The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2171: Seeing the road

Jiang Yun’s strong words made the entire greedy wolf community fall into silence again.

The strength of Jiang Yun, in fact, everyone already knows.

It’s just that I never imagined that in the face of Bailiyong, facing the high-ranking royal family, Jiang Yun even dared to maintain such a strong position.

The imperial messenger was not qualified to order him and the ancients.

Even Jiang Yun is a sword pointing to Bailiyong, and many people have no doubts. If Jiang Yun has the ability to kill Bailiyong, then I am afraid that he will not hesitate to shoot and kill Bailiyong. .

This time, it is really for everyone, especially those who have come from the four-image area, all of them are deeply shocked!

"Bold!" Behind Bai Liyong, a light and dark royal family immediately stood up and yelled at Jiang Yun.

"Ha ha ha!" Bai Liyong was laughing loudly and waved his hand: "There is only one frog at the bottom of the mine. I don't know the height of the sky, so I don't have to talk to him!"

It sounds like, Bai Liyong seems to be a large number of adults, not prepared to compare with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun gently shook his head and said: "Hundreds of brave, I have given you the reason to kill me, you are still timid here."

"A glimpse of the whole leopard, so it seems that you should be like this in the dark royal family!"

With the fall of Jiang Yun’s words, everyone’s face is all changing.

In this sentence, Bailiyong has just said to Jiang Yun, and now Jiang Yun has returned to Bailiyong as it is!

Even more straightforward, the target was directed at the entire dark king.

This makes everyone really can't help but wonder if Jiang Yun is crazy!

Where do they know that there are hundreds of people in the dark emperor who died in the hands of Jiang Yun, and he will care about a hundred miles in the district.

What's more, because Jiang Yun, Qian Hand and Yue Ling are still under the control of the two royal families.

Jiang Yun and the two great royal families, especially the light and dark royal family, will have a battle, so he does not care whether he offends the royal family.

The face of Bai Liyong is also a sudden sinking, and finally the cold mouth: "Jiang Yun, you will provoke me, but since you don't even look at my dark royal family, if you don't want you today, If you take it, it’s not a joke. My royalty is too incompetent!"

Bailiyong suddenly raised his voice and gave a loud voice: "Southwestern wilderness, all the generals listen!"

In this sentence, the patriarchs of the nine great generals were all in one, and they had to stand up with their fists.

Jiang Yun shook his head again: "To kill me, I don't dare to shoot in person, but also need the help of others!"

"Jiang Yun!" Bailiyong said coldly: "What is my identity, I can shoot it myself!"

The implication is that Jiang Yun is not worthy of the royal ambassador of Bai Liyong.

Bailiyong waved his hand: "There are now the southwestern wilderness monk Jiang Yun who commits the following crimes. I am the emissary of the royal family. I ordered the enemy to catch Jiang Yun at a speed, and I will bring it back to the royal family. If I dare to resist, kill no. amnesty!"

"If someone dares to help, kill innocent!"

Hearing this **** command, the nine patriarchs, regardless of their willingness or not, can only agree in unison at this time: "Follow!"

Although Nangong Meng and Xuezizhang are reluctant to do so, they will not go to Jiang Yun, but Xue Qianxi and Tu Chengye and others have heard this command but they are ecstatic.

They have long slammed their stomachs, and they can't wait to kill Jiang Yun by hand. They just have been obstructed by the rules and can only be patient.

Now, with the help of Bai Liyong, they can no longer worry about it.

Shura and Shusheng have appeared in the side of Jiang Yun, looking indifferently watching the nine great generals.

And the faces of the three people, including Jiang Yun, at this moment, there is no fear of the slightest fear.

In this way, Xue Qianxi and others did not dare to go straight up.

Although they are more powerful in this area, the strength of Shura is unfathomable.

Just as the slaughter industry was easily shaken off by it, it was difficult for one person to deal with him.

Now that these people are going to deal with Jiang Yun, Shura will not stand idly by.

If you catch your own life in order to catch a cloud of Tianyuan, it would be too cost-effective.

After a moment of silence, Xue Qianxi faintly said: "Ginger brother, we are also obeying, not really want to be an enemy of you, but also hope that you do not let us do it."

While speaking, Xue Qianxi, the wolf Tianhong and the Lingjing ethnic group chiefs, the three were in the shape of a character, and walked toward Shura.

But Tu Chengye is carrying a murderous face and walking toward Jiang Yun alone.

This scene, let the audience can not help but breathe a cold breath.

In order to deal with a Shura, the three tyrants have a rare combination!

It can be seen from this that the nine patriarchs are really jealous of Shura.

However, this lineup is indeed enough to ensure that Shura can no longer be distracted to save Jiang Yun.

In the face of the three people who came, Shura still did not worry, just sneer: "Take the virtual world to deal with the heavenly source, one of the patriarchs, even the face is not!"

"Fortunately, we will fail if we worship. Otherwise, such a family is too shameful."

Butchery is simply ignoring the sarcasm of Shura.

Although it is indeed too bully to deal with Jiang Yun with his cultivation as a realm, he must avenge his son!

Even in order to prevent further accidents, Tu Chengye has suddenly raised his hand, and a sword gas directly stabbed Jiang Yun!

In the face of this nearly sneak attack, Jiang Yun is not even able to pick up the peak state, and Xue Qianxi three people are also full of exudation, will Shura firmly suppress, let him shot.

There was a touch of blood in Shura’s eyes, and he was not in a hurry.

But at this moment, there is a red maple leaf suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Yun.


With a loud noise, this maple leaf has blocked the sword of Tu Chengye!


This sudden appearance of the maple leaves, so that everyone's face is changed again, even if even the hundred miles of brave is a slight glimpse and then screamed.


Jiang Yun’s emptiness is walking out of a middle-aged man.

And when I saw this person, Bai Liyong couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Lo, how is you!"

Not only is Bailiyong, but above the stands, all the ethnic people from the Sixiang area recognized Luosin.

Although the area of ​​the Four Elephants is extremely large, it is naturally known to the patriarchs of the inner patriarchs and the strong ones.

"Yes, it is me!"

Losin tried to keep his face calm, although his heart was a little trembling.

He is not afraid of being a strong man in the field, but thinking that his own practice will completely offend the dark royal family, so there are some concerns.

However, since his own family has become the strength of Si Jing'an, since Si Jingan has ordered to keep Jiang Yun himself, then he can only stand up at this time.

After recognizing Luo Xin, Bai Liyong’s face couldn’t help but go down again: “Luo chief, can I know why?”

Luo Xin said with a blank expression: "I can't understand how much you bully, to bully, so the road is not flat, help you!"

The reason given by Losin makes it impossible for people who know him to be stunned.

As a patriarch of the four-image area, he would have a hard time seeing the road, helping him with his sword, and his uneven object, or the dark royal family...

Even Jiang Yun and Shura are confused, and they don’t know what the Luosin is.

Bailiyong anger smirked and said: "Haha, Luozu, you are in the area of ​​the four elephants, you are sure to really help for this Jiang Yun and the ancient hidden family?"

Not waiting for the opening of Luo Xin, but there is another voice that sounds: "Not only does he have to help but pull out the knife, I can't stand it anymore!"

The person who speaks, Si Lingrui!

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