The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2144: Within the dark

Source, even the two major royalties have no way of knowing its specific origins, only knowing that it should have existed before the birth of the domain.

Because when the source days appeared most frequently, the dying royal family has not disappeared!

At this moment, the source sky not only appears, but also suspended above the top of Jiang Yun's head, which naturally means that Jiang Yun is about to break through to Tianyuan.

And this is really a great shock to everyone.

Because just now, each of them is still a pity for Jiang Yun, admiring Jiang Yun’s persistence, but did not expect that the source has appeared!

Jiang Yun stopped on the road of the Spike, not because he could not bear the attack of Wolf Tianhong, nor was he unable to walk through the rest of the road, but was urging his own source and body.

Since the emergence of Jiang Yun, there have been too many accidents and doubts brought to everyone.

Just as Jiang Yun is not afraid of the haze, not afraid of the power of the wolf, as a human, but suddenly can be transformed into a half-human and half wolf and so on, so that they are gradually getting used to it.

But now the emergence of this source is to make them really unacceptable!

The source of the sky, which symbolizes a truly supreme glory!

After all, in the fifteenth region of the fierce domain, the two great royal families, among the major generals, do not know how many priests and monks, but almost no one can lead the source of heaven when they break through the heavens.

No one knows what the standard of the source is, but at least it is certain that Jiang Yun’s body must be different.

This is different, perhaps the strength of Jiang Yun is very strong, perhaps the foundation of Jiang Yun is very solid...

But in any case, what they are most concerned about now is whether Jiang Yun can successfully break through to Tianyuan in the presence of Yuantian!

Si Jing'an's eyes are also unknowingly enlarged.

He doesn't remember how long he has been without the feeling of shock and surprise.

However, since I saw Jiang Yun in the bronze, Jiang Yun has been bringing him surprises and shocking him.

Up to now, the emergence of this source of heaven has made his shocks reach the limit!

"Will, he did not give up the power of his body belonging to a certain domain, so it will lead to the source?"

The flash of this thought made Si Jing'an's heart a little annoyed.

If my own speculation is true, then I actually had the same opportunity to lead the source, but unfortunately I gave up.

After a deep look at the source, Si Jingan made up his mind: "If this child can really break through to the source of the source, then I will bring him and his ethnic group back to the Central Region. !"


The wolf face of Wolf Tianhong has already turned red, and the eyes are bloodthirsty, staring at Jiang Yun.

When Jiang Yun chose his own greedy wolf, he thought that his family had finally raised their eyes and finally had the opportunity of shame.

But the fact is that even if Jiang Yun embarked on the road to election, he has been constantly humiliating himself.

Today, this humiliation is also the ultimate!

Walking in the process of selecting the road, Jiang Yun was able to break through to Tianyuan, and even attracted the source.

It will take a long time to spread this matter. At that time, myself and the greedy wolf will definitely become a laughing stock of the entire Southwestern wilderness.

Although I know that despite the anger, Wolf Tianhong can't do anything at the moment.

He didn't even know if he should continue to attack Jiang Yun, or should he let Jiang Yun break through to Tianyuan.

In addition, the patriarchs of the five great generals who had enmity with Jiang Yun, although they all had shocked colors on their faces, but everyone’s eyes were deep, but they also had murderous flicker.

Jiang Yun, with eighty-one voices, will be drumming, and they will force all of their nine patriarchs to recognize his qualifications.

Now, when I walk through the road, I am about to break through to Tianyuan, and even lead to the source.

Then, as long as Jiang Yun successfully breaks through to Tianyuan, the future will be limitless.

If Jiang Yun’s ethnic group becomes a general, then it is possible that it will directly become the head of the top ten nationalities in the Southwestern Wilderness, and become the owner of the Southwestern Wilderness.

This is definitely not good news for the six of them who have hatred with Jiang Yun!

Once it is really at that time, unless they are really aligned with the six majors, otherwise they will not be able to compete with them.

Therefore, they all want to kill Jiang Yun immediately.

Unfortunately, in the face of the Secretary of Jing An, they certainly did not dare to defy the rules set by the two major royalties, so they can only wait and see.

However, they are not without hope.

Even if Jiang Yun breaks through to Tianyuan, even if Jiang Yun walks through the election, they still have the opportunity to kill Jiang Yun.

What's more, even if the active days appear, it does not mean that Jiang Yun will definitely break through to Tianyuan!

Although it is a strong one in the field of annihilation, it is a strong one, but Tianyuan can be seen as the entry of the strong!

Only when you enter the heavens, you are qualified to become a strong.

Because the key to destroying the domain is the source, and the source of the heavens is to integrate itself with the source, which is the real source of control.

The same is true of the humane isomorphism in the Taoist domain. People are in harmony with each other and humanity is one!

Naturally, such an important realm is so easy to break through.

Especially like Jiang Yun, even the source days have appeared, indicating that the location of Jiang Yun Station is much higher than other people.

The higher the station, the easier it will fall!

Jiang Yun did not know the emergence of the source.

At this moment, the reason why the eyes are closed is because he is already in a space like another.

Or, in the darkness!

In his eternal pattern is about to be fully integrated with the body, when he is ready to take out the Tianyuan Dan, the darkness suddenly emerges from the body and rises.

The feeling for Jiang Yun is like this darkness made a monster, and it will be swallowed up in one bite!

However, in the darkness, it is not pure darkness, but a line with thin lines of hair and a colorful glow!

These lines have no fixed shape, and in the darkness, like an elf, they are constantly moving around.

The speed is fast and slow, and even, it can easily pass through the body of Jiang Yun.

For such a situation, Jiang Yun felt awkward at first, did not know what was going on, but gradually, he remembered the memory of the wind that has seen the silence!

The memory of the wind of silence shows the time when this darkness breeds various forces.

Although the situation in front of us and the memory of the wind of silence are not the same, Jiang Yun can speculate with a little thought, these colorful lines are the source lines!

Or, they are more ancient than the source.

Although they do not have a fixed shape today, it is these, which later form the source pattern, which constitutes the wind of silence, the fire of the moon, the pearl of Xuanyin, and so on. .

Looking at the surrounding scene, after realizing this, Jiang Yun’s heart was also excited.

Because, you can completely gain the insight of the heavenly source in this darkness!

Originally, Jiang Yun hoped to be able to realize his own feelings and enter the heavens, instead of relying on the help of foreign objects such as Tianyuan Dan.

Now that the opportunity is in front of him, he certainly will not give up.

Even, he no longer cares about the outside world, and ignores that he is standing on the road to election.

Anyway, as long as he has not fallen from the election, no one can kill himself!

Jiang Yun, who made up his mind, began to move on those lines and began to work hard to find the sentiment of entering the heavens.

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