The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2122: Are waiting

Among the gates is an endless darkness.

And in the middle of this darkness, stand a drum!

This drum is golden in color, but the volume is not big, only the size.

The drums are also covered with a variety of ethnic lines, exuding the ancient vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life, releasing a devastating pressure.

Lead the drum!

Since the emergence of the Southwestern Wilderness, it has stood in this space, and I don’t know how many years have come to ring it.

The eyes of all people have also temporarily moved away from the figure of Jiang Yun, and they have seen the drums that can bring all the ethnic groups to heaven and earth!

There are a lot of monks who know the monks, but there are not a few who can really see them, including the nine majors.

For the introduction of the drums, all the monks' hearts naturally have a kind of worship and respect. After all, it symbolizes the honor and symbolizes the supreme opportunity to step into the sky.

Jiang Yun also stood there, silently watching the drums.

Although his heart is also a little excited, but this excitement has nothing to do with respect.

He only knows that he can only go home by ringing this drum and becoming a family!

After a while, Jiang Yun finally stepped into the open door.

With Jiang Yun's stepping, everyone's eyes were once again concentrated on him.

The top door of the gate, after Jiang Yun crossed it, disappeared immediately and disappeared into nothingness.

At this moment, Jiang Yun can clearly feel that he has entered a completely independent space, there is no slight sound around, quiet and terrible.

Of course, he also knows that at this moment, there are countless pairs of eyes, watching themselves.

However, this did not affect his mood.

Stepping on the darkness in front of him, Jiang Yun is not ill, and step by step toward the drum.

If someone calculates the pace of Jiang Yun at this moment, he will find that the distance that Jiang Yun takes every step is not bad.

Every step of his step, the breath above the body will rise by one point, and the pressure that will be emitted from the drum will weaken one point.

From the beginning of the door, Jiang Yun’s road to worship has actually begun!

He and the drums are like opponents, competing with each other's momentum.

This is a long time!

Jiang Yun must resist the pressure of the drums, and adjust all the state before reaching the drums!

One step, two steps, until the end of the nine steps, Jiang Yun stopped to step, has stood in front of the drum!

At the moment, Jiang Yun, the whole person is like a sword ready to be sent out, exudes endless sharpness.

Looking at the drums that are already close at hand, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly broke out with the same endless warfare, lifting the fists that had already been clenched, and under the eyes of countless invisible eyes, there was no hesitation. A punch hit the smooth drumhead!

Jiang Yun’s so simple move is almost beyond the expectations of everyone.

When anyone wants to come, face the never-before seen, and is the drum that is respected by thousands of people, Jiang Yun should at least observe it first, and then it is not too late.

However, some people secretly nodded and thought that Jiang Yun’s approach was correct.

The introduction of the drum is to let a certain ethnic group worship it, and it is made by the two royal families.

Don't say that Jiang Yun is just a small source of Taiwanese monks. Even if he is a strong man, standing in front of the drum, it is impossible to see why.

What's more, Jiang Yun has already squandered his potential in the distance of the nine steps.

If he goes to spend time observing, then the nine steps that have just taken place are not counted, and the potential that will accumulate will be relaxed.

Therefore, instead of looking at it, it is better to take it in person and feel the mystery of this drum.


A dull drum sound echoed over the entire Southwestern wilderness, and echoed in the ears and hearts of everyone!

Jiang Yun is able to clearly understand the drum sound, and even from that lead the drum, slammed into his body, and rushed into his body!

Rambling in your own body, like entering a no-man's land, it is clear that you have to completely destroy your internal organs.

Feeling the power of this drum sound, Jiang Yun’s face showed a smile.

Because it reminds him of the drums that the Shura people heard when they first entered the Shura.

Although the Shura people are dispatched by the 81-faced drums, the drummers are not Jiang Yun, but the Shura people, but they also contain power in the drums.

Both have similarities.

"Yifu, the reason why you want the Shura to prepare those drums, is it just to let me kill the descendants of the tribe, one day, to ring this drum!"

With the rise of this thought in mind, Jiang Yun did not stop, the fist raised again, knocked to lead the drum!


This time, Jiang Yun even knocked out two consecutive times, making the two drums sound almost at the same time!

Two drums, still spread throughout the Southwestern wilderness!

Only this time, no more than just sound.

Everyone in the wilderness of the Southwest can clearly feel that there is a supreme power in the drums that rushes to himself.

Under the attack of this power, those monks who were repaired below the spiritual level could not help but shake and shook their bodies.

Obviously, the power of the drums that the drums are carrying is not only the feeling of Jiang Yun who is drumming, but also the monks in the entire Southwestern wilderness.

However, the drumming power they have felt has weakened a lot, and even the percentage of Jiang Yun’s power is not even one-thousandth.

For the monks above the Tao Lingjing, especially the monks who knew the rules of the drums, they did not care about the power of the drums at this moment.

Their gaze was just staring at Jiang Yun and the dark space that led the drums.

Because, three drums, you can lead to a certain ethnic group to appear, recognize the strength of Jiang Yun!

Therefore, they want to see if there is any family that will recognize Jiang Yun.

If there is, the first one to stand out, and which one will be

At this moment, among the nine great generals, each ethnic group's face is extremely dignified.

Especially the six great generals who had enmity with Jiang Yun, their patriarchs were all unresponsive, just watching quietly.

Obviously, it is impossible for them to send their own people to recognize the strength of Jiang Yun!

However, they also know that there will inevitably be a family, and even a few great ones may be Xuanyin!

However, at the moment of the Xuan Yin family, Nangong dream is like a sinking water, and there is no slight reaction.

This makes Nangong Huaiyu, who is on the sidelines, eager to ask: "Mother, why don't you send someone?"

Nangong Meng Shen said: "Other members of the family know that my Xuan Yin will definitely recognize the strength of Jiang Yun."

"But even if my Xuan Yin family took the lead in standing out and recognized it, it didn't make any sense. Jiang Yun still needs to be recognized by the other two majors to be able to alarm the royal family."

"So, if we are the first to appear, it would be better to wait and see if there are other people who will take the initiative."

Nangong Huaiyu then asked: "If there is no family?"

Nangong dream closed his eyes slightly: "That, unless Jiang Yun can knock out twenty-one drums in a row."

"Otherwise, my Xuan Yin will not appear!"

The heart of Nangong Huaiyu suddenly sinks!

She naturally understood the meaning of her mother.

The mother is certainly helping Jiang Yun to ask for the drum, but if Jiang Yun can't get the recognition of the two generals, then the Xuan Yin will not appear.

In order to get the recognition of the two families first, they can only be forced by eighteen drums.

Then, with three drums, let the Xuan Yin people appear!

But the sound of the twenty-one sounds will be drums, can Jiang Yun do it?

After all, it is difficult to ring when it comes to the drum.

Although anxious, but Nangong Huaiyu can only wait!

In addition to her, everyone in the entire Southwestern Wilderness is also waiting!

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