The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2172: Two don’t help

The sudden opening of Si Lingrui made everyone feel refreshed.

The messenger who came to the birth of the royal family, almost always kept low-key, almost almost forgotten.

It was also until this time that the talents remembered that this time they would fight, and there was such a royal messenger.

Especially what he said, obviously is opposite to Bailiyong!

Coupled with the rumors that the two great royal families will go to war with this point, let the people secretly speculate, is the rumor coming true?

Even Bai Liyong’s face showed a hint of accidental color. He looked at Si Lingrui: “The younger brother, you and I are all from the royal family, but they should be on a front line!”

Bailiyong can not care about anyone in the world of today's greedy wolf, but he can't care less about Si Lingrui.

However, Si Lingrui is like an outsider from beginning to end, just like a real spectator, just silently watching.

Any decision on Bai Liyong is turned a blind eye to anything happening in the battle, which makes the courage of Bailiyong bigger and bigger.

Unexpectedly, at this most critical time, Si Lingrui would stand up!

Si Lingrui smiled slightly and stood up and said: "Yes, you and I are the messengers of this ancient hidden family, and we should go back together."

"But, this time I will fight, and Baili brother seems to have never consulted me!"

Bai Liyong's eyes narrowed slightly, and looked at Si Lingrui. For a moment, he couldn't figure out what the other party meant.

But he still smiled and said: "This is indeed a bit of a slap in the face. I don't know, what is the opinion of the younger brother on this point?"

Si Lingrui smiled and said: "First of all, I am not helping each other!"

Then, he reached out and pointed to Xue Jingyang, who had almost fallen to the ground: "Aside from everything, the battle between Jiang Yun and Xue Jingyang, who knows who wins?"

Although Bailiyong did not want to admit it, but in the face of so many people, he had to tell the truth: "Jiang Yun!"

Jiang Yun is still standing here, even killing An Ruo.

And Xue Jingyang didn't have the strength to stand up, and the result was naturally clear.

Si Lingrui said faintly: "Since Jiang Yunsheng has won, it means that the ancient hidden family will succeed!"

Bai Liyong's brows wrinkled tightly: "Sir brother, what do you want to say, just say it!"

Si Lingrui solemnly said: "What I want to say is that the ancient hidden family will succeed in the facts. This is a bit of a dissatisfaction in the heart, and should not be denied!"

"After all, you and I are royal messengers, representing the royal family!"

"If the matter is passed back, you and I will have no face on both faces, and will be laughed at by the tribes and even be punished!"

Si Lingrui’s remarks speak of many people’s hearts, especially those who are not yet ethnic.

If today's Bailiyong is really dissatisfied with Jiang Yun, it will veto the success of the entire ancient invisible worship, which will also make other people who want to worship the chilling.

There is nothing fair about this, but it will make these groups equally dissatisfied with the two royal families!

Bailiyong is not stupid. Although he does not put these ethnic groups in the wilderness, he also knows that Si Lingrui is telling the truth.

Although he said that he wants to kill Jiang Yun, to kill the ancient invisible family, it is entirely for revenge for Bai Liguang, but if what happens here is really known by the top of the light dark royal family, causing their dissatisfaction, then the sacrifice will be Definitely yourself.

Therefore, even if it is a hundred miles, it is impossible to refute Si Lingrui at this point.

Si Lingrui continued: "As for Jiang Yun’s attack on Baili’s brother, he does not put the nobility in his eyes. This is indeed something wrong. It’s also understandable that Baili’s brother wants to take him back.”

"Just, you have to make a virtual environment to deal with Tianyuan, this is really a bit unreasonable."

"I suggest that it is better to follow the rules of the point and let the monks from Tianyuan take the shot!"

"If someone can catch it, or even kill Jiang Yun, then no one can interfere!"

Si Lingrui’s words finally came to an end, but everyone was frowning and unrecognizable.

Because they all can't figure out what the attitude is.

He supported the ancient hidden family to be successful, and believed that Bailiyong had made a sneak peek at Jiang Yun, and he couldn’t say it. This seems to be standing on the side of Jiang Yun.

But he agreed to let the monks from Tianyuan to catch Jiang Yun and even kill Jiang Yun, who seems to be standing on the side of Bailiyong.

Because although Jiang Yun has already won the strongest of the nine peaks in the sky, but at this moment, even if there is still strength, but there is not much.

Under this circumstance, let him go to fight with the strongest people in Tianyuan. He has no chance of winning at all, and he will still be arrested or killed in the end.

Si Lingrui simply ignores the attitude of others, but turns his head and looks at Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Yun, my suggestion, can you accept?"

Jiang Yun is also a fog, but after he sinks, he opens his mouth: "If I accept, can the adult can guarantee that my ancient clan will succeed?"

Si Lingrui took a look at Bailiyong, and the latter reluctantly nodded, and Si Lingrui said: "Yes!"

Jiang Yun is also a little bit: "That I accept!"

As Jiang Yun’s voice fell, Bailiyong took a step forward: “All ethnic groups listen well, as long as there is a heavenly monk who can catch or kill Jiang Yun, my dark royal family must have a reward!”

Bai Liyong was really angered by Si Lingrui, but he could not attack it, so he could only vent his anger to Jiang Yun.

I don’t even hide my own purpose, but directly use the reward as a condition to come to Jiang Yun’s life.

The reward of the Dark Emperor is a great temptation for any ethnic group, even the four-image region.

Especially at this moment, Jiang Yun, in the eyes of anyone, is almost exhausted.

Killing him is really easy.

Therefore, among the four elephants who belonged to the Dark Emperor, they suddenly appeared one after another.

All the ancestors who came to the southwestern wilderness in the four-image area, except Luosin of the Feng family, were only those who had returned to the source and the strong source.

They were originally just to watch the excitement, but I did not expect that there would be such an unexpected chance, naturally no one would give up.

Among the Danyang and other ethnic groups, there are a large number of monks, even if they even ask the lovers.

Jiang Yun, in their eyes, is like a lamb to be slaughtered, everyone wants to eat a bite!

In a blink of an eye, at least hundreds of Tianyuan monks stood up.

And Jiang Yun glanced at the monks calmly, remembering which ethnic groups they came from.

At this time, Jiang Yun’s ear also sounded the sound of Shura’s voice: “Can you persist? If not, I will take you directly to kill!”

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Try it!"

Luo Xin, who stood beside Jiang Yun, also said the same voice: "Little brother, it is better for me to take you back to my maple family, where even the two royal families dare not come to arrest you!"

For Luo Xin, Jiang Yun did not know his true intentions, but since the other party's key moments blocked a sword for himself, Jiang Yun would at least not regard him as an enemy.

"Predecessors are good-hearted, I should still be able to cope!"

Luo Xin’s eyes widened: “Can you still cope? How do you cope?”

"These people take turns to play one by one, even if you can beat ten hundred, but they will still be killed by them!"

Jiang Yun didn't answer any more, just a faint smile, and suddenly walked in the middle of the world, his eyes swept all humans again: "Since all of you want Jiang's life to exchange for the reward of the Dark Emperor, then come! ”

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