The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2116: Fortunately, not insulting


The turbid yellow spring circled around the body of Xue Jingyang and Jiang Yun and gradually became clear.

The force of time countercurrently permeated, not only let the Danyang stop spinning, but also make Xue Jingyang's face extremely incomparably ugly. Zhang mouth is a blood spout, and the body shape is violently shaken.

All the powers of Jiang Yun’s previous performances, with the reversal of time, have revived and re-emerged in Xue Jingyang’s body.

And more importantly, the Danyang suddenly stopped by the rotation, and the attack on Xue Jingyang was even greater.

The feeling for Xue Jingyang is like someone suddenly grabbed his hand and squeezed the heart that he was beating, and instantly cut off all his vitality!


An earth-shattering bang came, and the Danyang, which was condensed by the source lines above Xue Jingyang’s head, was finally blasted under the clear yellow spring!

Although Danyang is invisible, but after the explosion, it still broke out with amazing power, so that Xue Jingyang's mouth blood is like a fountain, spurting out, and his body shape is constantly retreating.

Jiang Yun was also directly overturned because of the explosion of Danyang.

However, not waiting for the figure to stop, Jiang Yun is already taking a deep breath, the body forcibly reversed in the air, returned to Xue Jingyang at a faster speed, raised his hand and slammed out.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, in fact, suffered more injuries than Xue Jingyang!

The power of Danyang’s explosion was so amazing that Jiang Yun stood on it and almost suffered most of it.

If it is not a strong body of silence, I am afraid that he may be directly killed.

Nowadays, there are blood in his seven scorpions flowing out, and almost all of them have become blood.

However, Jiang Yun’s perseverance and perseverance are much stronger than Xue Jingyang’s.

After all, Xue Jingyang is a minority of the family. From the time he was born to the present, the number of times he was injured was countless, and he did not experience real death.

However, Jiang Yun is different. Jiang Yun has been in desperate circumstances and survived.

Therefore, at this time, Jiang Yun did not want to first stabilize his injury, but even if he fights to fight himself, he must first kill Xue Jingyang!

Looking at the oncoming fist, Xue Jingyang’s face finally showed the panic for the first time.

In fact, Xue Jingyang still has the power of a battle.

However, because of his panic and fear, especially his own Danyang's blast, it is like the collapse of the Taoist monk's heart, let him lose his war for a moment, and dare not go to fight with Jiang Yun.

What's more, the purpose of his coming here is to control the Nangong without moon, so as to gradually erode the entire Xuan Yin.

Even if you fail, you will think of other ways when you are too big. There is absolutely no need to lose your life here!

Therefore, he can only retire toward the rear, avoiding Jiang Yun’s fist, and once he glanced at Jiang Yun’s eyes, a huge phoenix appeared again under his body.

Under the fire of the phoenix wings, he took him directly to the sky and rushed out of the Xuanyin women's world.

Looking at this scene, everyone in this inner city is now stunned and can't believe his eyes.

Xue Jingyang, actually... escaped!

Tangyang Danyang's yang, Danyang tribe, and the youngest of the younger generation in the entire Southwestern wilderness area, facing the killing of his brother, ruining his father's god, Jiang Yun, not only lost, but also escaped!

Regardless of the mood of other people, not far away, the face of Nangong’s moonlessness suddenly became ugly.

All of the people in the Nangong non-monthly faction are all the same.

Originally they all thought that the identity of the mysterious woman must belong to Nangong without moon, but did not expect that Xue Jingyang was defeated to Jiang Yun.

Although there are still six groups of people who have not participated in the competition, even Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian are not the opponents of Jiang Yun. Others will challenge Jiang Yun again.

Even, there is no need for Jiang Yun to take another shot. The strength of Nanyuan Huaiyu’s source of triple-day is enough to sweep the rest of the people.

Nangong Fei, the Xuanyin who once made a heavy injury to Jiang Yun, looked at himself in front of him, and was excitedly waving his arms to Bajiang and Luo Guang.

Then, as he gritted his teeth, he raised his hands in secret, and the power of two Xuanyin had already attacked Bajiang and Luo Guang.

At the same time, he also voiced to Jiang Yundao: "German surnamed, you better think of ways to admit defeat, otherwise, the two people you bring, they will die!"

With Xue Jingyang's escape, Jiang Yun's fist is ready to be recovered.

Although he still has some spare power, he also knows that he can't kill Xue Jingyang today.

Anyway, my purpose has been reached, so there is no need to chase Xue Jingyang.

However, when I heard the sound of the sound of Nangongfei, it caused the cold light to burst out again in his eyes. He turned his head and looked at Nangongfei.

"Ding, 沧, sea!"

With the three-character export, Jiang Yun’s body shape has disappeared from the original place and appeared in front of Nangongfei.

And the fist that did not retract, straight in the body of Nangongfei!


Nangongfei suddenly unable to move the body, there is no slight resistance, under the fist of Jiang Yun, flying high, until it hit a huge stone.

After the stone smashed and the body of Nangongfei slipped to the ground, his face was horrified and unbelievable.

Yesterday, outside the inner city gate, Jiang Yun, who was hit with three palms, was seriously injured.

Today, Jiang Yun’s fist has directly abolished all his repairs!

Jiang Yun’s sudden move made everyone shocked, and even the Nangong dream was a strange color.

Until Jiang Yun reached out and squandered, the power of two Xuanyin emerged from the void on the edge of the body of Ba Jiang and Luo Guang, and they understood it.

Under this, Nangong Meng’s eyes suddenly showed endless coldness, and looked coldly at Nangong Feidao: “Throw out the Xuanyin family and strip the ethnicity!”

Upon hearing this sentence, the horror on the face of Nangongfei became desperate.

Even, he can't wait for Jiang Yun to kill himself directly.

The monk of Tianyuan Sanyuan suddenly lost his cultivation and was expelled from the Xuanyin. Waiting for him will be a terrible fate than death.

"Big brother!"

Luo Guang and Ba Jiang exclaimed, and hurriedly reached out and supported the swaying Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and broke away from the **** of the two. He turned to look at the other six groups. He still has the qualification to challenge himself and the Xuanyin people of Nangong Huaiyu: "You, who wants to challenge?"

After six groups of people looked at each other, they shook their heads at the same time.

Jiang Yun then smiled at the Nangong Huaiyu: "Fortunately, not to be insulted."

After saying these four words, Jiang Yun finally couldn't hold it anymore. He sat down on the floor and closed his eyes.

Nangong Huaiyu's body shape has already come to Jiang Yun's face, and his face is not filled with the worry because he is about to become a mysterious woman.


Nangong dream quietly breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes sweeping underneath, his face showing a smile: "The mysterious woman trial, this is the end."

"My mysterious woman of Xuanyin is, Nangong Huaiyu!"

But then, her smile was converging and she looked at all humanities: "Thank you for coming from afar friends. I should have been entertaining you for a few more days, but now my Xuan Yin people have some personal affairs to deal with, so they can only Please leave!"

Nangong dream directly under the order!

As for the reasons, everyone is well aware.

Although the Xuan female trial ended, Jiang Yun’s identity has also been exposed.

Tu Jian and Xue Jingyang, who have left, will not be so easy to give up.

It won't take long for the six great generals to bring people to the Xuanyin women's world and chase Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun has helped Nangong Huaiyu become a mysterious woman, and Nangong Huaiyu will inevitably protect Jiang Yun.

But the power of the Xuanyin family, how can they fight against the power of the six majors?

Therefore, Xuanyin people should now think about it. For Jiang Yun, is it a guarantee or abandon?

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