The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2178: leave early

As early as Xue Jingtu was killed by Jiang Yun, Xue Qianxi had already suspected the origin of Jiang Yun, and sent personnel to investigate in detail everything related to Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun appeared too suddenly, there are only two ethnic groups closely related to him, Tianxiang and Shura. Therefore, the focus of Xue Qianxi’s investigation is on these two groups.

He was not too anxious about this matter, but now even his favorite eldest son Xue Jingyang died in the hands of Jiang Yun.

In addition, he has also decided to wait until the two royal emissaries leave, and then they will work on the ancient invisible family, so they will recruit those who have sent out to see if they have gained something.

The Danyang nationality is the most powerful family of the Southwestern wilderness, and their status as a refining group, making them more inquiring about the news, far more detailed than other ethnic groups.

However, after listening to the reports of the 16 people, Xue Qianxi did not hear any valuable news.

The only thing that is still useful is that whether it is Tianxiang or Shura, the time of existence is extremely old, even surpassing their own Danyang!

Waving his hand, Xue Qianxi drove away the 16 ethnic groups, reached out and grabbed his own eyebrows, closed his eyes, and recalled the news about the two races. He wanted to analyze it again and see if he could find out. Useful information.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and shook his head. His face also showed the color of the murder: "There is nothing to check out. Anyway, Jiang Yun and the ancient invisible family must die. Otherwise, I am sorry for Jingyang and Jing. Figure..."

Speaking of this, Xue Qianxi’s voice suddenly stopped, and the brow wrinkled again: “I remembered that the reason why Jiang Yun was going to kill the scene was because Jingjing seemed to recognize the origins of him and his ethnic group!”

"No, it doesn't seem that Jingtu definitely recognizes his origins, so Jiang Yun will be killed by me even if he fights, and he will kill the scene!"

"But, even if I send out more and more powerful people, it is impossible to find out the origin of Jiang Yun at such a high cost. How can the scenery map be easily known at the time?"

Xue Qianxi obviously felt that he was thinking of something, but he could not grasp it for a while, and this made him reluctant to give up and think harder.

After a while, his eyes suddenly lighted up: "The scene has been to Shurao, and the hatred of Jiang Yun has also started in Shura, and then it is to remove Jiang Yun in the Danding world."

"The original scenery has been about to succeed, but at the crucial moment, the people of Jiang Yun came, so that Jiang Yun reversed the situation and shot the scene and forced my knowledge out."

"At that time, Jingtu guessed the origin of Jiang Yun and his ethnic group, and was going to search for the soul of the clan of Jiang Yun, which was caught by Jiang Yun desperately."

"The reason why Jingjing can easily recognize the origin of Jiang Yun is that he recognizes the identity of the ancient invisible people who came to help Jiang Yun in the Danding world."

"Because the scenes have seen those people in Shura days!"

The light in Xue Qian’s eyes is more and more bright: "Yes, it must be like this, the ancient invisible family is the Shura people!"

"Shu Luotian, the time of existence is even older than my Danyang people, and it is always not allowed to enter the strong source above the source, and it is not known how many secrets are hidden."

"Even if I can't find out more about them, then it is reasonable to be born out of Jiang Luo who is a strong man."

Xue Qianxi thinks that his guess is correct, but he still has doubts.

"If the Shura is an ancient invisible family, Jiang Yun is a Shura, why should he hide his family name and identity?"

"He can completely worship in the name of the Shura!"

"In this, there must be some secrets!"

At this moment, the voice of the tribe came from outside Xue Qian’s door: "The patriarch, the messenger of the dark royal family is here!"

Xue Qianxi sang: "Well, I will meet them personally!"

After that, Xue Qianxi once again flashed a cold road in his eyes: "That hundred miles of brave do not know why they also vowed to kill Jiang Yun, then this matter, maybe I can tell him, and then listen to his opinion!"


In the world of greedy wolves, Shura and Jiang Yun sat opposite each other. Shura looked at him with a smile: "Is the Lord Supreme really ready to let go of the hundred brave?"

For Shura, Jiang Yun did not hide anything. He had already told him the grievances between himself and Bai Liguang, and the things that were passed by the Crown Criminal Division.

And the question that Shura asked at this moment, Jiang Yun is thinking about these days.

The reason why Jiang Yun wants to kill Bailiyong is not to kill people.

After all, although the Southwestern Wilderness Area is extremely far away from the Central Pole, things happening here will sooner or later reach the Central Pole, and it is impossible to completely cover up.

Jiang Yun is just to delay the exposure of his identity as much as possible, so that he can leave the domain and return to the domain.

Jiang Yun said: "I don't want to let go, but once I can, I can't kill him by my own power;"

"Second, if you really kill him, I am afraid it will lead to more trouble for us."

In the domain of killing the royal family, Jiang Yun did not care about it, but in the destruction of the domain, especially the identity of Bai Liyong is the messenger of the royal family, killing him, I am afraid will trigger the anger of the dark royal family.

What's more, Jiang Yun is also worried that the soul of Bailiyong will also possess the knowledge of a strong man of the Dark Emperor.

Don't kill him when he is, and he will be killed instead!

Shura smiled and said: "Actually, if you just want to delay the time, you don't have to kill him!"

Ginger cloud glimpsed, even if he returned to God, "Is tampering with his memory?"

Shura nodded. "Yes, as long as the Lord agrees, I can guarantee to change his memory so that others can't find it even if they search for the soul."

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun looked up at Shura. "When are you going, I am going with you!"

Shura smiled and said: "Haha, good, wait until he returns to the dark royal family, let's go together!"

"Yes, Lord, Narosin's invitation, what are you going to do?"

Luo Xin, the patriarch of the fallen maple family, has come to Jiang Yun more than once, and persuaded Jiang Yun and his own to revolve around the four-image area.

However, he has always refused to say the real purpose of his doing, only to say that it is the potential of Jiang Yun, to give Jiang Yun a better room for growth.

Jiang Yun is not a three-year-old child, how could he believe his ghosts.

However, in any case, Luo Xin is also a life-saving grace for himself, so Jiang Yun is not too tough, just repeatedly refused.

Jiang Yun smiled and shook his head. "I don't know his purpose until now. I can't ignore him. I have time to go to the Sixiang area."

"I have already said it to Si Lingrui. In a few days, I will go with him to the creation of the royal family and return to the domain from him."

After thinking about it, Jiang Yun asked: "This is a bit strange, but it seems to be chatting with us casually, but in the words, always inquiring about our origins, is there any doubt?"

Shura shook his head and said: "I feel strange too, but even if he has any doubts, it is no big deal. Don't talk about him. Even if the two royal families really send people, they can't find anything!"

Jiang Yun knows that Shura had already arranged all the matters of the ancient invisible in the dark, and there was nothing wrong with it.

At this moment, Shura’s eyes suddenly flashed a cold road: "Strange things, that hundred miles of braveness will soon leave directly from the Danyang people, turning the dark royal family, we can't go?"

These days, Shura secretly sent people to keep track of his whereabouts, and now he heard the rewards of the next person, it is a bit strange.

Jiang Yun is also a glimpse, because Bai Liyong has always lived in the greedy wolf family.

According to his plan, after the nine major generals had all visited, they would return to the dark royal family from the greedy wolf family. I did not expect to leave early.

However, no matter why, this memory of Bai Liyong must be tampered with, so Jiang Yun immediately nodded: "Go!"

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