The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2105: Haze


When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Nan Gong’s body could not help but tremble.

Along the way, they met several groups of other people, but they did not play against each other, but chose to avoid each other.

After all, the first task for everyone today is to collect the spirit of Xuanyin.

But I did not expect that on this fifth floor, there have been people who have died.

Sure enough, two corpses lay in a mountain not far from the front.

One of them is a Xuanyin people!

Looking at the body, Nangong Huaiyu’s face showed a sad color: “It’s the Nangong’s soft helper, they are killed by the haze!”

Haze, for the Xuanyin people have restraint.

If the helper found is not a haze opponent, then once the helper dies, the Xuan yin will have a great chance of falling.


Jiang Yun did not give Nangong Huaiyu a sad time. After sweeping the body, she took her to continue searching for the entrance to the next floor.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yun, Nangong Huaiyu suddenly found himself ignoring one thing.

Many hazes are hidden in nothingness. In the case where God does not see them, it is necessary to be careful. It is extremely normal to be attacked and injured.

A few waves of people who have encountered before, even those who are strong in the natural world, have more or less injuries.

But Jiang Yun started by grabbing the little snake. Until now, don’t say that he was hurt, and the haze couldn’t even touch his side.

It seems that Jiang Yun always knows their existence in advance, and that the shot is a blow!

Before, Nangong Huaiyu believed that Jiang Yun’s strength was strong and he did not think much, but now he saw his own people died here.

And as the distance deepens, the haze that appears, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and can already threaten their lives.

However, Jiang Yun is still able to know their position in advance, and it is still an easy blow.

To her feeling, it seems that Jiang Yun is the natural enemy of these haze!

However, Nangong Huaiyu feels that this idea is too ridiculous.

Because these hazes are derived from the power of their own ethnic groups, they are impossible to meet in the outside world. It is also the first time that Jiang Yun met them. How could they have restraint?

Although some did not believe it, Nangong Huaiyu began to secretly pay attention.

The following facts have increasingly verified the idea of ​​Nangong Huaiyu.

Because they started from the fifth floor, they saw more and more bodies.

Although most of them are foreign monks, there are also many Xuanyin people.

Although many of these bodies have died from the hands of foreign monks, they still die more than the hands of the haze!

And Jiang Yun, in the face of the haze, is still a hit!

It’s not just Nangong Huaiyu who saw this. Outside the Xuanyin Cave, the onlookers who are concerned about the situation inside, most of them are also seen.

Ninety-nine groups of monks who participated in the trial of the Xuan female have now had more than 20 deaths, and more than 20 groups have escaped from the Xuanyan Grottoes, leaving about half of them.

The most striking of this half, originally only Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian.

However, Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian have different strategies.

Coupled with their strength is recognized as the strongest, so there is not much killing experience.

But Jiang Yun is different. Jiang Yun took Nangong Huaiyu and chose a modest way. While walking towards the ninth floor of Xuanyan Grottoes, he collected all the haze and Xuanyin gas that he encountered along the way.

As a result, the number of haze they killed was the highest.

Even, they also encountered someone who wanted to grab their Xuan Yin order, which in turn was defeated by Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun did not kill them, but the Xuanyin gas obtained is already the most.

Nature has attracted more and more people's attention, and everyone has gradually discovered that Jiang Yun is much more relaxed than others when facing the haze.

Especially the Xuan Yin people!

Many of them have dealt with the haze, knowing the horror of the haze, so they are particularly surprised by the performance of Jiang Yun.

When Jiang Yun and Nangong Huaiyu entered the eighth floor of the Xuanyin Grottoes, even Nangong Dream could not help but frown, saying to himself: "This haze, even Xue Jingyang and When Tu Jian encounters, he must be careful to deal with it, but this Jiang Yun, even a blow will kill, what is going on?"

"Don't the power of the ethnic group to which he belongs can just restrain the haze?"

"If there is no Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian, then this time he really can help Huaiyu become a mysterious woman, just, now..."

Nangong dream shook his head and his face showed a hint of worry.

Under the gaze of everyone, Jiang Yun and Nan Gong Huai Yu finally came to the entrance to the ninth floor and stopped their bodies.

Jiang Yun looked at the Nangong Huaiyu Road: "There are no Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian on the road. I am afraid they should wait for us at the exit."

With the strength of Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian, keeping in the exit, it is indeed the most convenient way to wait for the Xuan Yin order to rob others.

After all, the two are the strongest, and no one is afraid of their opponent.

Even if I collected more Xuanyin, I will eventually be taken away by them.

Of course, there is no way to do it. It is to wait until the two have collected enough Xuanyin gas. After leaving the Xuanyin Cave, other people can naturally leave.

Nangong Huaiyu glanced at the Xuanyin order in his hand, which was almost full, and smiled slightly: "If you are too big, wait for them to leave, let us leave!"

"As long as the power of Xuanyin is sufficient, although the time is slow, it is still able to enter the top nine."

Jiang Yun asked: "Is the ranking of the top nine rankings, will there be any impact on the improvement of the second round of comparative strength?"


Nangong Huaiyu nodded: "The first place can get all the strength of the collected Xuanyin gas, the second is 90%, the third is 80%, and so on!"

Jiang Yun didn't ask again, but fell into meditation: "Good! That's not good, we will wait until they leave and leave."

When I heard Jiang Yun, the mood of Nangong Huaiyu was also relaxed a little.

In fact, Nangong Huaiyu was worried about Jiang Yun’s strong and overbearing personality, and he was unwilling to be coerced, so that they had a dispute with Xue Jingyang.

In particular, the former Tu Jian has already had a hatred with him. If you encounter Jiang Yun, then it is absolutely possible to kill Jiang Yun.

Since Jiang Yun has been willing to temporarily retreat, she certainly has a lot of peace of mind.

So, two people entered the ninth floor, and the sinister qi in the ninth floor was extremely rich.

Although the haze here is extraordinarily powerful, Jiang Yun is still an easy solution.

It didn't take long for the Xuanyin orders in both hands to become black.

Jiang Yundao: "Let's go, look at the exit!"

At the exit, the two really saw Xue Jingyang and Nangong no moon sitting there.

Beside the two men, there were also a few bodies of foreign monks.

Nangong Huaiyu did not dare to approach, and after a long glance, he hurriedly pulled Jiang Yun back.

This scene, seen by the outside world, can not help but shake their heads again and again, they also hope that Jiang Yun and Xue Jingyang can get started, so that they can see the strength gap between the two.

But I did not expect that Jiang Yun did not dare to face Xue Jingyang.

As a result, people who had some doubts about Jiang Yun’s identity also completely dispelled doubts.

Jiang Yun’s acting is hegemonic. If it’s really his, I can’t even have the courage to work with Xue Jingyang!

However, just as Jiang Yun and Nangong Huaiyu turned and prepared to leave the exit, Xue Jingyang suddenly turned to look at them and smiled slightly: "Hand over the Xuanyin Order, I will keep you from dying!"

As Xue Jingyang’s voice fell, Jiang Yun’s back followed a sneer: “Xue Jingyang, do you want to go with me?”

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