The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2176: Must kill

Since Jiang Yun first appeared in the Southwestern Wilderness, until now, he has created many miracles and brought great shock to everyone.

But all the things he had done before, all the miracles he created, even if they were added together, could not match the moment at this moment, he brought the shocked drama of all the monks in the world of today!

In the whole world of the greedy wolf, every monk has widened his eyes to the extreme, staring at the ashes that have been blown away by a breeze, and thus dissipated hundreds of Tianyuan strongmen. Jiang Yun, who is still standing between the heavens and the earth, unharmed!

Almost everyone has a blank in their minds, temporarily losing the ability to think.

Killing more than one hundred Tianyuan monks is not a bad thing. A large number of these people have done it, or can do it, or even spend time, it can be even more short-lived. .

However, it is only three months since the killing of these heavenly monks, but only a three-month battle that has just gone through ten battles, and even the opponents who have been fighting with the opponents...

This makes them not shocked, how can they not be lost!

Of course, what they want to know more is how Jiang Yun did it!

Shura first came back to God, and his mouth rose, revealing a smile of unknown meaning.

Then, Si Lingrui blinked his eyes and woke up. His eyes lit up with a light. The heart almost screamed: "I know, I know that Jiang Yun can't die."

"It seems that the lamp, and the ancient hidden family, my guess is right!"

Bai Liyong’s body trembled slightly, and his mouth sucked cold.

Originally, he always couldn't figure out how a little monk who had not been famous in the Southwestern Wilderness a year ago could bear hatred with Bailiguang.

Now, even though he still doesn't know the specific process, he at least no longer doubts about it.

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s voice rang again: “Which other source, want to kill Jiang?”

At this moment, the greedy wolf world is dead, which makes Jiang Yun's voice more empty, and even brings out a little echo, constantly echoing in everyone's ear.

Everyone has finally returned to God!

Which Tianyuan is there to kill Jiang Yun?

Which Tianyuan is there, can kill Jiang Yun!

Don't look at Jiang Yun, but he has just entered Tianyuan, but if he says that his strength is invincible in Tianyuan, I am afraid no one will doubt it.

Suddenly, Xue Qianxi said in a word: "He must have a magic weapon for the strong man who is in the virtual world."

While talking, Xue Qianxi’s gaze was to look at Shura’s, while the latter only smiled and did not respond at all.

In fact, even Shura does not know how Jiang Yun did it, but he believes that Jiang Yun should rely on its true strength.

Tu Chengye immediately followed: "Yes, it must be like this. Otherwise, he can't kill so many talented people so easily!"

"The black mist that he just made, even the knowledge that I waited for could not penetrate, this is enough to prove!"

The successive openings of the two imaginary powers have also led more and more people to start to echo, thinking that only this possibility can explain the death of hundreds of strong people.

They would rather believe that Jiang Yun is killing these heavenly monks with the power of magic weapons, rather than believing that Jiang Yun is taking advantage of his own strength.

Jiang Yun’s body naturally has no magic weapon to take the virtual world.

The black mist he just showed is not a simple fog, but contains three different forces!

The first is the basic force of fog, and it is also the strength he gained in a secret day in Shura;

Jiang Yun's choice of the secret environment in Shura is not targeted, but will be chosen to be similar to the power of certain avenues he had originally owned.

Just like the force of the snow he used to perform.

However, because Jiang Yun can know the composition of the origin of each kind of power, if he has this power, then the power of display is far more powerful than others.

The second type is the power of nothingness in the extraterrestrial battlefield.

The third type is the power of assimilation given to him by nameless!

Although Jiang Yun’s wind of silence is not recognized by anyone, Jiang Yun wants to exert the power of looting, especially the special ability of the gods, he still worried that he would be recognized, so this is Make a lot of preparations and avoid being detected by others as much as possible.

These things, Jiang Yun naturally will not say it, just calmly watching Bai Liyong and Si Lingrui, once again said: "If no one wants to kill Jiang, then the two messengers are not supposed to The last worship will be!"

Bye, it is the last step of any ethnic group that wants to be a patriarch, that is, a ritual.

The two royal families will send the ethnic group to the character, record the name of your ethnic group, and need to send the source of the ethnic group to the drum and the door!

Completing this final process is the real success!

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Si Lingrui naturally had no objection.

However, he did not have an urgent need to open his mouth, but looked at Bailiyong with a smile.

At this time, the heart of Bailiyong has actually given up the idea of ​​killing Jiang Yun.

Because he also knows that today, unless it is the source of the source and the strongest, the words should be really no one can kill Jiang Yun.

However, I have no reason to go to this order again.

Therefore, he now just wants to return to the dark royal family, telling the story of Jiang Yun, and the light is determined by Bai Liguang.

However, just as Bailiyong was just preparing to open his mouth, Xue Qianxi gave a sneer: "The two messengers are adults, this is the heart of the poison, and the killing is too heavy!"

"Now, he has killed so many monks of various ethnic groups in various ethnic groups. If they are still to succeed in their family, then the event will be proclaimed in the future, and I am afraid that it will cause many other imitations that want to worship the ethnic group!"

Tu Chengye is also taking a step forward: "Yes, the two messengers are adults, and we must not let the ancient hidden people worship success!"

Although Bailiyong was a little dissatisfied, he finally made up his mind and changed his mind. But the two patriarchs ran against it again, but they thought that the two had previously taken the lead in supporting their own behavior, and they were not offended. A faint saying: "What do you mean?"

Xue Qianxi’s cold road: "It is still necessary to unite all the monks in our presence in accordance with the decision of the previous Baili adults to kill Jiang Yun. If anyone dares to interfere, kill innocent!"

Obviously, Xue Qianxi, they are not willing to let go of Jiang Yun anyway, and they are not willing to let the ancient hidden family worship.

Once the ancient invisibles really become the generals, then they will go to Jiang Yun to revenge, the difficulty will be even greater.

It is better to take advantage of the opportunity of the ancient patriarchs, elders and Jiang Yun here to kill all three.

Then think of a way to destroy the entire ancient invisible family little by little.

It is extremely simple to have a hard-working person sitting in the town and want to destroy the ancient invisible family.

Tu Chengye echoed and said: "I am willing to take it out personally. Jiang Yun is so embarrassed, he must kill it, and he will be effective!"

Just as Bailiyong was still tangled, there were several voices that agreed.

The people who spoke were all from the group of more than one hundred Tianyuan strong people who had just been killed by Jiang Yun.

They were originally watching the excitement, but the result was because of their inner greed, and they took the lives of their respective ethnic groups. How can they be willing to let go of Jiang Yun and the ancient hidden family.


Just then, the sound of a shocking gold and iron crash suddenly sounded.

Among the crowds, Tu Chengye was pale and his eyes were round and round. He held a bronze sword that had been broken into two pieces in his hand, watching the Shura standing in front of him...

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