The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2152: Light dark messenger

Looking at these dozens of stands, Jiang Yun’s eyes could not help but flashed the color of doubt.

These stands are obviously prepared for the major generals.

However, there are only nine major families in the entire southwestern wasteland, and the number of these stands is as many as twenty or thirty, which makes Jiang Yun naturally puzzled.

On top of this road, Jiang Yun also knows that his current reputation is loud, so in order to avoid trouble, he has intentionally changed his appearance.

In addition, his attention is focused on cultivation and has not been in contact with any other monks.

Therefore, he did not know the news that was spread throughout the Southwestern wilderness, and that there would be four major elephants coming to watch the war.

Despite the doubts in his heart, Jiang Yun did not directly ask questions. Anyway, the distance point will officially begin, and there are still three days.

I can take these time to find someone to inquire about it.

After just glanced at the stands, Jiang Yun regained his gaze and quietly followed the greedy wolf people and came to the temporary residence arranged by the greedy wolf.

This is a valley, surrounded by mountains on three sides, with high mountains and mountains. The mountains are covered with source lines, releasing a powerful pressure.

According to the greedy wolf, this is to protect the safety of Jiang Yun and others, so I chose this place.

However, the only entrance to the valley is the guardianship of a large number of greedy wolves.

Obviously, the real purpose of the greedy wolf is to put Jiang Yun and others under house arrest.

At the same time, it is also trying to avoid contact with other ethnic groups before the start of the battle.

In this regard, Jiang Yun and other six people are daring in the art high, and they are not at all concerned.

Until the greedy wolf people left, six people sat together, and Jiang Yun said the doubts in his heart.

Shura smiled slightly: "On the way, you have not paid attention to cultivation, but we have heard some news."

Jiang Yunbai’s purpose is only to find an opportunity to return to the domain as soon as possible, so he has no other things at all.

But for Shura, if they want to succeed, then they will have to deal with too many problems right away. Of course, it is impossible to manage nothing like Jiang Yun.

Therefore, they have already understood some rumors about the Southwestern wilderness.

Shura smiled and said: "This time you are going to pay attention to the movement, but it is a bit too big."

"It is said that there are many ethnic groups in the four-image area. It seems that we want to extend our hand to the southwestern wasteland by taking advantage of this opportunity."

"And behind these ethnic groups, there are shadows of two great royal families!"

"There are even rumors that the two royals seem to be interested in each other by means of our worship!"

Upon hearing Shura’s explanation, Jiang Yun’s heart could not help but be amazed and finally understood why there were so many stands for the family.

Originally after hearing about the analysis of the situation of Shura and Ye Danqiong, he thought that if he would pay attention to the two kings, he would not worry that they would recognize themselves.

Even if it is extremely dazzling in the process of guiding and selecting, it will not alarm the ethnic groups in other regions.

In fact, it should have been like this.

In the wilderness, even if Jiang Yun is a natural source that has broken through under the cover of the source, even if his performance is outstanding, it is impossible to cause such a big movement.

The area of ​​the destructive domain is too big, and among the vast areas, the most indispensable is the genius.

If Jiang Yun is a strong man who is in a virtual reality, his performance is extremely prominent, which may cause the attention of the two major royal families.

However, he just entered the Tianyuan realm and is in the southwestern wasteland. According to reason, the two royal families and other generals will not be so attached.

However, until now, Jiang Yun did not know that the messenger Si Jingan, who came from the creation of the royal family, was a very special ethnic group among the founding royal family.

He did not even think that his experience will be almost the same as Si Jingan.

Coupled with his dazzling performance, Si Jingan gave birth to a heart of love and love, so at all costs, to take yourself to the four elephants or the Central Region.

In short, it can be said that Si Jingan, helped Jiang Yun to create such a huge momentum.

Although a little shocked, Jiang Yun is not too flustered.

As long as the two royals are not sent by Bai Liguang, not the Imperial Division, their true identity will still not be exposed.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yun looked at Shura and other humanities: "Pre-senior, your identity, are you likely to be recognized by them?"

Shura shook his head and said: "Impossible! After we accepted the life of the Lord, we considered that we will meet the situation one day, so our identity has been concealed."

"The two elders and me have never been exposed, no one will know us."

"The number of times in the four-image area and the two royal families coming to the southwestern wilderness areas is very few, and it is even more impossible to recognize our identity!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "As long as you are not recognized, there will be nothing more to those who come to watch the war."

Shura smiled slightly: "The Lord has done enough, and other things will be given to us!"

"Especially, this time we will participate in the three people who will fight, everyone will try their best, so the pressure of the Lord is not too big, even if it fails, there is nothing!"

According to the rules of the worship, the three candidates who will join the group to fight will come from three different realms.

Among them, it is necessary to have a virtual environment.

The other one, you can choose at will.

Originally, Shura’s hope of fighting for it was also pinned on Jiang Yun’s body.

After all, Jiang Yun’s cultivation at that time was the peak of the source and the source, and the source was invincible!

However, I did not expect that Jiang Yun actually entered the heavenly source.

Although the process of Jiang Yun’s breakthrough shocked the southwestern wilderness, the strength is definitely far beyond the same level, but after all, it’s just a matter of heaven!

The other nine major families will inevitably send out the peaks of the heavens and the roots, and even the strong ones who return to the source.

With Jiang Yun’s strength to win, the difficulty is naturally great.

Therefore, Shura made a special statement to comfort Jiang Yun, hoping that he does not have to be too nervous.

Jiang Yun is also well aware that although he and Xue Jingyang have both handed over, they also won Xue Jingyang, but that was done with the power of Xuanyin to help improve the cultivation.

Although there is a way to improve the cultivation at the time of the war, but the power of the sacrifice of heaven and the power of reincarnation can not be used, it is best not to use it.

What's more, the power of the domain can't be displayed now, so that it is impossible for you to defeat the opponents of Tianyuan.

Jiang Yun nodded. "Well, I will do my best. If it fails, I will not be able to find another way!"

Shura’s face is gratified: “Well, if there is nothing, the main lord will rest for a few days!”

"Although the greedy wolf does not limit our freedom, but as long as we leave the valley, every move will inevitably be noticed, so it is best not to go out!"

So, a group of six people temporarily stayed in the valley.

During these three days, there were still a large number of monks who came to the world of greedy wolves.

Wolf Tianhong, the patriarch of the greedy wolf, has always been like a goalkeeper, standing outside the savage wolf.

Since the arrival of Jiang Yun, the major generals of the Sixiang area have also arrived one by one.

Wearing the empty family, the Xiangying family, the giant spirit family, the falling maple family,...

These families are famous in the four-image area.

They came to the southwestern wilderness and entered the greedy wolf family, which attracted people's attention and made all the monks in the southwestern wilderness excited.

Such a large squad naturally makes the southwestern wasteland boil again, everyone is excited!

This kind of sentiment reached its climax on the last day before the start of the war.

Because the messenger of the Dark Emperor finally arrived, there were five people.

The first sentence of the middle-aged man headed by seeing Wolf Tianhong is: "I want to see the **** cloud!"

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