The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2175: Turn into ashes

Jiang Yun's space!

When I heard this sentence, everyone couldn't help but look at it. I didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Yun's sentence. I looked around and looked around.

But then, their faces changed.

Because from their body and from nothingness, there has been a powerful force that has bound each of them.

In an instant, the hundreds of monks who had originally formed an encirclement were isolated from each other.

Everyone, in a separate space, can't leave this space, just like being imprisoned.

It seems that each of them is far from the people around them, but the distance is so close that they can't cross.

This scene makes everyone feel suspicious, and those who are on the side are even more open to voice.

"What space power is this, how is it so powerful?"

"Yeah, in an instant, you can spread more than one hundred people."

“Is the power of the ancient invisible family the power of a certain space?”

"But, how do I feel that the power of this space is a bit like the power of the void of the Void?"

"No, it can't be the power of the void, how strong the void will be, and it is far away from the Suzaku area. Even if Jiang Yun is even more powerful, it is impossible to have a relationship with the Void, and it is even more impossible to gain the power of the void."


After these monks were bound by the heavens, Jiang Yun raised his hand again, and suddenly there was an endless black mist rushing out in all directions, covering himself, together with all the monks of heaven.

From a distance, the sky is like a huge black fog ball out of thin air, covering everyone's sight and knowledge, so that even the strongest in the virtual world, can not know the black for a while. In the fog, only a series of roaring sounds can be heard inside.


Among the trapped Tianyuan strong people, a few people have begun to attack the surrounding space, wanting to break the space and get out of it.

Jiang Yun, who was surrounded by the crowds, looked at the monks who had shot them. The face was calm and said: "It doesn't take much effort, let alone you, even if the royals come here, they may not be able to break. Open this space!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun suddenly reached out to the top of his head, and suddenly there was a golden big trip!

This dazzling brilliance, golden light, looks like a magic weapon.

However, its color is changing from gold to black at a very fast speed.

Hundreds of Tianyuan monks looked at it and found that there was a black line of madness on the top of the body, which made the original golden body become black after the interest rate, and exudes a A strong chill!

"That's what it looks like, it looks like the power is strong!"

"It’s just a matter of pretending to be a ghost. The power of the instrument is strong, and you have to look at the true strength of Jiang Yun."

"I don't believe it. With one person's strength, he will be able to spur a big trip in the district and kill us all!"

Hundreds of Tianyuan monks, although still some people are constantly attacking the surrounding space, but the vast majority are completely indifferent.

Even with their curiosity and interest, they want to see how Jiang Yun is prepared to deal with so many people.

As for their safety, they are not worried!

Hundreds of Tianyuan monks, the weakest is also the Tianyuan five, to deal with a monk who has just entered the heavens, they can hardly think of it, how can these people have the possibility of losing!

When the Ding on the top of the head completely turned black, Jiang Yun’s gaze once again looked to them: “Today is not what I want to kill you, but Danyang, Sword and Tu, Ask, Love, and You are the ones killed by the Dark Royals, I hope you can remember this!"

Jiang Yun’s words made these Tianyuan strong people face the disdainful color, and they all said: “Oh, Jiang Yun, you don’t have to bluff here, give yourself courage!”

"The weird wind you just showed is indeed extraordinary, but even if you are fast, you can only attack a few of us!"

"And the wind, you should not be able to display it endlessly!"

"If I were you, I would simply be on the spot, so I could suffer less before I die!"

Hearing everyone’s words still with high spirits, Jiang Yun couldn’t help but smile and shook his head and said: “It’s very appropriate for you to say my words just now.”

"The frog at the bottom of the well, knowing the world is big!"

"Today, you will take a good look at your eyes, how did I kill you!"

After that, Jiang Yun reached out again.

On the top of the black dading, the black lines that were densely covered suddenly turned into countless black lightnings, and rushed toward hundreds of Tianyuan strongmen.

The black lightning, which detached at a very fast speed, easily passed through a single space and slammed into every strong source.



The sound of the explosion and the screams of the screams sounded louder.

Under the constraints of those spaces, all the strong people of the heavenly source can't even escape, and they can only bear the attacks of these black lightnings.

Although these black lightnings can't kill them all at once, but before the first wave of lightning disappears, the top of Jiang Yun's head has turned into a golden dad, but it has begun to grow with black lines.

"This, it seems to be, robbery, robbery!"

An old Tianyuan strongman's body has become blackened, and the first round of black lightning attack has been carried out, which also made him suddenly open his eyes, think of something, and exclaimed.

The old man is really right!

This is the power of robbery!

Or more accurately, it is the power of looting!

When the Xiao people under the royal family were killed, they had the power of looting!

The power of looting has disappeared from the demise for a long time.

Nowadays, after many years, in the southwestern wilderness, it blooms again from the hands of Jiang Yun.

At this time, all the strong people in the heavens have already threatened the death in their hearts, and they can no longer remain calm. All of them are madly attacking the space around them and want to escape quickly.

It is a pity that although their attacks were fierce, they did not touch the space. Instead, they squatted on their own bodies, making the body that had been bruised by black lightning worse.

"This, is this the power of the Jingjing people?"

The monks in the southwestern wilderness immediately looked at the people of the Lingjing family, while the latter looked pale and shook their heads.

A monk from the Sixiang area looked ugly and said: "This is not the power of the Lingjing family. This is the power of the void. All our attacks will fall on our own!"

"Heaven, come again!"

Above the top of Jiang Yun’s head, it turned into a black dad again, and there was an overwhelming lightning, pouring down!

After a full quarter of an hour, all the black lightning finally disappeared.

Even the black mist that has always shrouded this area has dissipated, and the situation inside it has been re-exposed to all the monks who are now in the world of the wolf.

In the eyes of the great generals, in the eyes of the two great royals, in the eyes of all, they saw with their own eyes that the hundreds of powerful people of Tianyuan had all fallen to the ground.

When their bodies fell to the ground, they collapsed silently and turned into ashes...

Jiang Yun, with his own power, killed a total of 103 strong people in Tianyuan in a short quarter of an hour!

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