

Naturally, the small amount of Xuanyin gas collected in their Xuanyin order is also occupied by the sword.

Tu Jian, the lord of the family, does not rush into the Xuanyin Cave, but chooses to reduce the opponent as much as possible!

The two young masters, each using different methods, began their mysterious women's trials.

Jiang Yun is also in accordance with his own method, with Nangong Huaiyu all the way to kill the haze, while collecting the spirit of Xuanyin.

One day later, the two had entered the fifth floor of the Xuanyin Cave.

When I got here, Jiang Yun’s footsteps stopped and whispered: “Someone is dead!”

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