The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2121: Open the door

When I heard this sentence, everyone couldn't help but glimpse a little, but immediately realized that the Danyang strongman said it was a fact.

Jiang Yun, who appeared in the southwestern wilderness for less than a year, has almost no one knows the monk. Everyone thinks that he is from a hidden world.

What kind of ethnic group is this hidden group, how many people are there, and what forces they are good at, they do not know.

However, in the Danding world, the hundreds of ethnic groups sent by this ethnic group easily defeated the joint efforts of the seven great generals.

From this point, we can also see that the overall strength of this hidden group should be extremely strong.

Nowadays, Jiang Yun is in the Xuanyin family, and there is a gate in the Xuanyin family. Obviously, it can only be the group where Jiang Yun is located. If you want to become a family, you should borrow the power of the Xuanyin family.

After all these things have been figured out, the faces of the more than 30 of the three great generals have suddenly become ugly.

The door has already appeared, which means that from this time on, even if they have a hatred of killing their father and killing Jiang Yun, they can no longer shoot Jiang Yun.

All they can do is just watch, waiting for Jiang Yun to take his group, and worship will succeed!

Not only the Xuanyin women's world, but also the tribes of these three major families.

Nowadays, all the monks in the entire southwestern wasteland, no matter where they are, no matter how high or low they are, all see the huge gate standing between the heavens and the earth!

Although many people simply do not know what the meaning of the door is, but everyone's eyes are naturally cast to the door.

Among the Jiuyang Jiufeng guards surrounded by the residence of Danyang, Xue Jingyang, who was sitting cross-legged on a Danyang, suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the door that seemed to be close to him, his eyes were slightly picked up, and there was a touch in his eyes. He said to himself: "Jiang Yun, is that you?"

Inside the sword butcher, the sword was lying under a big tree, looking at the door in front of him, the expression on his face was first, but then it turned into a haze of color: "Jiang Yun It must be you!"

During the Shura, Shura and Tianxiang were also watching the door.

Almost none of them know the meaning of this door.

They will not even think that this gate, their destiny, will have an inseparable relationship.

Only Shura’s face showed a smile of gratification, and he stood up and said: “The speed of the Lord’s lord is really fast. If so, my patriarch should also be rushed!”

"Although the family will not be shot, but when the royal family arrives, I have to negotiate with them!"

Shura, as a strong man, must also appear in the worship.

After all, only those who have a strong position in the virtual world can be regarded as having the first qualification to become a general.

The next moment, Shura took the two elders and quietly left Shuraotian and rushed to the Xuanyin women's world!

In addition, all other ethnic groups in the Southwestern Wilderness are also watching this gate.

In particular, some ethnic groups, long-term and old, who know the meaning of the door, have a variety of different expressions on their faces.

Throughout the ages, although the things of worship have existed for a long time, there are really few people who really dare to worship and can worship the people.

And apart from many ethnic groups outside the family, their biggest dream is to become a family.

Even among them, in fact, some ethnic groups already have strengths that are not weaker than the generals.

However, they never dared to take this step easily!

Nowadays, it is finally done by ethnic groups!

This also makes them have some small expectations and curiosity in their hearts. Which ethnic group is this, they dare to take the step that they dare not step out!

Under the gaze of countless eyes in the entire southwestern desert, the front of the gate finally appeared a figure!

Among the Xuanyin women's circles, looking at the magnificent gate in front of him, the three people of Nangong Dream are all in the middle of standing. Even Nangong Dream can't help but take a deep breath.

As a destroyer, you can see this door with your own eyes. Even if you are a strong man, you will have a lot of shock in your heart.

Instead, Jiang Yun first restored calm, regained his gaze, and turned to look at Nangong Dream Road: "Nangong predecessors, is it necessary to open the door, you can start worshipping?"

Nangong dream came back and nodded: "Yes!"

Jiang Yun said to Nangong Dream and Nangong Huaiyu: "Thank you for the success of the Nangong predecessor and the Nangong girl. Regardless of success or not, this kind of kindness, Jiang Yun will keep in mind!"

Nangong dream smiled slightly: "It’s just a matter of raising your hand, but you have to remember that once you push the door open, everything after that will be done by your own strength. No one can give you anything. s help!"

At this time, Nangong Dream is also a sincere hope, Jiang Yun can bring his ethnic group and become a general.

Regarding the inner concern of Nangong Dream, Jiang Yun nodded: "The younger generation remembered!"

"Ginger brother!"

On the side of the Nangong Huaiyu also whispered openly, just looking at the eyes of Jiang Yunwang, she hesitated for a moment before gently spit out a sentence: "You will be successful!"

"Let the Nangong girl say goodbye!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and turned his head. Before standing in front of the gate, he stood in the southwestern wilderness, in front of all the creatures!

Although in the eyes of everyone, Jiang Yun is only showing the back, but also let all the creatures could not help but secretly discuss and ask.

"Who is this?"

"Which group is he from?"

Of course, some people have already recognized Jiang Yun by virtue of their backs.

During Shura’s day, Ye Wang, Ye Zhiqiu, Shura’s master, all looked at Jiang Yun’s back with a dull look.

Ye Younan’s body is still shaking slightly.

They are more clear than anyone else, the owner of the back is Jiang Yun!

Even Ye Danqiong came out of the refining furnace and looked at Jiang Yun's back with a shocked look.

Jiang Yun wants to take a group of people to worship, only Shura knows one person, so at this moment, Ye Danqiong’s heart is really shocking.

In particular, she is also aware of the identity of Jiang Yun, who is a descendant of the sect.

"Don't the Lord's lord want to open his identity, to be a mortal, to become a patriarch?"


"Sure enough, Jiang Yun!"

The Danyang and the sword butchers, Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian both recognized the back of Jiang Yun and made the cold light in their eyes sharper.


"He, it seems to be Jiang Yun!"

I have experienced the battle of medicine in the Ding Ding world. Among the many monks who have experienced the Xuan Yin people's mysterious women's trials, some people have successively recognized the back of Jiang Yun.

Although they always think that Jiang Yun is from a hidden world, at this moment, when they see that Jiang Yun is going to push the door open, he wants to lead his ethnic group to become a general, or let them a little Can not accept.


The door, the top of the sky, the top is not high!

Standing in front of the facade, any strong person looks as dusty.

Needless to say, the source of the carvings on the door from the source of the great generals will exude awe-inspiring majesty, which will bring great pressure.

Even Nangong Dream has heard that in other wasteland areas, there have been ethnic groups who want to advance to the generals.

However, when they sent out the ringing drum, the tribe, just standing in front of the door, did not even push the door open, it was already soft and lost all courage.

Compared with that person, Jiang Yun’s performance is really too strong!

His face turned out to be nothing but a slight change. Just after looking at the door, he reached out and put it gently on the door.

Open the door and lead it!

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