The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2179: Send a ride

In the destruction of the domain, the Central Polar Region travels to the eight major wasteland areas and needs to reach the Sixiang area first.

Then, the four-image area is used as a transit point, and the eight major waste areas can be reached through the virtual road dedicated to the royal family in the four-image area.

Moreover, these empty channels are basically one-way, in order to protect the safety of the two major royalties.

After all, if the monks in the vast wilderness can reach the Central Pole directly, there is a certain risk for the two great royals.

Therefore, it is more difficult to travel from the eight wilderness areas to the middle pole area.

Unless there is a void in the whole process, it will take at least a few years or even longer.

Especially for ordinary monks, the use of virtual airways, even if it is a strong virtual, also need to pay a lot of money.

It has been calculated that from the southwestern wasteland, if a person really uses the empty road to reach the four-image area, the number of source stones that need to be spent is enough for a medium-sized group to practice for one year!

Therefore, there are very few wilderness monks who travel to these five regions.

Although Bailiyong and Si Lingrui are the emissaries of the royal family, they belong to the southwestern deserted areas. There is no need to pay fees when using the virtual roads, but it will take at least half a year.

This is also one of the reasons why the Zhongji and Sixiang areas will regard the eight major wasteland as a wild land and are not willing to come to the wasteland.

Of course, there are exceptions for people with special identities like Si Jingan.

They can use the drums and the power of some instruments to instantly cross this endless distance.

Bailiyong did not have the special status of Si Jingan, so he took his four people and immediately ran to the nearest empty road after leaving the Danyang.

"Brother brother, just what Xue Qiang said to you, so that you are so anxious to go back now."

A light and dark people asked about Bai Liyong, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

Since the end of the worship, they have already traveled to the four generals.

In each of the families, they made a lot of pots, and they also let their hearts bloom. This trip to the wilderness is not white.

Originally, they also hoped to gain something among the other five families.

However, I did not expect that after Xue Qianxi and Bailiyong had talked privately for a while, Bailiyong decided to leave home immediately.

In this way, they can earn a lot less, and naturally they are not happy.

Bailiyong can not know what they are thinking, and sighs with a cold voice: "This matter is of great importance and cannot tell you."

"But if this thing is done, then, when the Lord rewards us something, it is much more than these small profits, and it may even be useful for you forever!"

The clan suddenly appeared in front of his eyes: "Is it less important to give us a reward?"

Bailiyong nodded: "Of course, but the premise is that this matter must be done well, so you all complain a few words, go back early, and make the matter clear!"

When the four people listened, this converges the dissatisfaction in the heart, and behind the Bailiyong, speeds up and rushes toward the empty road.


Suddenly, a loud drink rang in their ears, just like a thunder, and the body of five people shocked at the same time, and stopped involuntarily, hurriedly turned his head and looked at the direction of the sound.

There, there are two people standing.

When they saw the two clearly, the faces of the five people suddenly flashed a panic.

Especially in the hearts of Bai Liyong, they all played drums.

Although I was scared, but Bailiyong forced myself to calm down, and said quietly: "What do you want to do!"

What emerged is naturally Jiang Yun and Shura.

After knowing that Bailiyong left the Danyang people, they also went straight to the empty road.

With the strength of Shura, the speed is much faster than them, so they quickly catch up with them.

Shura smiled slightly: "Nothing, a few messengers do not say goodbye, we specially rushed over to send a king!"

Upon hearing this, the face of Bai Liyong suddenly changed: "You, you are so bold, don't you dare to kill us?"

The people of the royal family, their identity makes them unscrupulous everywhere, and no one dares to attack them.

Therefore, whether it is Bailiyong or Si Lingrui, they acted as messengers and considered many things they might have before coming to the Southwestern Wilderness, but they did not consider that their lives would be threatened.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun and Shura are in front of them!

The two people's style of acting is overbearing and lawless, even if they are even jealous.

Needless to say, it is not a secret that Bailiyong wants to kill Jiang Yun, so Bailiyong is really worried that these two people will take the opportunity to kill themselves.

Jiang Yun did not care about him at all. He said to Shura: "Don't talk nonsense with them, let's do it directly, so as not to have a long night dream!"

Shura looked at Bailiyong and others with an unsightly gaze. "Well, do you search their souls first?"

Jiang Yun nodded. "Well, I want to know if he is the Emperor or the Bailey."

"In addition, I also want to know why they suddenly changed their mind and rushed back to the Dark Emperor!"

When I heard the dialogue between Jiang Yun and Shura, the face of Bai Liyong suddenly became pale and could not help but exclaimed: "You dare!"

If you change to normal, in fact, Bai Liyong is not worried about being searched by Jiang Yun and Shura.

Because as a royal family, when they were born, there was a seal in the soul that would automatically protect any memory about the royal family.

Unless the outsider can break the seal, he will not find anything at all.

The important ethnic groups, such as the Bailiwu who died in the hands of Jiang Yun, will have the protection of the gods left by the strong.

However, the things that Bailiyong had just heard from Xue Qianxi could not be told by Jiang Yun and Shura in any case.

Once you know it, then they want to deal with the ancient hidden family plan can be completely ruined.

It is a pity that Shura will talk nonsense with them, and a large sleeve of a wave, a powerful soul has suddenly poured into the soul of their five people, so that five people suddenly turned into puppets, standing on the spot.

Just a moment later, Shura’s eyes showed a sharp ray of light: “No wonder they are eager to go back. It turns out that Xue Qianxi has already guessed that the ancient hidden family is the Shura!”

Jiang Yun brows slightly wrinkles: "How did Xue Qianxi know? But even if he knows, even if he told Bailiyong, there is nothing. At most, it is strange why we hide the true identity."

“No, no!” Shura shook his head. “There is nothing wrong with this kind of thing, but this hundred miles is the master of Bailiguang!”

"The Lord respects, you and the Bailiguang grievances are happening in the battlefield outside the field. Bailiguang always thinks that you are a Taoist monk, and now you are transformed into a Shura!"

"You said, if Bai Liguang knows the news, what will he do when he arrives?"

Jiang Yun’s heart was shocked: “He will be very curious about me and the Shura people, and even send people directly to attack Shura Tian!”

"Not bad!" Shura nodded. "Even if I am a sect of the Shura, there is nothing, but if they discover the secret of the Tenth, then..."

There is no need for Shura to continue to say, Jiang Yun can already know what will happen.

Jiang Yun took a breath: "Fortunately, we know it now, and now they have changed their memories!"

Shura is Shen Sheng: "His memory is good, but Xue Qianxi's memory?"

"If Xue Qianxi tells other people about this matter? For example, Tu Chengye!"

"This..." Jiang Yun frowned and said: "What should I do?"

Shura smiled slightly: "Go to the soul of Xue Qianxi, and then destroy the Danyang!"

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