The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2117: Go away

With the personal order issued by Nangong Dream, all foreign monks naturally did not dare to stay.

In just a few moments, on the square of the Xuanyin inner city, there are only three people left.

Nangong Dream, Nangong Huaiyu, and Jiang Yun who still sit there and close the eyes to heal!

Although Jiang Yun won Xue Jingyang, his injury was extremely heavy. No one dared to move him freely. He only allowed him to stay here for healing.

Nangong Huaiyu does not leave, naturally it is necessary to protect the law for him.

In the identity of Nangong Dream, it is true that it should not wait here.

However, now that Nangong Huaiyu has become a mysterious woman, let Nangong dream put aside some thoughts, but also have to consider two other things.

The first thing, naturally, is how Jiang Yun did it, how to control and even the shadow of the Xuan Yin Cave, how to use his own body to absorb the scent of Xuanyin;

The second thing is that she must figure out what Jiang Yun wants to be in the Nangong Huaiyu.

Although Nangong Huaiyu already knew it, she did not tell her mother.

After all, this fact is too great. She wants to wait for Jiang Yun to wake up and ask Jiang Yun’s opinion.

The relationship between the mother and the daughter is not very good. Now they are all worried, so no one speaks, so they stand on the square and wait quietly.

Fortunately, the time they waited was not long. After a few hours, Jiang Yun had already woke up.

Seeing the mother and son standing in front of him, Jiang Yun’s face did not have any unexpected color. He stood up and bowed to Nangong’s dream: “I have seen the Nangong predecessors!”

Nangong dreamed and waved his hand and smiled on his face: "How is your injury?"

Although she has a lot of doubts about Jiang Yun in her heart, but in any case, Jiang Yun really helped her daughter become a mysterious woman, and it is also a good grace, so her attitude towards Jiang Yun is naturally quite a lot.

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "There is nothing wrong with it!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Nangong Huaiyu, who was on the side, took a deep breath and also said to Jiang Yunxing: "Thank you for your help!"

Not waiting for Jiang Yun to open, Nangong Dream has already followed: "Jiang Yun, this time I really want to thank you, without you, Huaiyu can not be a mysterious woman."

"You can rest assured that my previous commitment to you is still valid!"

Nangong Huaiyu couldn't help but glimpse, she didn't know when her mother gave Jiang Yun any promise.

Jiang Yun naturally understands that Nangong Dream refers to protecting his own safety and sending himself to leave safely.

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "That many thanks to the predecessors of the Nangong, haven't the six majors yet?"

Nangong Meng shook his head and deliberately said with anger: "Why, you still hope that they will not come?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and didn't speak. Of course, he knew that Nangong Dream must be a little regretted and promised to protect himself.

Nangong Dream once again waved: "Don't say this, I ask you, why can you control the haze?"

"In the previous Xuanyin Grottoes, everyone else came out, and you spent more than a moment in it, what did you do?"

Jiang Yun had known that Nangong dream would ask these questions, and he did not speak. He raised his hand directly, and a black mist appeared in his palm.

Looking at this group of fog, Nangong dream face slightly moved: "Do you still have the spirit of Xuanyin?"

However, Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "This is not the spirit of Xuanyin, this is, ghost!"

For the power of Xuanyin of Xuanyin, Jiang Yun has some understanding, but for Xuanyin's qi and haze, he has never touched before entering the Xuanyin Cave.

Therefore, when he grabbed the little snake that was drilled out of nothingness in the Xuanyan Grottoes, he discovered that the snake was actually made up of ghosts!

When he crushed the snake, he carefully looked at the scent of Xuanyin that floated out of his body for a moment, and finally determined that although it was not a ghost, it was very similar to ghosts.

Ghost, in the domain is from the dead, even more is the birth of a large number of ghosts!

Ghosts pose a great threat to the realm of the Tao.

In the same year, Dao Zun killed the Jiuzu, and some of the credit was a ghost family belonging to the dead.

The reason why Jiang Yun is not afraid of ghosts is because of his original nine-day cave, there is a cave of ghosts.

Ghost is not a threat to him, he can even absorb it and turn it into strength.

Although with the improvement of his strength, he does not need to absorb ghosts, but since the spirit of Xuanyin and the ghost are very similar, then the haze is naturally not threatening to him.

Therefore, he can clearly perceive the haze hidden in nothingness.

Even after he sent his ghost into the haze, he could still control them!

To be honest, for such a situation, Jiang Yun could not analyze the specific reasons.

He can only think that the spirit of Xuanyin belongs to Yin, and the ghost is also Yin.

Although there are some changes in the two due to the difference between the dojo and the destructive environment, the essence is the same.

In any case, with a ghost, able to control the haze, then in the Xuanyan Cave, Jiang Yun is invincible existence.

Therefore, at the last moment, when Tu Jian and Xue Jingyang appeared at the same time, Jiang Yun would let Nangong Huaiyu leave first, but he recruited a lot of haze and successfully drove everyone out.

After that, Jiang Yun met a white-haired old man!

The old man, though he is also a haze, has already possessed his ingenuity and possessed cultivation.

Even if Jiang Yun met the old man in the Taoist domain, he would directly think that the other party is... the ghost family!

These things, Jiang Yun in order to cover up his identity from the domain, in addition to not telling the true origins of ghosts, the rest are truthfully told the Nangong dream.

After listening to the Nangong dream, his face showed a relief.

Although she does not know the ghosts, but with her strength in the virtual world, she naturally understands the greatness of the destruction of the domain, and it is clear that there are various forces in the field. In fact, many of them have similarities and differences.

Then, there is a ghost that is similar to the spirit of Xuanyin, and it is not a big deal.

Especially the slut, she knows!

Because the old man is the guardian of Xuanyinzhu!

The old man, the old man, is the first haze bred by Xuanyinzhu. It exists for a long time than her patriarch.

Even to a certain extent, the savage old man can be regarded as an ancestor of the Xuanyin family. The strength is strong, and it is only high or low compared to the Nangong dream.

However, the old man, the ancient priests, only the priests of the Xuanyin family can contact them, so even the Nangong dream, there is no way to order her.

Now, the first doubt in Nangong’s dreams is finally explained. I also understand that the sacrifices must have long been known to the masons and Jiang Yun, so let them not worry.

Therefore, she asked another question: "You said that you want to ask Huaiyu to help you. Can you tell me now?"

The words of Nangong Dream made Jiang Yun slightly glimpse, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

In Jiang Yun’s thought, since I have said that I have seen the sulky old man, then it is reasonable to say that Nangong’s dream is the Xuanyin patriarch, how should he ask what he and the yin old man said.

But did not expect, Nangong dream did not even ask!

Jiang Yun did not know that the things about Xuanyinzhu and Haze were all borne by the sacrifice.

Even if Nangong dream is a patriarch, he will not interfere, so of course he will not ask.

This is like the abandoned people who Jiang Yun had visited. The patriarchs, the old people and the sacrificial priests, the three are separated from each other by the government, and each has its own duties and does not interfere with each other.

Since Nangong dreams don't ask, Jiang Yun naturally will not tell the other party, and he has already made a deal with the old man.

Wei Yi Shen, Jiang Yun said: "The younger generation wants to ask Huai Yu girl to help, please lead the drum!"

When the voice fell, the smile on the face of Nangong Dream suddenly solidified, and then, it was a big sleeve waving, and went away!

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