The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2134: Push the road

The sound of the majesty that was brought out by the drums was not only heard by the nine clan chiefs and Jiang Yun, but also spread throughout the southwestern wasteland.

Hearing this inexplicable sound, all the monks in the southwestern wilderness were first confused.

But after listening to the words spoken by this voice, even the patriarchs of the nine great generals, one by one, can not help but change!

Who is speaking is the person who created the royal family!

No one will doubt this.

After all, everyone knows the steps and processes of the community.

Just after the Nangong Dream, the blood Zizhang and Tong Songyan used the power of their respective nationalities to ring the drums at the same time, and then passed the drums to the two royal families, so that the two royal families knew.

Then, it is also normal for people who have created a royal family to pass their drums from the far-flung central region to the southwestern wilderness.

However, what the royal family said was far beyond the expectations of all, so that they could not believe their ears.

Worship the road, please, lead, choose, point and worship.

Because it is a very large project, it will take a considerable amount of effort.

Even if it is not like Jiang Yun, which has repeatedly knocked out 81 drums, it will definitely consume a lot and be exhausted.

After the election, the drummers also need to deal with the selected traps of the family, even direct attacks.

If there is no good state and sufficient strength, it is impossible to go through the road of election.

Therefore, considering this point, the two major royalties will decide to delay the time to choose the road.

Not only must the drummers have a period of rest, they can recover their physical strength, and the royal messengers can also take advantage of this time to rush to the corresponding area, and then personally preside over, witnessing the election, the point and the final Worship the three steps.

However, now the messenger of the founding royal family, Jiang Yun directly wants to start the election.

This is not only unruly, but it is also equivalent to pushing Jiang Yun to the road.

Even when some people want to come, this is simply not the possibility that Jiang Yun and his ethnic group will succeed!

Anyone can see that Jiang Yun at the moment is already in a state of exhaustion.

Moreover, even the source platform has been broken, and the repair has fallen sharply.

Don't say that you will go to the election, even if you let him out of this dark space, I am afraid that it is impossible!

Therefore, he chose to take the road, he could not walk by!

These thoughts soon emerged in the minds of every southwestern monk, and the entire southwestern wilderness was once again plunged into complete silence.

After a long time, only one monk with a anger said: "This creation of the royal family changes the rules at will, so it is clear that it is bullying, too much..."

Before he finished, the monk immediately had a companion who reached out and grabbed his mouth, hurriedly whispered: "Beep!"

While speaking, this person is also full of eyes full of fear and uneasiness, constantly looking up and looking around.

It seems that I am afraid that the voices of both of them will be known to the people of the founding royal family.

Until he was sure that no one could hear it, he let go of his palm and said, "You are crazy, but you are just talking about the royal family!"

"The rules of the worship, this is the royal family, they want to change, naturally it is a word of things."

"Even if they bully people, they can get you and me to talk about it!"

"Do not say this kind of words!"

The monk who was covered by his mouth heard this, although his face still had a flawless color, but he did not dare to say anything more, just nodded.

The same situation occurs throughout the entire Southwestern wilderness.

The status of the royal family in the demise of the domain is like the emperor of the mortal.

But they are not mortals, but monks. They are powerful to the supreme being above all the monks, so that everyone can only look up.

Although in the southwestern wasteland, or in all the wilderness areas, many people may not see a royal family in their lifetime, this does not affect the power and highness of the royal family in their minds.

Therefore, at this moment, most of the monks in the southwestern wilderness think that the practice of the creation of the royal family is simply to intentionally blame Jiang Yun, but they do not dare to talk indiscriminately.

Especially those monks who feel unworthy and pity for Jiang Yun, do not dare to say more than one word.

of course there are exceptions!

During the Shura period, Tianxiang and Shura were both smoldering and angry.

What's more, for example, the temperament of Ye Danqiong is even more screaming!

"I went to his mother's royal family, and this despicable thing was done, naked bullying the Lord, bullying us!"

Not far away, after Shura made the Lord's cheeks twitch slightly, it was also a cold and open channel: "Hey, what happened to the royal family, not from the sages step by step!"

"Now I think that there is some strength, I will not put other ethnic groups, other monks in my eyes, I am!"


Among the boundaries, Shura’s face was indifferent, and his eyes were cold. “The royal family will not be the eternal royalty. One day, the royal family will be replaced by other ethnic groups, such as us!”

But then, Shura’s face suddenly changed: “Quick, speed up, and rush to the Xuanyin women’s world as soon as possible!”

"If the main lord chooses to fail, then the road to worship will stop here!"

"At that time, the patriarchs of the other six major families will be strong and will definitely shoot the Lord!"

The two elders behind him, when they heard Shura’s words, couldn’t help but be one of them.

They only care about anger, but they really didn't think so much.

Indeed, Jiang Yun’s current state is simply not possible to go through the election.

Once you can't go, then the worship will be completely over.

By that time, the rules set by the royal family would no longer provide him with protection.

Even though he is still in the Xuanyin women's world, even if there is a Nangong dream and the entire Xuan Yin family protection, but at least the six major generals such as the Wolf and Danyang, it is absolutely impossible to let him go.

Six patriarchs and six tyrants will kill a monk whose source has been broken. It is really easier than crushing an ant!

The three strong men, the body is almost to the extreme, rushing to the mysterious female world.


In addition to these monks who are worthless and sympathetic to the glory, there are of course some people who are gloating at the moment, full of pride and excitement.

These people are mainly based on the six majors!

Naturally, people have long thought of things that others can think of.

The discourse of the founding royal family is equal to the direct announcement of the failure of Jiang Yun and his ethnic group!

In particular, the six patriarchs, even though they had to be forced by Jiang Yun, had to approve Jiang Yun’s qualifications, but when they thought that they would kill Jiang Yun in a while, their hearts could not be happy or excited.

The appearance of the three people, such as Nangong Dream, is ugly.

The blood speculation and Tong Songyan are better, even if the six major families are in trouble, they will not dare to treat them, but the Nangong dream can be different!

She always stood firmly on the side of Jiang Yun, how could the six majors let her go!

Even, she must consider whether the six majors will take this opportunity to completely annex the Xuan Yin!


Jiang Yun is naturally stunned!

He never imagined that he had easily obtained the qualifications of worshipping by means of the drums, and also broke his own source platform, so that he would soon break through to the heavenly source and see that everything is in accordance with his own plan. In progress.

But now the sudden creation of the Genesis people not only completely disrupted their plans, but also pushed themselves to a dead end.

Although Jiang Yun did not have the power, his mind was still awake, his eyes were on the drums, and he said to himself: "The road is not, but it is not because I have at least a chance!"

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