The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2177: Meet each other

Shura actually attacked Tu Chengye!

This makes everyone can't help but again.

The patriarchs and tribes of this ancient invisible family, the style of action is really the same, lawless, strong and overbearing!

If you are a strong tycoon, you will be a patriarch, and even if you are a royal family, you may not dare to shoot at them.

Can Shura is no scruples!

Moreover, in the face of this attack by Shura, the sword in the hands of Tu Chengye has been broken into two pieces, but Shura is unscathed.

As strong people, if they are willing to say it, no one can know their true realm and true strength.

Only by their interaction with each other can judge their strength.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that Shura’s strength is clearly stronger than that of Tu Chengye.

Xiu Luo smiled and looked at Tu Chengye: "All said that Jian Xiu has the strongest attack power, and the southwestern wasteland has the strongest strength of your sword." Unfortunately, the strength of your patriarch, but this is true! ”

The heart of Tu Chengye has never been so fierce as it is now, so that he could not speak for a while, just watching Shura with a hint of jealousy.

Of course, even if he can speak, he can't refute the words of Shura.

When Shura made an attack, he clearly felt the envelope of death.

In other words, Shura is sympathetic to his own!

Otherwise, the present self, like his own son, has become a dead body!

"Right, the Tujiazong just said that Jiang Yun must kill it, so that it is effective, is it?"

The voice of Shura sounded again, especially deliberately aggravating the tone of the words "Is it effective," and let everyone return to it.

The reason why Shura wants to attack the slaughter industry is to retaliate against the sentence he said.

Tu Chengye wanted to kill Jiang Yun to warn others not to imitate Jiang Yun’s practice.

However, Shura’s shot on the butchery industry even killed him, and also warned others!

At this moment, Tu Chengye's teeth are tightly locked, facing a presence that can kill himself, and he dares to speak.

Shura no longer cares for him, his face is full of smiles, his eyes calmly sweeping through Xue Qianxi, and all the monks who have just agreed to kill Jiang Yun and stop the ancient hidden people from succeeding.

"Now, who wants to kill Jiang Yun, to the effect, who thinks that I am a hidden family, should not worship the successful person, Jiang, one by one!"

"As long as you can kill me, then my ancient invisible family will fail today!"

Among the voices of Shura, there are endless pressures, which are heard in every ear, so that they are all in the heart.

In all directions, the birds are silent.

This is what Shura’s words are, and Jiang Yun’s just saying “Who is going to kill me in Tianyuan’s territory” is similar!

However, Shura is not a natural source, but a strong one!

Under the wrath of Jiang Yun, more than 100 Tianyuan strongmen can be killed. Under Shura’s anger, at least 90% of all the monks in this savage wolf will die in his hand!

Lian Tu Chengye, the sword repairer who is in the virtual world, can't bear the blow of Shura, let alone others!

Perhaps others can't figure out the true strength of Shura, but Xue Qianxi and other people who are in the virtual world can be generally clear, I am afraid that even if they are replaced by themselves, they can't bear the blow of Shura.

Shura’s imaginary realm is definitely much higher than himself and others.

Xue Qianxi looked around intently, especially the patriarchs of several other great families. He sighed in his heart: "There is still a firm enemy of Jiang Yun, only the Danyang people, and the sword butchers. Spiritual mirror family!"

"Now the slaughter industry has been lost confidence, coupled with the fact that Jiang Yun is in full swing. At this time, even if I join forces with the Lingjing nationality, I am afraid it is difficult to kill Shura."

"Not to mention, there is also a Luo Xin from the Xuanwu area, he is clearly helping Jiang Yun."

"In this way, today, I can only temporarily let go of this Jiang Yun and the ancient hidden family!"

"However, after the end of the worship, as long as you are still in the southwestern wilderness, then this hatred, we can report slowly!"

After making up his mind, Xue Qianxi no longer spoke or even closed his eyes.

Naturally, everyone else has closed their mouths. No one dares to risk their lives at this time, to take the initiative to open their mouths and provoke Shura.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, Shura smiled slightly, and his eyes looked at Bailiyong and Si Lingrui: "The two messengers, my ancient family, can you worship?"

Si Lingrui grew up and smiled and said: "Of course!"

Bai Liyong’s face also showed a smile: “Can you!”

Even though Baili’s heart is not unwilling, but this is the end of the matter, he also knows that today, no one can stop the ancient hidden people from worshipping and can’t kill Jiang Yun.

Worship, start!

Jiang Yun’s mouth grew a sigh of relief, and so far, his plans have been implemented smoothly.

However, Jiang Yun looked up and looked at Bailiyong, and his eyes flashed a murderous murder.

He is thinking about whether or not to kill Bailiyong!


In the southwestern wasteland, not only has there been a large-scale family, but the ancient hidden family, and also a legendary figure, Jiang Yun!

Although Gu Yin will be the strength of the patriarchs, everyone is obvious to all, but Jiang Yun’s performance is even more shocking to everyone.

With the help of one's own strength, please ask the door, ring the sound of the eighty-two sounds, and then continue to walk through the election path, and lead the source to the heavenly source;

Point will be in the battle, nine games in a row, killing three Tianjiao, seriously injured one person, and finally a manpower to kill 103 Tianyuan monks!

All of Jiang Yun’s work has been passed down through the mouths of countless monks in the entire Southwestern wilderness, and will definitely go down in history forever.


Although the worship of the ancient invisible family has ended, everyone knows that the hatred between the ancient invisible family and several great generals will not end.

What's more, the ancient invisible people want to gain a foothold in the southwestern wilderness, and they will inevitably start to expand, which will inevitably lead to conflicts with other families.

In particular, the ancient cryptic worship ceremony has just ended, and Xue Qianxi and other great generals immediately left without saying goodbye.

After they went back, although the surface was calm, but in the dark it was someone who heard these generals, they all began to recall the people they sent to various places.

The most vulnerable of these people who are called back are also the source of heaven.

Obviously, they are prepared to act.

However, if you want to really start their revenge, you still have to wait for a while.

Because until now, most of the ancient clan people have not yet appeared.

Even their patriarchs have yet to decide where they will choose where to be their own.

Even Jiang Yun still stayed in the world of greedy wolves.

Not that they don't want to leave, but someone doesn't let them leave.

This person is Si Lingrui!

Si Lingrui stayed in Jiang Yun and others all day, and asked them to ask the West.

Especially for Jiang Yun, it is more like a confidant.

If you switch to other ethnic groups, encountering such a thing, it must be that Bajie Si Ling Rui is too late.

It is a glory and opportunity for a group that has just succeeded to win the favor of the people who created the royal family.

But Jiang Yun, they are suffering.

Jiang Yun did not dare to offend Secretary Ling Rui, because he is also preparing to go to the creation of the royal family with Si Lingrui, so he can only accompany him and the snake.

Even so, at the end of the day, Jiang Yun is still an excuse for being too heavy and retreating.

And Shura is also looking for a reason to leave, let the scholar of Tsing Yi cape accompany him.

As for Bai Liyong, although he had long wanted to leave, the great generals of the Southwestern Wilderness had sent him a warm invitation.

The hundred miles of brave can not know, these invitations are nothing more than these people want to climb up with themselves.

However, I can get a lot of benefits from them.

Therefore, he did not refuse, and he went to the nine majors to go to the appointment.

Today, he will go to Danyang!

At this moment, within the Danyang family, Xue Qianxuan was as sinking as he was, looking at the 16 monks who had been rushed back by themselves: "Say, have you found the origin of Jiang Yun and the ancient invisible family?"

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