The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2123: Icing on the cake

After three drums, the nine majors will be given to the drummers for a moment.

If within this short period of time, the family is not willing to take the initiative to appear, recognize Jiang Yun, then there are only two ways in front of Jiang Yun.

Either give up directly, or you must continue to knock out six drums, and use the rules set by the royal family to force a family to recognize his strength.

Seeing the passing of time, Jiang Yun’s space is still quiet and there is no movement.

Within the Jianmu family, Tong Yucheng, the Tianjiao, like Nangong Huaiyu, has an anxious color on his face and looks at an old man beside him: "Grandpa, our family, don't you recognize him?"

This old man is naturally the elder of the Jianmu who had received the help of the Tianxiang people.

When he heard the words of his grandson, he shook his head. "His worship is not only the matter of building the Muzu, but the entire Nine, and even the entire Southwestern wilderness."

Speaking of this, the old man turned his head and looked at the tree of the old building in his own family.

There was a middle-aged man standing there, expressionless!

The elders continued: "Even though I have the heart to help him, but for the sake of our entire ethnic group, we can only choose to watch!"

Tong Yucheng sighed and knew that Grandpa was telling the truth.

What's more, the entire Jianmu people are the patriarchs, and even the patriarchs have not spoken, even if the grandfather spoke, it is useless.

A moment has passed quickly, and in the space where Jiang Yun is located, there is still no second person except him.

This means that three drums are loud, and no one is willing to take the initiative to recognize Jiang Yun!

This result, the vast majority of people's faces are exposed to strange colors, even the other major families.

When they want to come, other families will not recognize it, but at least the Xuanyin family should stand up and support Jiang Yun anyway.

However, they thought about it and understood the plan of the Xuan Yin people!

Within the Danyang family, Xue Qianxi’s mouth twitched slightly: “Nangong Dream, it seems that I still don’t want to offend our other sins too thoroughly!”

Nangong Meng helped Jiang Yun to ask for the drums, and it has already offended other families.

If you come out again, it will naturally cause greater dissatisfaction with other families.

Therefore, the Xuan Yin people also chose to wait and see!

In this way, Jiang Yun's situation can be extremely embarrassing!

It should be enough to get a recognition of the family, but it did not stand up to support him, and pushed him completely into the lonely world.

Inside the sword butcher, the face of Tu Jian is a brow dance: "Haha, Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, here I see how you end up!"

Within the Danyang family, Xue Jingyang shook his head in disdain: "Want to be a general, how easy it is, until you fail, it is the death of you and your ethnic group!"

All the groups that Jiang Yun once complained of are now gloating.

And those who have not had a holiday with Jiang Yun, and even excited about Jiang Yunbai’s behavior, are in the face of a stunned look, but also have a trace of luck.

They are very glad that their ethnic groups have not gone to worship.

Otherwise, waiting for yourself and others will inevitably be the same result as Jiang Yun.

In the destruction of the domain, even if there is strength, it is difficult to be among the ranks of the family!

During the Shura, watching Jiang Yun stand in front of the drum, the lonely figure, Ye Younan's eyes do not know that there is a cloud of fog, hands clenched into a fist.

Ye Danqiong is even more eager to gnash his teeth: "These will be a family, not a good thing!"

Worried about returning to worry, and returning to gas, Jiang Yun at this time is completely isolated and helpless. No one can rely on it. He can only rely on himself.

Jiang Yun's face is still calm, and for this result, he is actually not surprised by anyone.

He naturally considered the things that Nangong dreams are scrupulous.

"Since you refuse to take the initiative to recognize me, then I can only force you to recognize it!"

Jiang Yun raised his hand again, and his fist fell heavily on the drum.


This time, the six drums sounded at the same time, and they were shocking!

Jiang Yun’s fist speed is almost the same, and it seems to be a punch, but it is falling six strokes.

The drums came out, and there was a gust of wind in this empty space.

Although I couldn't see it, Jiang Yun's long hair was dancing wildly.

Even this wind has spread this space, sweeping the entire southwestern wilderness, with the sound of hunting, blowing through everyone's body, but also into everyone's heart.


Most people's body shape has been unable to maintain stability, swaying backwards and backwards continuously, and the power carried by this wind has become more powerful.

However, after they stopped their posture, they immediately looked at Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun's hair clothes have been raised high, but his face still has not changed, his body shape is always as straight as a sword, standing there and motionless!

The face of a few strong people has become dignified!

The reason why the two major royal families have to set this rule is because the force of the anti-seismic force of the drum is changed according to the strength of the drumming person.

However, no matter what strength the drumming person is, it is extremely horrible to be able to continuously ring the six drums and lead the drums.

These few strong people know that if they change to themselves, whether it is the strength of the original source or the current strength, even if it can continuously ring the six drums, the force of the earthquake will not be said. I am shocked by myself, but at least I can never keep my body stable.

But Jiang Yun, but it did!

This also shows that his potential and strength is really incredible!

Nine drums, according to the rules set by the two major royalties, Jiang Yun's strength is enough to represent his ethnic group, there is a qualification to worship, so there must be a large group of people to stand up to recognize the strength of Jiang Yun!

Although it is necessary, the first one to stand out will also bear a lot of pressure.

Because this also represents their change in attitude towards Jiang Yun!

There was an incomprehensible monk who asked: "If there is still no family to stand up, what will happen?"

Someone replied: "There will be the power of the royal family in the drum, and the random point will be, which one will be the family, and which one will appear!"

Another person said: "Then I estimate that this time it should be a random point, and certainly not the family willing to stand up."

"Not at all!"

An old man stroking the long white hair under the jaw: "The initiative to stand up, and be picked up to stand out, that represents two very different attitudes."

"Nine sounds, it seems to us that it is not a great thing, but in the eyes of many top powers, such as the strongest, it is enough for them to analyze the strength and potential of the drumming. Even the probability that his ethnic group will become a family!"

"If the probability is large enough, if the ethnic group of the drummer becomes a general, it is already unstoppable, so instead of waiting for the passive point, it is better to take the initiative!"

"In this way, it is a friendship!"

"Few people are willing to do things in the snow, but the icing on the cake, but why not?"

The words of the old man, let the people who hear it are all in the face!

Although I understand, is there any willingness to add a flower to the current Jin Yun’s brocade?

Everyone is waiting to see!


The drums suddenly trembled on their own, and the golden drums gradually glowed with golden light.

Obviously, the drum will start to start on its own!

Nangong dream shook his head gently: "It seems that even if it is forced, after all, there are no other people who are willing to take the initiative to recognize Jiang Yun!"

However, just as her voice fell, the dark space where Jiang Yun was in, suddenly appeared awkward!

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