The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2151: The world of greed

As Si Jingan speculated, among the light-dark royals, the Bailiguang, who is responsible for the worship of the things, already knows the southwestern wasteland, and Jiang Yun knocks on the drums and walks the road.

Even, he knows the name of Jiang Yun!

To be honest, for Jiang Yun, he has never been too concerned about it, and he has almost forgotten this person!

After all, he is the lord of the royal family in the domain, and Jiang Yun is just a common monk in one of the countless domains.

At the beginning, the cause of his enmity with Jiang Yun was because he was inserted in a battlefield outside the field and a piece of chess was discovered by Jiang Yun.

Moreover, Jiang Yun took away a small piece of darkness that Bailiwu found.

Later, he sent two more people.

The first wave has as many as a hundred people, and it is directly from the channel of the creation of the royal family to the domain;

The second call, only one person, is the domain that goes through the extraterritorial field outside the domain.

These two waves of people said that they were against Jiang Yun. In fact, they only wanted to retrieve the small piece of darkness, but it was a pity that the two waves of people were killed!

This makes the ray of light naturally annoyed.

It’s just that he is a young master of the Dark Emperor. There are so many things to be busy on weekdays.

Even if it is him, it is impossible to pay attention to a small road area at all times, and it is even more impossible to know at the same time the situation of a small monk named Jiang Yun.

In addition, he did not believe at all, with Jiang Yun alone, he was able to kill the two people he had sent.

Therefore, he can only admit that he is unlucky, and all things can't be prepared.

However, he did not think that now in this demise, he actually heard the name Jiang Yun again.

However, he does not think that Jiang Yun, who wants to take the group with him, will be Jiang Yun who he wanted to kill.

Jiang Yun is a real master of the domain.

And the ethnic group that worships in the demise of the domain can only be a native of the country, how can the two be alone!

Therefore, he believes that two Jiang Yun, but the same name and the same name.

But he really has some interest in this matter.

The reason for the interest is because Si Jingan!

Those who belong to the southwestern wilderness, do not know what is the identity of Si Jingan, but the light can not know!

It is precisely because he knows that Si Jing'an has a special position in the entire creation of the royal family. He also knows that Si Jingan almost never asks such a thing, so Si Jingan personally went to preside over the worship, and also changed the rules of the worship several times. It’s too unreasonable.

Therefore, Bai Liguang was originally prepared to go to the Southwestern Wilderness Area personally, but one thing that happened suddenly in the family allowed him to spare time.

In desperation, he could only send one of his own cronies, let him be the messenger of the light and dark royal family, and go to the southwestern wilderness to host the battle.

Moreover, he also informed Jiang Yun of the appearance of this man, let him compare the two Jiang Yun is no different!

However, the temporary replacement of the messenger by 百里光 has not been concealed, and many of the four elephants are attached to the genius of the light and dark family.

Naturally, these families are also moving in the wind, and they also send people to the southwestern wasteland.

Such a large number of people’s dispatches are only for the worship of a wilderness group. Such a thing has never happened in the history of the entire era.

Therefore, there are many good people who believe that it is the two kings that will finally fight.

This time, the worship of a certain ethnic group is just an opportunity for them to fight!

In short, this time the battle will be, although it has not yet begun, but it has attracted too much attention!


For all of this, Jiang Yun is naturally unaware that he and Shura are on the way to the greedy wolf.

Originally at the speed of their group, they will soon reach the greedy wolf.

However, Jiang Yun has just entered Tianyuan, although Xuanyin specially arranged for people to give him as a sparring, but for Jiang Yun, Xuanyin is an outsider after all, so he has some questions and is not easy to ask.

Now that Shura is a strong man, he naturally will not let such a precious opportunity, and continue to ask Shura.

Shura is also very patient, and he has questions about Jiang Yun’s problems.

In this way, the pedestrians also deliberately slowed down until the point where the battle will begin three days later, and this will reach the family of the greedy wolf.


The greedy wolf will be the patriarchal world.

Today, on this side of the world, three virtual roads have been opened up, and there are hundreds of transmission arrays in the seams!

At this moment, no matter whether it is in the empty channel or in the transmission array, there are a large number of monks with a constant stream.

Jiang Yun is also considered to be knowledgeable, and the big scenes of the two fields have seen a lot.

But when he saw the sight in front of him, he still couldn't help but be a little surprised. I didn't expect this battle to attract so many people.

Although Jiang Yun and others are extremely low-key all the way, since it has already arrived at the greedy wolf, it is naturally impossible to keep a low profile.

What's more, his image has been deeply imprinted in the minds of almost every southwestern monk, so he just appeared, and immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun is here!"

"He seems to be a little different from the last time he was on the road. Isn't it possible to improve it?"

"Just, this Jiang Yun and his ethnic group, how come there are six people?"

"If it is, then their entire ethnic group's acting style seems to be extremely overbearing and strong!"

A group is ready to pay a grand test of the last large scale. Only six people are sent to participate. This is indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

It also makes them feel that the Jiangyun family is not only strong but also a hidden world.

At this time, I still refused to let too many people appear.

"Jiang Yun, come on!"

"This time you will definitely be able to worship success!"

Many of the monks who have already regarded Jiang Yun as an idol, even shouted at Jiang Yun without hesitation, expressed their support in their hearts.

Jiang Yun naturally responded to these monks with a smile.

Even though Jiang Yun doesn't like this kind of occasion, he also knows that since he has decided to let the tenth family show up, then naturally, they should also consider allowing them to integrate into the domain as soon as possible, and do as much as possible with other ethnic groups.

Soon, within the greedy wolf family, there was also a group of people coming out.

Headed by, it is a greedy wolf patriarch, Wolf Tianhong!

Although the greedy wolf is now because of Jiang Yun, it is already sweeping the ground, the majesty of the entire southwestern wilderness is not as good as before, all the people are even more willing to kill Jiang Yun.

However, since the venue for the battle now has been chosen among their families, they are the host, even if they are loaded, they must show their temperament.

After a false guest set, the two sides stepped into the world of greedy wolves!

The greedy wolf family belongs to the Yaozu, although it is the top nine generals, but the entire environment of the greedy wolf world is extremely chaotic and rough.

There are not many buildings belonging to human beings, and more are the caves that can be seen everywhere. It is obvious that the greedy wolves maintain their living style as wolves.

However, in order to fight this time, the greedy wolf is also well prepared.

In the center of the greedy wolf world, in just three months, a magnificent platform has been built.

Around the martial arts, there is a densely lit grandstand.

The positions of these stands are arranged from high to low.

The lowest stand, each one is only a small size, the number is endless, at first glance, as if you can't see the end, roughly estimate, at least a million.

There are only two stands at the highest point.

Each seat has a size of 10,000, and it goes without saying that it is prepared for the two great royal families.

The grandstands in the middle position are only a few thousand feet in size, but the number is twenty or thirty. It is surrounded by the entire contest platform and is extremely spectacular!

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