The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2180: Find someone to help

Destroy the Danyang people!

Rao is Jiang Yun's bold enough. At this moment, when he hears Shura's words, his heart can't help but be a heavy tremor.

Although Jiang Yun is not afraid of the royal family, in his eyes, these tribal people are not different from other people, but he never really thought about destroying a general!

Because, that is almost impossible.

Every ethnic group can become a family, and the price and difficulty it needs to pay. Jiang Yun knows it clearly after worshipping.

The family, even if it is only a family in the southwestern wilderness, even if they are not valued by the people of the Central and the Four Elephants, it is definitely worthy of the name.

In any respect, the family is far more common than other ordinary groups.

Needless to say, a family that has stood in the southwestern wasteland for countless years and is known as the first financial force.

The roots of the Danyang family are deep, rich in foundation and strong in strength. I am afraid that even their people may not be clear.

Jiang Yun was able to kill Xue Jingyang and Xue Jingtu, and was completely tempted to stand alone.

But if you say that you want to destroy the entire Danyang family...

Seeing Jiang Yun’s reaction, Shura naturally knew what he was thinking. He couldn’t help but smile: “The Lord, I also know that it is difficult to destroy a family, but the Lord’s Lord should not be arrogant, let alone The strength of our tenth family!"

"The tenth family!"

Jiang Yun said a little bit: "The predecessor's meaning is to let me find all the tenth family, then kill the Danyang people?"

If this is the case, then it may still be feasible!

However, finding the tenth family is definitely a very long process. I don’t have so much time at the moment.

Shura smiled and shook his head. "When you find the tenth family, you still have time!"

"Even if we have falsified the memory of Bailiyong, I can't know the idea of ​​Xue Qianxi, but unless Xue Qianxi is willing to let go of hatred."

"Otherwise, as long as he is still alive, as long as their Danyang family still exists, they will inevitably contact the Bailiguang."

"What's more, even if you don't contact Bailiguang, he will definitely contact the Jingjing, Sword and other family."

"Once we waited for a few of them to unite, at that time, we still had no chance."

"So, in order to completely eliminate the aftermath, for our own sake, we will not only destroy the Danyang people, but also complete it as soon as possible!"

"And, to destroy the Danyang people, for me, the benefits are great. The sites and wealth of the Danyang people alone can be used as our capital!"

Jiang Yun’s thoughts are meticulous, and what Shura said is that he is naturally like a mirror.

The hatred between the Danyang people and themselves is already irrelevant.

The death of the child, Xue Qianxi will definitely not give up.

However, they are also afraid of the powerful strength of Shura, and they dare not rush to shoot, so they first pin their hopes on the body of Bailiguang, and want to use the power of the dark royal family to destroy themselves and the Shura.

Even if the Dark Emperor did not respond, but Xue Qianxi has already identified the Shura as an ancient invisible family, so sooner or later they will join other sects to attack the Shura.

Therefore, the elimination of the Danyang people, for themselves, for Shura and Tianxiang two, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.

However, in the final analysis, it is still a question. Can the strength of Shura and Tianxiang really kill the Danyang people?

If you can, it will inevitably cause a lot of casualties.

Jiang Yun really did not want Tianxiang and Shura to have just returned to themselves, and a large number of people died because of themselves.

After listening to Jiang Yun’s worries, Shura Weiyi said: “The Lord Zun, in fact, since it is the battle of the genocide, there is no difference between the ordinary ginseng and the gangsters. The real competition is the strength of the top powerhouse.”

"As long as you can kill the strong people in the Danyang people, then the remaining Danyang people will naturally break."

Jiang Yun looked up and looked at Shura. "Are you sure you can kill Xue Qian?"

Shura proudly smiled: "Of course!"

"The Danyang people, how many people are in the virtual world?"

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that there was only one strong family in the genius, but the yin mother who saw it in the Xuanyin family made him realize that there are at least two strong people in the family. presence.

The Danyang people must be the same, maybe more!

Even if Shura can get rid of Xue Qianxi, if there is another strong man in the Danyang family, even Shura will be in danger.

Needless to say, it is impossible for me to really let Shura alone to destroy the Danyang people, and certainly bring some source and Tianyuan strong.

At that time, a sturdy person is enough to easily destroy all of them.

The smile on Shura’s face also slowly converges: “This is indeed a problem.”

"After all, even if I can kill Xue Qianxi, it will take some time."

"If there is another person who is strong, then even a little time is enough for him to kill you several times!"

Jiang Yun Shen said: "If they have a total of three imaginary powerhouses, then our attack is simply to find a way out!"

Although Shura is a good war, he has to agree with Jiang Yun’s words. If you want to destroy the Danyang people, it will not be so simple.

However, both of them know that the Danyang people must be destroyed!

Shura thought for a moment: "There is another way!"

"any solution?"

"Look for someone to help!"

With the voice of Shura falling, Jiang Yun’s mind has already appeared in the mind of Nangong Dream!

To kill the clan, it is only natural to find the clan, and find the strong man to help!

And the family that is closely related to oneself, only Xuanyin!

If the Xuan Yin people are willing to join hands with themselves, then with the help of Nangong Dream and Yin Po, and the addition of Shura, to destroy the Danyang, it is really feasible!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun nodded: "Well, I will go to the Xuanyin women's world now and test their attitude."

Shura also nodded: "Then I will start to tamper with their memories, then I will go to the Danyang community."

"If that Xue Qianxi leaves the ethnic land, then I will kill him and relieve some pressure for us!"

After that, Shura reached out and volleyed to the soul of five people, including Bai Liyong.

I saw that the golden light spots had fallen into their souls, and the interest rate had disappeared.


Jiang Yun and Shura were immediately invisible in nothingness.

After the count, the five people, including Bai Liyong, almost woke up at the same time.

Everyone’s face was first with a stunned color, but the spin returned to normal.

The five people did not realize that their memories had been tampered with, and they did not notice any abnormalities. After looking around, they followed the original plan and rushed to the empty road.

I watched the five people of Bailiyong leave, and Jiang Yun and Shura both reappeared their physiques and returned to the world of greedy wolves.

In the world of greedy wolves, Si Lingrui still waited there, and originally Jiang Yun even wanted to go back with Si Lingrui.

Now that the plan has been changed, it is not only impossible to go with Si Lingrui, but also to find a way to send him away.

If the royal family knew that there were two major generals who would start the battle of the genocide, then it was enough!


Jiang Yun took a lot of effort, and finally he was driven away by the scam.

But the Luo Xin, who said nothing, in desperation, Jiang Yun can only ignore him.

Although Jiang Yun still moved his thoughts, can he ask Luo Xin to help kill the Danyang people, but this idea was quickly rejected by himself.

Until now, he did not know that Luo Xin was close to his true purpose, and how could he let him know that he was attacking the family.

In short, after all the things were handled, Shura immediately went to the Danyang land, and Jiang Yun went to the Xuanyin women's world.

The scholar of the Tsing Yi Cap is already aware of the plan of Jiang Yun, so he rushed back to Shura Tian to call the man!

No one would have thought that the ancient invisible family, this group that had just succeeded in worshipping, would not wait for a firm foothold in the southwestern wilderness, and it would have been ready to destroy an old card!

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