The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2173: Danyang Fall

As Jiang Yun’s voice fell, he even closed his eyes and stopped looking at the hundreds of monks from different regions and different ethnic groups who regarded themselves as the heavenly source of the lamb to be slaughtered.

Although these days, the monks have just been able to kill Jiang Yun, and they are worried that Jiang Yun will die in the hands of others.

But at this moment, looking at Jiang Yun, who stands between the heavens and the earth, they are very calm, but no one dares to really rush to the first.

Because, they suddenly felt that today's point will be battled, and after nine consecutive trials, will Jiang Yun not show his true strength at all.

Otherwise, in the face of so many people, facing the situation of complete death, how can Jiang Yun still be so strong?

Everyone's eyes are watching Jiang Yun, but Si Lingrui, who has already re-sit back to the stands, is looking at Bailiyong and Shura. His face is relieved and he has a long breath. : "Thanks to me, I finally remembered the origin of the lamp!"

"The lamp is actually from...the family!"

"The ancient invisible family, although not necessarily one of that family, but as long as there is a chance, then the ancient invisible can not offend anyway."

"They want to worship, then let them succeed!"

"Now, the face of the ancient invisible family I gave it; Bai Liyong, I have not completely offended, this task should be considered a good completion!"

"As for Jiang Yun, there is such a lamp in hand, it is impossible for someone to kill him!"

Speaking of this, Si Lingru suddenly frowned: "Yes, the uncle is valued by him, is it because he already knows his origins?"

At this moment, Jiang Yun, with his eyes closed, suddenly spoke again: "You, if you dare not come one by one, then you can go together!"


"Jiang Yun wants all the monks from Tianyuan to come together!"

"He, is he crazy, or does he really have such a strong strength?"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, everyone could not believe their ears.

Jiang Yun, who has been in the battle for nine games, now has to fight for hundreds of monks in Tianyuan.

This is totally impossible for anyone who wants to come. Do you think Jiang Yun is deliberately bluffing?

However, the more so, the more no one dares to go forward.

Only one exception!

Xue Jingyang's body shivered slightly, looking at Jiang Yun's gaze, showing a strong hatred.

In order to deal with Jiang Yun, Xue Jingyang really tried his best and almost caught his life.

Even if he did not hesitate to listen to An Ruo’s words, he used the money hill to threaten Jiang Yun.

If he can successfully kill Jiang Yun, then all he has done will not bring him shame, but will bring him glory, so that he is still the dazzling Danyang yang of the Southwestern wilderness.

Unfortunately, he failed!

Jiang Yun not only killed An Ruoyi, but also saved the money hill, and he has already succeeded with the ancient hidden family.

Although Jiang Yun did not kill Xue Jingyang, but for Xue Jingyang, it is better to die in the hands of Jiang Yun.

Because now, he can feel that among his own people, many people look at their own eyes with a hint of contempt and contempt.

Even their own people look down on themselves, not to mention other monks.

Therefore, Xue Jingyang really hated Jiang Yun, and even An Ruoqi hated him.

At this moment, I saw that Jiang Yun had to challenge all the monks in Tianyuan with his own strength. Standing there and showing the limelight, this made the hatred in his heart deepen again.

As soon as he reached out, Xue Jingyang appeared in the palm of his hand and then swallowed it without hesitation.

The medicinal herbs entered the body and turned into a raging fire, reflecting the body of Xue Jingyang, and letting his wounds heal quickly, letting his almost dry body immediately rush into the endless source!

Just in the past, Xue Jingyang stood up.

Under the mighty atmosphere, the whole person's state has returned to the peak.

"Jiang Yun, the battle between us is not over yet!"

Accompanied by an earth-shattering roar in the mouth, Xue Jingyang stepped out and appeared directly in front of Jiang Yun, with a burning flame in his eyes, staring at Jiang Yun.

“Large and young!”

Among the Danyang people, there are people who want to stop Xue Jingyang, but Xue Qianxi is a calm voice: "Let him go, don't kill Jiang Yun, he will not have much success in his life!"

Xue Qianxi has clearly seen Xue Jingyang's every move.

Although his eyes were a bit unbearable at the time, he did not stop his son's behavior.

He knew that the medicinal herb that his son had taken was named Danyang Dan.

This Dan is the fire of Danyang, with amazing effects.

Any creature, as long as there is still a breath, then this Dan can make it completely restored.

However, taking this Dan, every time you have to bear the power of the reversal of the fire of Danyang, a little careless, it will be burned and died.

Although Xue Qianxi did not want his son to take Danyang Dan, he also knew that Xue Jingyang’s hatred of Jiang Yun had already formed a knot.

Last time, Xue Jingyang was able to solve his own happiness and be able to turn anger into motivation.

But this time, Xue Jingyang can no longer do it. In the future, his path of practice will always be fixed in the peak of Tianyuan, and there is no future.

Therefore, Xue Qianxi would rather have his son to suffer from the fire of Danyang, and let him kill Jiang Yun.

Seeing Xue Jingyang, who appeared again in front of Jiang Yun, everyone couldn't help but also stunned. I didn't expect Xue Jingyang to be able to recover as soon as possible in such a short period of time.

Jiang Yun did not have the slightest surprise, even the eyes did not even open, calmly said: "You are very lucky to die, why bother to die!"

"Stop!" Xue Jingyang burst into a sigh: "Just, I was only able to kill you!"

Xue Jingyang smiled and smiled, lifting the palm that had become red, with a hot high temperature, patted toward Jiang Yun.

Obviously, Xue Jingyang has long memory.

Since Jiang Yun has a lamp that can devour the flames and is not afraid of his own Danyang, he will kill Jiang Yun with his own strength over the eight realms of Jiang Yun.

In the face of Xue Jingyang's attack, Jiang Yun did not even open his eyes, but suddenly a finger sticked out, and there was a small whirlpool at the fingertips.

Gently shaking, the whirlpool broke away from his fingers, turned into a breeze, and blew toward Xue Jingyang!

With the advent of the breeze, Xue Jingyang's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't even continue to attack Jiang Yun. It was like crazy, and he went backwards madly. It was clearly a taboo against the breeze.

It’s a pity that his speed is fast, and it’s not so fast.

The breeze finally blows on him.

Xue Jingyang’s constantly fleeing body suddenly stopped, and the color of fear on his face solidified.

And his entire body, at a speed visible to the naked eye, turned into a layer of small to the ultimate dust, drifting away in all directions.


Seeing this scene, Xue Qianxi suddenly smashed his body and rushed toward Xue Jingyang.

But some people are faster than him, and they are in front of him: "If you want to shoot, I will accompany you!"

Shura looked at Xue Qianxi with a smile, so that Xue Qianxi did not dare to continue to rush in the past despite the hatred of the eyes.

Xue Jingyang, who has just returned to its heyday, is the sun of Danyang in the southwestern wilderness.

Moreover, compared to the fact that he and Jiang Yun had been glued for a long time, and even almost killed Jiang Yun’s battle, this time he was even more embarrassed.

Because this time, Jiang Yun only showed a breeze, he would kill him easily, and it was still extinct, nothing left!

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s calm voice once again sounded in everyone’s ears: “You, I said, you can go together!”

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