The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2125: Tri-family recognition

In the darkness beside the blood, there was another embarrassment, and a middle-aged man with a thin body was quickly revealed.

Although the man's body seems to be weak, but the body of the man has a strong and prosperous life.


Tong Yucheng’s face showed excitement, and he couldn’t help but wave his fist hard and lowered his voice: “Grandpa, the patriarch recognized Jiang Yun!”

On the tall building, the Jianmu tribe, Tong Song, had no expression, and his eyes stared at Jiang Yun.

Jianmu became the second group to recognize Jiang Yun, and everyone did not feel too surprised.

After all, there is some relationship between Jianmu and Jiangyun.

Especially after seeing the **** people stand out first, how should the Jianmu people express their views.

Although everyone is not surprised, but the expression on the face of Xue Qianxi and others is extremely gloomy!

Because, so far, there have been two major families who have recognized Jiang Yun.

As long as there is a big family, then Jiang Yun worships the matter and will succeed in the two royal families far away in the Central Pole!

They will also send messengers immediately.

Although there is still a big family, everyone is also aware that Xuan Yin will appear to support Jiang Yun!

That is to say, Jiang Yun only needs to ring three times to lead the drums, then the first step of his worship, so far, has been successful.

Three drums will be drums. For Jiang Yun, the difficulty should be small.

Within the Xuanyin women's world, Nangong Huaiyu, like Tong Yucheng, clenched his fist with excitement, and the eyes staring at Jiang Yun's eyes showed an unobtrusive excitement: "Mother, he succeeded!"

Nangong dream is also a breath!

To be honest, although she saw the strength of Jiang Yun, she always had some concerns before, worried that Jiang Yun could not ring the eighteen drums.

Now, her heart is finally put down.

Nangong dream nodded lightly: "His first step has been successful, but the next selection will be more difficult."

"The point will be fine, his ethnic group will definitely send people, and all the pressure will not be concentrated on him alone."

"But you can choose the road, but you can't go!"

The excitement of Nangong Huaiyu was re-emerged because of the mother’s words.

But then her face showed a smile, and said: "Mother, Jiang Yun will definitely choose our Xuanyin family."

"At that time, even if we can't leave our hearts, but there is a ghost in the body of Jiang Yun that is similar to the spirit of Xuanyin. It is not difficult to go through the election."

Nangong dream looked at her daughter deeply, her daughter's mind, she could not understand!

However, she shook her head: "Huaiyu, even if I deliberately leave my heart, let Jiang Yun go through the election road, but there is still a point to fight, that is the real test for him and his ethnic group!"

"If he chooses to take the road and needs other people to pass through, then this will fight, and there is no need to participate!"

"What's more, you think, Jiang Yun's character will be the kind of person who wants me to be merciful?"

The words of Nangong Dream made Nangong Huaiyu suddenly stop.

Although I have the intention to refute my mother's two sentences, but careful consideration, there is no way to refute.

Seeing Nangong Huaiyu’s appearance, Nangong’s dream sighed and softened the voice: “I know you want to help Jiang Yun, but helping him like this does not help him.”

"However, you don't have to worry too much. Jiang Yun's strength, I want to go through the election, it is not difficult!"

"Okay, I am also ready to go!"

Nangong dream no longer speaks, looks at the dark space, there are three more drums, and his own avatar must also appear to help Jiang Yun get the real qualifications of worship.

Jiang Yun still did not go to see the two avatars that had already emerged from behind him. He raised his hand again and knocked on the drum in front of him.


After three drums, the expression on everyone's face suddenly changed.

Because Jiang Yun’s fist did not withdraw from the drum, but still as before, he knocked out six times in a row.

It’s nine drums!

At this moment, although the drums rumbling, the sound shook the entire southwestern wilderness, but everyone seems to have heard the sound of the drums.

Ringing the drums, every time you knock, you not only need to pay more power, but also the strength of the earthquake.

Everyone knows that the Xuan Yin people will definitely stand up and give it to Jiang Yun, so Jiang Yun only needs to ring three times to draw the drum.

However, he has to knock out six more!

"Don't the relationship between him and the Xuan Yin people is not as close as we think?"

"Don't the reason why the Xuan Yin people did not appear first, because the Xuan Yin people did not want him to worship success?"

At this moment, all kinds of thoughts rolled in the minds of countless monks.

Even the face of Nangong Meng’s face is full of wrong colors. He said to himself: “Is it because I didn’t have the first appearance, which made him feel unhappy, so he even hated my Xuanyin. Already?"

"So, he does not give me the opportunity to take the initiative now. I have to make a loud noise and force me to appear?"

For Jiang Yun, Nangong Dream has a good impression.

But now Jiang Yun’s move is to make her heart feel a little annoyed.

Because if Jiang Yunzhen is so thinking, then Jiang Yun is not only too narrow-minded, but will be reported, and such people are not suitable to become allies of their own Xuan Yin.


At this time, it was always as stable as a mountain. Standing in front of the drums, Jiang Yun’s figure, after a total of twenty-seven drums, was finally stepping out of the rear.

The withdrawal of this step has made many people relieved.

If Jiang Yun still stands still, then the strength of Jiang Yun is really terrible!

With the re-establishment of Jiang Yun's figure, behind him, the identity of Nangong Dream appeared!

Although Nangong Meng’s heart has some anger for Jiang Yun, the third supporter of Jiang Yun’s family must be her Xuan Yin!

Blood rules, Nangong dream, Tong Songyan!

Looking at the figure of the three sturdy, all the monks' hearts are also smashing the waves!

Jiang Yun, finally succeeded in taking the first step of worship!

After the three avatars’ avatars looked at each other, no one spoke, but raised their hands at the same time. Each person played a force!

The power of Xuanyin, the power of blood and rain, the power of building wood!

The three forces directly crossed the body of Jiang Yun and hit the drum on the lead!


The three drums are combined and the sound is really loud!

If someone can see the drum sound at this moment, you will find that the invisible air waves brought by this drum sound have crossed the endless distance.

Towards the far-flung Central Pole, the two most powerful royal families of the entire devastation were sent.

It won't take long for the two royals to hear the drums and send messengers to come!

And this, also let all the monks in the Southwestern wilderness, excitement and expectation.

The introduction of the drum has ended. Next, Jiang Yun’s selection will be even more exciting!

"Xuanyin! He will definitely choose Xuanyin!"

"Not necessarily, the blood rain family is the first to appear, maybe he will choose the blood rain family."

"The Jianmu and Tianxiang people are old, and the power of building wood is not good at attacking. If I am him, I definitely choose to build a wooden family!"

Just when everyone started to talk about which Jiang Jiang would choose a family, Jiang Yun, who was three steps away from the drum, suddenly stepped again and walked to the front of the drum!

At the moment, Jiang Yun, his eyes closed slightly, did not seem to look at the drums, but his palms were slowly raised again!

It seems that he will continue to ring this lead!

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