The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2145: Source block

Si Jingan and all the monks in the entire Southwestern Wilderness area remained quiet, watching Jiang Yun, watching the source of the sky, waiting for Jiang Yun to enter Tianyuan!

In the darkness, Jiang Yun's gaze just moves back and forth over the countless lines, trying to find the right feeling for himself.

It’s just that feeling this kind of thing is not something to say at all, or to think about it easily.

Even Jiang Yun did not know what kind of sentiment was needed to enter the heavenly source.

When the beginning of the situation, Jiang Yun also knows that it is the character of the Tao.

But now, he really has no clue.

Although Shura is also good, Ye Danqiong has talked with him about the situation of entering the heavenly source, and also talked about their respective feelings at that time.

But with regard to sentiment, this is a vain thing, this is a feeling of a flash of light.

Each monk will have different perceptions based on his own experience, cultivation, environment of growth, and so on.

For example, Ye Danqiong, she was only in a refining of medicine, she felt something, and then naturally broke through to Tianyuan.

So much so that she can't tell what she really feels, and what is the relationship with the breakthrough to the heavenly source.

Shura is even simpler. At that time, he was not the patriarch of the Shura.

When he was fighting with his own people, he defeated the other side and then inexplicably entered the heavens.

Of course, there are also many people who can't find any sentiments throughout their lives. They can only be trapped in the peak of the source and never enter.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only go and explore for himself, and even prepare for failure.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun’s heart is tough and he is very patient.

I would like to thank Grandpa for letting him use it for 16 years to observe the characteristics of various herbs.

Therefore, at this moment, he is not in a hurry. According to the method of pursuing the roots and simplifying the complexity, he looks at every trace here, and carefully observes it.

At first, Jiang Yun just looked at the lines and kept passing through his eyes.

But then, he began to select a striped road, followed by it, following the route of its walking, trailing all the way, observing its bit by bit!

Jiang Yun knows that he should now enter the darkness of the soul, so those lines can pass through his body unimpeded.

The environment here has no restrictions on the soul itself.

As if you have already entered the highest realm, you can go anywhere here as you wish.

In this way, Jiang Yun is completely immersed in such observations, such chasing.

So that he gradually forgot that he is still on the road, forgetting that he is ready to enter the heavens.

Time is here, and it completely loses its meaning. It seems that it does not exist at all.

After knowing how long it has passed, Jiang Yun is familiar with these lines, even if he closes his eyes, he can clearly draw the shape of each line and even know the extent of each line walking in the air.

Naturally, he also discovered that the lines that seem to be walking are messy, but no matter how far they go, they will eventually return to where they originally started.

There are beginnings and ends, looping back and forth, never stopping!

To Jiang Yun's feeling, the world inside the darkness is like a prison. It imprisons all the lines, so that they can only stay here and can't leave.

At this time, Jiang Yun stopped to continue chasing and continued to observe. Instead, he sat down on his knees and closed his eyes.

With his eyes closed, in his own mind, this dark world has been clearly presented.

And he continues to be in his mind, in such a way, to look at these lines that seem to never stop, but can never leave, into meditation.

Under such thoughts, Jiang Yun suddenly remembered that he had seen the memory of the wind of silence and saw the appearance of the various sources of power composed of these lines.

So, he was just in his own mind, and began to try to make these lines, according to the route they walked, to meet them and merge with each other to form the source of strength.

He chose the first source of power to condense, and naturally it is the wind of silence.

After I didn't know how long it was, Jiang Yun finally succeeded in condensing countless lines into a mass of silence!

The wind of silence, as the first source of the brooding of the darkness, condenses it completely, and then condenses other sources of origin, it is much simpler.

Jiang Yun is like a child, and this countless lines have become his toys, so that he is immersed in the process of building blocks like this.

Until then, he used these lines to spell out all the things he remembered and seen.

There is a wind that is swaying up and down, a burning swaying fire, and a vibrant tree...

Even he, according to his own imagination, combined with the avenues in the Taoist domain, used these lines to continue to spell out a variety of sources that he had not seen before.

If someone can see the things that Jiang Yun spelled out of his original source, then it will be extremely shocking.

Because these original things, and the real source, are mostly very similar!

Even the same!

When one day, Jiang Yun’s imagination was scarce, and he could no longer use these lines to piece together a source of origin, he began to make these lines into something he was familiar with.

Sky, earth, ocean, mountain...

When these things were completely pieced together by him, Jiang Yun’s mind suddenly had a whim.

In the past, no matter what kind of origins he made, the lines he used were only part of all the lines.

Now, he wants to see if all the lines, all of them are used together, put together, what will appear is what kind of origin!

This idea, want to achieve, even for Jiang Yun, who is already familiar with these lines, is also an unimaginable and complicated project.

Fortunately, there is no time here, Jiang Yun does not want to sit here bored.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to start working and try to turn his ideas into reality.

This time, even Jiang Yun, who has no concept of time, knows that it has been too long.

All the lines were finally condensed under his control.

Looking at his final result, Jiang Yun’s eyes also suddenly solidified.

Because, after the countless lines are condensed together, it appears that it is a complete human form!

Some lines form the human head, body and limbs;

Some lines form the bones, meridians and blood vessels in the human body...

Jiang Yun's eyes fixed on the human figure, and finally spit out three words: "This, yes, me!"


With the fall of Jiang Yun’s voice, the human form formed by the lines suddenly uttered endless light.

In the light, the figure finally turned into a young man, also watching Jiang Yun.

This man is Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun and this line of each other looked at each other. After a long time, the two men spit out three words at the same time: "I realized!"

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