The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2135: Royal messenger

In the eyes of anyone, Jiang Yun at the moment is really forced into a desperate situation and is in a dead end.

Of course, this road is only limited to the failure of the Jiang Yun ethnic group, which will not endanger his life.

After all, as long as the process of the worship is not over, he is still protected by the two major royalties.

No matter which he chooses to go, the other party will not dare to kill him blatantly, only to make him unable to complete the election.

However, Jiang Yun himself is well aware that he still has the opportunity to go through the election!

As long as he can ring the drums again, and by the anti-seismic force of the drums, he can let his mortal lines in Dantian completely integrate into his body.

Then, swallow Tianyuan Dan, then there is a great possibility to break through to the heavenly source!

However, because the power of the earthquake is emitted by the source of almost the most powerful forces in the field.

Therefore, once they flood into the body of Jiang Yun, the forces of the various avenues he practiced in the Taoist domain will be completely destroyed.

Jiang Yun never thought that the various forces that destroy the domain must be stronger than the power of the various roads in the domain.

However, because he could not understand, even though the roads of contact with cultivation were complicated and varied, none of them reached the extreme and reached the level of humanity. They could not compete with the anti-seismic forces that led the drums.

Naturally, once the power of the various avenues in his body is completely destroyed, the cultivation of Jiang Yun’s body will also disappear.

From then on, Jiang Yun will completely become a monk in the domain!

Losing the repair of the domain will make Jiang Yun's strength drop sharply.

But he is a mortal person, his body is a body of innate solitude, and there is a pure pattern of silence in his body. His true strength still far exceeds the same level of monks.

If he can not be perceived by other people as the power of silence in the body, as long as he gives him enough time to cultivate and grow, then his strength will never be lower than his righteous father in the future!

This is Jiang Yun's way of life!

Just, he can't bear it!

Although strictly speaking, Jiang Yunben is a living creature and a ruined person, but in his heart, even now, there has never been any sense of belonging to the domain.

His growth, his experience, the home he recognized, are always the domain, all in the mountains and seas!

Destroyed the repair of the domain, it is like destroying the brand of Jiang Yun's belonging to the domain, belonging to the brand of the home!

Therefore, when it is not a last resort, Jiang Yun is not willing to go this way!

But if you don't do this, then Jiang Yun knows that he has no way to go through the election.

And this means that this time my own worship will fail.

Although he still has the opportunity to worship again, the two royal families have regulations. Within a hundred years, the failed ethnic group is not allowed to worship again.

A hundred years is not long, Jiang Yun can wait, but the mountains and seas and all the people he cares about, can't wait!

For a time, Jiang Yun could not make up his mind and could only change the question.

"Why should the founding royal family change the rules and let the election start directly?"

"Is it because he already knows my true origin?"

"Does he come from the Imperial Court and recognize that I was the one who escaped from prison that year, so now I am interested in targeting me?"

Before Jiang Yun decided to worship, naturally I had already considered the origin of my exposure.

But when I thought about it, he felt that the probability of being recognized by the two royal emissaries was too low, so this finally made up his mind.

After all, it is impossible for the ethnic group to pay attention to the matter.

It is not a glorious thing for the Crown Criminal Division to escape from the prison. It is impossible for him to make this thing known to the two royal families.


Just when Jiang Yun pondered, the drum was shaken again.

There was a golden light on it, which shot directly into the darkness in front of him, forming a golden aperture.

Looking far away, it is like a golden light door!

Not waiting for everyone to understand what is going on in the end, this golden light door, there really appeared a figure!

This is a middle-aged man, wearing a purple robes, slender body, with a hint of golden light in his eyes.

Although with a smile on his face, he looks flat and easy, but he has a majestic atmosphere.

Seeing this person, everyone is a slight glimpse.

Create a royal family!

Surrounded by his gaze, especially the nine people who were on the scene, they immediately felt a sense of suffocation that could not be looked up, and hurriedly bowed their heads.

This is not the oppression of strength, but the pressure of a temperament.

For this, Xue Qianxi and others can understand.

Although he and others are considered to be the emperors of the Southwestern Wilderness, it is like the grasshoppers that occupy the mountain as the king.

However, people are authentic royal people. They have been at a high level since birth, and they have been in such a noble environment for a long time. Over time, nature has developed such a temperament. It is absolutely impossible for others to compare!

Xue Qianxi first came back to God, holding his fists in both hands, and deeply worshipped the man: "The southwestern wilderness, Danyang will lead the ethnic clan Xue Qianxi, and meet the founder of the royal family!"

Although I don't know the specific identity and true strength of the other party, since it is a royal messenger, even if it is the patriarch of the nine great generals, even if it is a strong person, it must be respectful.

In case the other party is unhappy, returning to the royal family with a casual sentence, you can have the life of their entire ethnic group.

For a moment, don't say that the other eight patriarchs went to the men and went on.

Even the vast majority of monks in the entire Southwestern wilderness are the same.

Everyone said in unison: "See the creation of the royal messenger!"

The founding royal family, one of the two great royal families, finally came to the messenger.

Moreover, the coming is clearly true, which is really a great event for the entire Southwestern wilderness!

However, not everyone has given a big gift to this person.

Many people in Shura’s day are rushing to the Shura three people in the Xuan Yin women’s world, especially Jiang Yun in this little dark space at the moment, they did not worship him!

In the face of everyone's visits, the middle-aged man smiled lightly, and the palm of his hand smacked: "You don't have to be polite, you are in the lower class Jing'an, the person who created the royal family, and the messenger of this ethnic group!"

When I heard the voice of Si Jingan, it was just like the sound that was just introduced in the drum, so that everyone would have no doubt.

Although Si Jing'an looks like a smile and is amiable, the identity of the other royal messenger, especially the other party, should have just been in the middle pole area, but it is obviously using the great supernatural powers, directly crossing the endless distance, and coming in between To the southwestern wasteland, there must be a purpose that others do not know.

It stands to reason that this kind of host group worships things, and even if the two royal families send messengers, the status and identity of the messengers in the royal family will not be too noble.

However, the temperament of Jing’an is to make everyone afraid to speak at will.

Rao is Xue Qianxi and so on, and he can’t think of why the other party is so anxious to come.

Si Jingan apparently knew what everyone thought, and smiled and said: "You don't have to worry so much. It is the duty of my royal family to visit the host."

"I should have come along the normal way, but I haven’t had so much time recently, so I can only rush in advance."

"After I solved the problem here, I will go back to life earlier."

Although everyone did not believe in the explanation given by Si Jingan, but naturally did not dare to show the slightest, just nodded and said.

Si Jingan did not pay attention to everyone, but finally looked at Jiang Yun!

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