The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2150: Falling maple family

Although they are the same family, the generals in the four-image area are superior to the generals in the eight wilderness areas, whether they are top-ranking powers or overall strengths.

Naturally, like the royal family, they never put the people of the wilderness in their hearts.

Although they do not deny that there will definitely be strong people who are not weaker than them in the wilderness, but in their eyes, those so-called strong people are just a group of earthen buns.

For the news from the creation of the royal family, many of the four ethnic groups in the four-image area are also quite puzzled. I really don’t understand why the royal family would be like a group that has not yet become a general. Pay attention to it.

It should be known that bringing a certain ethnic group in the wilderness into the four-image area has never happened in the history of the destruction of the domain, but it is rare.

In particular, the situation in which the royal family personally passed down the news is even more numerous.

Therefore, they did not dare to neglect. On the one hand, they sent people to the creation royal family to inquire about the detailed news. On the other hand, they immediately arranged for the ethnic groups to go to the southwestern wasteland.

However, when they learned that the news was only from a messenger who went to host the ceremony, the attitude suddenly changed.

The royal messenger also has three or six points.

A messenger who was sent to the wasteland to host the worship, in their eyes, that is absolutely the lowest.

Although the Southwestern Wilderness Area is definitely going to go, their emphasis on this matter is greatly reduced.


Whether it is a domain or a domain, even in a small family, family members will be intrigued, not to mention the huge royal family.

Within the royal family, but some strengths, some of the identity of the people, will develop some of their own shackles in the four-image area.

Having a strong force does not mean that they want to rebel or compete for the patriarch.

More often than not, this is just a self-protection behavior that has to be done for it.

Si Jing'an has a special identity among the founding royal family, and naturally needs to have his own system.

The four-image area, named after the four elephants, is the Qinglong area, the Suzaku area, the Baihu area and the Xuanwu area.

The falling maple family is a sect within the Xuanwu area!

Although within the entire four-image area, the strength of the falling maple family can only be regarded as the end, but in fact, the falling maple family is the strength of the line belonging to Si Jingan!

Therefore, their strength is in the end, and naturally it is the result of deliberate low-key.

At this moment, among the people's parliament halls of the falling maple family, ten people are gathering.

The ten most vulnerable are the returnees.

The two headed by them are even more powerful, that is, the patriarchs and sacrifices of the fallen maples!

On one side of the four-image area, the patriarchs and sacrifices of the tribes are the hegemons of the real one.

But at the moment they all have a respectful color, their heads are drooping, and they are standing there with respect and respect, even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

Because in front of them, there is an illusory figure, it is exactly Jing Anan!

Luo Xing, the chief of the Feng nationality, respectfully said: "Adult, after receiving your order last time, I have sent nine elites to the southwestern wilderness!"

"Calculating time, they should be coming soon!"

Although the other ambassadors who did not know that they went to the southwestern wilderness were Si Jing'an, Luo Xin knew it clearly!

Even more, he knows that Si Jingan deliberately informed the other members of the news, but did not indicate his identity.

The purpose is to deliberately confuse everyone's audio and video, so that other family members do not put this matter in their minds, but they have to go.

The real intention of Si Jing'an is to let his own family bring Jiang Yun's ethnic group back.

In this case, at the time, other families will not have too much speculation.

Therefore, I naturally dare not have any arrogance against Si Jingan’s orders.

It’s just that he didn’t think that it’s just been more than a month’s time. His own eyes should be about to reach the southwestern wilderness. How did Si Jing’an pass the order again, and he even sent a magical come here, and his heart was a bit inevitable. perturbed.

Si Jingan said calmly: "I have something to do, I can't stay in the southwestern wilderness to host the battle. I also informed the family that I have sent someone else."

"Just, the people who come again don't have a deep relationship with me, so I am worried that the nine people you sent are not strong enough."

"I want you, come to the Southwestern Wilderness."

"If you can't bring the group of Jiang Yun back to the four-image area, then no matter what method you use, at least you must bring back Jiang Yun!"

The words of Si Jingan, let Luo Xin's heart can not help but jump!

Although he knew that Si Jingan must pay great attention to Jiang Yun and his ethnic group, he did not expect to pay attention to this degree.

I fell to the Feng family, as the generals in the four-image area, sent nine people, and was led by a strong enemy of the source of the peak, this is already a very powerful force.

Even if all the people in the Southwestern Wilderness are bound to give some face.

However, now Si Jingan is still not at ease, so that he wants to go personally.

This shows that Si Jingan is not only sure about Jiang Yun.

Moreover, it is obviously not so smooth to bring Jiang Yun back to the four-image area.

Although he was puzzled, Luo Xin certainly did not dare to ask the reasons. He just hesitated: "There is no problem for adults to go to nature personally."

"But after all, the subordinates are the ones who are seen by other people in the family. I am afraid they will give birth to other thoughts."

According to Losin, the other tribes went to the southwestern wasteland with a perfunctory attitude. At most, they returned to the source and did not send any strong.

If you go it yourself, it will definitely cause suspicion of the people, but it may cause trouble.

Si Jing'an brow wrinkled and nodded. "You are not unreasonable. So, you are going to go, but hide it in the dark. If it goes well, don't show up!"

Losin just took a fist and said: "Subordinates obey!"

Si Jingan went on and said: "And, the things I need to deal with this time are a bit tricky, I don't know when I can come back."

"After you bring back Jiang Yun, you will be placed here, no matter what he asks, try to satisfy him, wait for me to come back!"


With the disappearance of Si Jing'an's illusion, Luo Xin got up straight and did not dare to delay. After a few words from his own family, he immediately set off for the Southwestern Wilderness.


In the southwestern wilderness, Si Jing'an's brow wrinkled and gently shook his head: "This incident is blaming me too much, and I forgot to inform the Dark Emperor!"

"As a result, it is not the case that the dark royals are dissatisfied, but they have also caused their curiosity."

"That hundred miles of light is not a mediocrity, it will inevitably change the messenger, and may even come in person."

"If I stay here, it doesn't matter, but who can think of something going wrong."

"As a result, it is impossible to bring Jiang Yun and his ethnic groups directly back to my creation of the royal family. I can only hope that Luo Xin will not let me down!"

"Hey, good things, more!"

After Si Jing'an sighed, his figure disappeared directly from the place and temporarily left the southwestern wasteland.


After Si Jing'an left, the entire southwestern wasteland was completely boiled!

Because they have also got the news, the upcoming point will be battled, there will be several major families from the four-image area to come and watch.

Moreover, they are not only looking at the ethnic groups of Jiang Yun, but also all the ethnic groups in the Southwestern wilderness, all monks.

It is even said that if they can be seen by them, they may be taken away from the southwest area, and then they will go to the Sixiang area.

In this way, even the Xuan Yin and other people who were preparing to be in love with Jiang Yun and others in the battle, they had to change their minds and began to carefully select the right people and want to perform well in the battle. Something!

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