The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2124: Do not give opportunities

With the gloom that emerged in the darkness behind Jiang Yun, the golden light that had just turned on the drum was re-dimmed.

Everyone’s eyes are all focused on that.

Because this means that after Jiang Yun rang nine drums and drums, finally a large group of people would like to take the initiative to stand up and give him recognition!

"Xuanyin, must be Xuanyin!"

"Xuanyin people have the heart to help Jiang Yun, and definitely will not want to see Jiang Yun without any support from the family, so at this time they must stand up and support Jiang Yun."

"Not necessarily, it is possible to build a wooden family."

"Don't forget, Jiang Yun also has a status as a guest elder of the Tianxiang nationality, and the Tianxiang and the Anmu of the Jianmu are closely related."

"Yes, in the battle of the drug god, the Tianjiao Tongyucheng of the Jianmu people, like the Nangong Huaiyu, also fought side by side with Jiang Yun!"

In the southwestern wasteland, all the monks are talking about it. Which one will stand out from the initiative.

Even the major generals are watching the same way, guessing in their own nine people, who is finally the first to change their attitude towards Jiang Yun.

Only Jiang Yun, as a party, always stood in the face of the drums and did not look back.

It seems that he does not care which one will take the initiative to stand up and recognize himself, and does not even care whether or not the family is willing to stand up and recognize themselves.

Finally, under the eyes of the public, there was a figure in the middle of it.

This is a middle-aged woman in a red dress.

With her appearance, everyone's nose was faintly smelling a touch of blood.

Blood rain family!

Everyone is not stunned!

The first to stand up and support Jiang Yun, it would be a **** rain!

However, it is someone who thinks about it. In the battle of the drug, the six races dealt with Jiang Yun, and the two races helped Jiang Yun.

Only the **** rain family chooses to stand by from the beginning to the end.

The **** rain family is also among the nine major generals. The only one and Jiang Yun are no ones who have no grudges.

Only no one thought that the blood rain family would have recognized the strength of Jiang Yun before the Jianmu and Xuanyin people!

After a moment of dead silence in the entire southwestern wasteland, some people have revealed the sorrowful color: "I understand that among the nine great generals, although the strength of the blood-rain family is not the strongest, their style of action is the most Bloody, even more than the sword and the greedy wolf."

"Blood rain family, should be very appreciative of Jiang Yun's acting style, so this took the initiative to stand out!"

"Perhaps it is the ethnic group that Xueyu and Jiang Yun belong to, and there is a relationship we don't know!"

Just when everyone was talking about it, in the **** family, an elder was looking at the middle-aged woman in front of a red dress with an incomprehensible color: "The patriarch, we are the first to stand up, this move It seems wrong!"

That red dress is the patriarch of the **** rain family, blood rules!

She is not only a strong man, but also a female patriarch of the Nine Majors in addition to the Nangong Dream.

Although the blood speculation looks boundless, the face always carries a smile with a charming smile, it seems very easy to get close, but she is among the nine patriarchs, but the most fierce.

Nangong dream can become a family leader because the Xuanyin family is respected by women.

The blood scorpion can become the blood patriarch, but it is entirely relying on its own powerful strength and bloodthirsty character!

The whole **** rain family, she is also the one who has the final say!

When he heard the elders of his own family, the blood smudged him with a smile: "What is wrong?"

A very common discourse, but let the elder's body tremble slightly, can not help but chilled: "No, nothing wrong!"

The blood gauge shook his head and looked up at his own body. The smile on his face still said: "Don't be afraid, I don't blame you."

"Actually, I wouldn't have let the Blood Rain family stand out first, but when the little guy had endured nine drums, there was an unusual wave of blood in his body."

"Others may not feel it, but I can feel it."

"In any case, there must be a family to appear, so it is better to let my avatar, feel up close, this little guy's blood is not weird!"

The elder couldn't help but shudder again and secretly glanced at Jiang Yun with a sympathetic look.

If Jiang Yun’s blood is really weird, then the elders believe that their patriarchs may directly **** the blood of Jiang Yun!


"Blood rules!"

Within the Danyang family, Xue Qianxi’s brows wrinkled slightly.

To tell the truth, even he did not think that the blood gauge would become the first to stand up to recognize Jiang Yun's family, and naturally can not think of the purpose of the blood rules.

Others also felt that there were some accidents, including even Nangong Snow.


"Little guy, are you called Jiang Yun?"

Behind Jiang Yun, the blood of the child's avatar with a smile, opening to Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun did not have any response, but the blood rules are not angry: "Sister is risking offending the other eight great generals, the first one ran out to support you, so you should also say something to your sister. Let's go!"

The sound of the blood gauges is not covered in the slightest, and can be clearly introduced into everyone's ears, and all people's faces are exposed with a strange look.

Blood rules, strong people, her age, when Jiang Yun's ancestors are more than enough, but now they even claimed to be sister...

However, everyone, even other tyrannical ones, does not dare to have the slightest contempt or dissatisfaction.

Jiang Yun, who is facing away from the blood gauge, finally spoke up: "You will appear sooner or later!"

Hearing this sentence, the smile on the face of the blood gauge can not help but stagnate: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Yun did not open his mouth again, but raised his hand and continued to drum up in front of him.


This time, nine consecutive rings!

The entire southwestern wasteland, suddenly, suddenly changed!

The nine drums sounded like a thunder, and they rolled in, and there was only a thunder in the ears of everyone, and there was no other sound!

Numerous monks are swaying wildly and squatting back.

If the anti-seismic force of the drum is taken as an attack, then the nine drums will be equal to nine consecutive attacks.

This power, even if it is the strongest of the heavenly source, feels the threat of silk.

Especially after standing behind Jiang Yun, the **** face of the better face is a shocking color, and there are countless blood fog around the body, which has solved the turbulent force of these nine drums.

Looking at Jiang Yun, the blood can not help but open the door: "This is Jiang Yun, so crazy!"

Indeed, Jiang Yun is too crazy!

Logically speaking, he should ring three more drums, and then wait to see if there will be a second willingness to actively recognize his strength.

After all, with the support of the blood guide, there may be other people who will change their minds.

In this case, you don't need him to knock out six more drums.

However, he did not give other opportunities to the family at all.

Since I have given you the opportunity for the first time, you are not willing to take the initiative to recognize me, then I will force you to recognize me directly!

What's more, the continuous knocking of the six-lead and the drums and the continuous knocking of the nine-drums will seem to be just three more knocks, but the strength required is a world of difference.

The strength of the anti-seismic force radiated from the drum, and the separation of the blood gauges need to use force to resolve.

However, the shape of Jiang Yun, once shook, re-stable!

The eyes of countless people are full of shocking colors.

"A total of eighteen drums rang. This Jiang Yun didn't even have his body shaken half a step. What is the limit he can bear?"

"Don't talk about his limits. Who is this second person who will recognize his family?"

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