The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2136: Knock again

Jiang Yun is also watching him!

The name of this Jing Jingan is also good, looks like it, Jiang Yun has never heard of it, for himself, it is completely a stranger.

Of course, this does not serve as a basis for the other party to know each other.

After all, I have never seen many people of the two royal families.

Especially the creation of the royal family, although it has long been known about its name, but strictly calculated, this Secretary Jing An is the first person he has ever seen!

Si Jingan looked at Jiang Yun and asked with a smile on his face: "What is your name?"

Jiang Yun looked calm and said: "Jiang Yun!"

Si Jingan nodded, and the smile on his face suddenly converged: "Since you are going to worship the people of the clan, see me as a royal messenger, why not salute?"

The sentence of Si Jing'an seems to indicate his dissatisfaction with Jiang Yun in his heart, and also makes everyone who cares about Jiang Yun can't help but squeeze the sweat for Jiang Yun!

The other party is the messenger of the royal family. Even the strongest in the virtual world, even the patriarchs of the Nine National Congresses must salute them. Jiang Yun does not worship, but it is indeed disrespectful to the other side.

If you annoy the other party, you don't even have to wait until the election begins. He can directly kill Jiang Yun for this reason.

Jiang Yun is a fearless saying: "Because Jiang has a doubt."

Si Jing'an's face showed a color of interest: "What doubt?"

Jiang Yun faintly said: "In the next and the Secretary of the United States, there is no resentment in the past, no resentment in the past, I do not know why the Secretary of the United States deliberately made it difficult for me!"

"As long as the adults can explain this doubt to Jiang, then Jiang will naturally salute the adults!"

This Jing Jingan suddenly appeared in front of himself from the distant central region.

Although Jiang Yun did not think of it, but Si Jingan changed the rules without authorization, he had to start the election directly, and did not give Jiang Yun a time to rest. This seems to anyone to deliberately blame Jiang Yun.

Just, if you change to someone else, even if you know it well, you will be dissatisfied at most. You will never dare to show it.

But Jiang Yun is now straightforward in the face of Si Jingan. This kind of behavior is not only disrespectful, but like provocation!

"This Jiang Yun is really strong in the end!"

"Yeah, even facing the royal messenger, the style of acting is still so overbearing!"

"This can't blame him. He has finally come to this step. He will see that he will be hopeful, but he is completely ruined by the messenger's easy words. He is of course angry. ""

For Jiang Yun’s strong attitude, everyone is naturally talking about it.

If there is approval, there is opposition to disdain.

Of course, it is more exciting.

The people of the Six Great Clan, although they complained with Jiang Yun, were because Jiang Yun treated them with a strong attitude and did not put them in their eyes.

But now, they really hope that Jiang Yun can be a little stronger, and then hegemony, it is best to directly direct the royal messenger.

In that case, there is no need for their six majors to go back to Jiang Yun and his ethnic group for revenge.

When the royal family is angry, the group of Jiang Yun will completely disappear.

"Ha ha ha!"

Jiang Yun’s words made Si Jing’an suddenly burst into a burst of laughter.

It’s just his big laugh, he didn’t bring any emotions at all, and he couldn’t guess. He really felt that Jiang Yun’s words were ridiculous, but he was laughing because of anger!

Jiang Yun is always expressionless.

His question seems to be reckless, but it actually includes his temptation.

He wants to see if this secretary Jing An really knows himself.

Si Jing'an's laughter gradually fell down and looked at Jiang Yundao: "Actually, I just didn't finish talking."

Waiting for Jiang Yun to continue to ask, Si Jingan has taken the initiative to say: "Although I really want to let the election start directly, but in order to ensure the fairness of this worship, I will allow you to ask for a request!"

"As long as you come up, I can promise and satisfy you!"

"Of course, this request can only be related to the election road you want to go next!"

"If you don't, if you directly promote your ethnic group to the family, or let me directly promote your cultivation to the heavenly source, then it will not work!"

Si Jing'an said that the faces of all the monks in the entire Southwestern wilderness are not allowed to show their indulgent colors.

Although everyone still does not know why Si Jingan wants to change the rules well, but through his words, he seems to have really not intentionally blamed Jiang Yun.

To mention a request related to the choice of the road, Jiang Yun can completely reduce the difficulty of choosing the family, or let Si Jingan help restore his strength.

In this case, Si Jingan is not in trouble with Jiang Yun, but to a certain extent, is helping Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s eyes are also slightly picked up!

Others can think of it, he can naturally think of it, so this also makes him the purpose of changing the rules of this company Jing'an, it is really unpredictable.

It is a pity that Jiang Yun’s nine source stations have all been broken. Even if the other party can help them to recover, they can only become the strength of the Tao.

It is still unlikely that you want to go through the election path.

Si Jingan then said: "Jiang Yun, now you can think about it and ask me what to ask."

"I also hope that the proposal can be helpful to your next choice!"

After that, Si Jingan no longer spoke, and even stopped looking at Jiang Yun, but deliberately removed his gaze and turned his head to look around.

After Jiang Yun deeply looked at Si Jing'an, he asked again: "Before I ask, there is still a question I want to ask the next adult!"

Si Jingan nodded and said, "Ask!"

"If I can take the opportunity to go through the election, then the next point will be fighting, I don't know, is it also starting immediately?"

Point to fight, it can be said that the last step of the ethnic group worship, as long as it can win, then worship will succeed.

Jiang Yun also really needs to ask clearly.

If you choose the road, you will start to fight immediately. Then he does not need to mention this request, and he does not need to leave the road.

Point to fight, even if he will participate, but at least three people, especially those who are in the virtual world, must participate in the war.

According to Jiang Yun’s discussion with Shura, Shura should be on the way to the Xuanyin women’s world. It will take at least a few days to arrive.

Therefore, if Shura can't catch up with the battle, then this worship will naturally be meaningless.

Si Jingan was haha ​​again and laughed: "The point will naturally be postponed. After all, not only are you prepared, but the nine majors will also be prepared!"

Indeed, the real meaning of the point battle is that the nine great generals will each point out three tribes to meet the three people who want to worship the ethnic group.

If one of the Jiang Yun ethnic groups can win nine games in a row, then it will be a success!

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Then I know, I have to worry about the adults and wait a moment, let me think about what kind of request."

"No problem, you can think for a little more!"

At this moment, no matter what Si Jingan is trying to do, for Jiang Yun, there is only one thing to do, that is, it is necessary to finish the election.

Since the war was delayed, the Shura had time to arrive, and there was still a chance to succeed.

Just, what kind of requirements can you help yourself to complete the road?

When Jiang Yun was thinking, everyone was thinking about the answer to this question for him, but everyone shook his head silently.

Because no matter what the requirements, Jiang Yun still seems to have no hope of completing the road.

After just a moment, Jiang Yun finally said to Si Jingan: "I have already thought about it, what to ask for!"

“Oh?” Si Jing’an’s face once again showed the color of interest: “Speak and listen!”

Jiang Yun said one word at a time: "I think, once again, the drum will be introduced!"

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