The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2184: I am the day

The words of the night alone at this time made Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly tremble: “Don’t Dao Zun have broken all the seals?”

"That's not yet, just I just feel that there is some looseness in the seal!"

"If you follow this speed, I believe that for up to a few more years, Dao Zun can completely restore freedom!"

several years!

It sounds like this time is not short, but for the monk, especially for Jiang Yun, who is still in the field of extinction, even if he is now out, this time is not enough to rush back to Dao.

Once I think of the complete restoration of freedom, the fate of all the creatures in the entire territory, and the people who care the most in the mountains and seas, Jiang Yun really can't wait to get back to the domain immediately.

The sound of the night's solitary dust also sounded again: "You don't have to worry too much, I just woke you up."

"And, what you are about to do is very important to you, so after you have settled on the things here, think about it!"

Of course, the night of the dust is clear, if Jiang Yun can stand firm in the field, can become one of the family, then he will do a lot of things.

Even, he can bring relatives and friends from the mountains and seas back to the domain, bring back his own territory, and protect them.

Therefore, although the night is also anxious, but in turn to comfort Jiang Yun, do not want Jiang Yun chaos.

Jiang Yun nodded, and everything must be prioritized. Since he can't return to the domain in a short time, he will do a good job of destroying the domain.

For a moment of silence, Jiang Yun forced himself to stop thinking about the domain, and changed the subject: "Night predecessors, what do you think about the refining?"

The sound of the night's solitary sound began: "I feel that you can completely regain the refining magic!"

This sentence, finally, let Jiang Yun's mood be a vibration, and quickly asked: "Why?"

The night solstice replied: "The reason why I was able to embark on the road of refining demon was originally because of my hatred of the Yaozu."

“Just as you have spent 16 years identifying the medicinal properties of various medicinal herbs, I spent a thousand years carefully studying the Yaozu.”

Jiang Yun’s expression could not help but condense.

Although he has a very close relationship with the night, but this is the first time I heard the night of the dust and talked about his past.

Unexpectedly, the night of the solitary dust is also derived from the hatred of the Yaozu, in order to create a way of practice before the ancients, become the ancestor of the reindeer!

Night Solitary followed: "I have studied the body structure of various Yaozu, the talents of various Yaozu, etc. It is also in the process that I gradually created a refining demon. ""

"Nine kinds of handprints are aimed at the body of the Yaozu, the talent of the Yaozu, and even the soul of the Yaozu!"

Despite the simplicity of the night, but Jiang Yun can understand the hardships and valuables, it is indeed like learning medicine, the whole process is extremely boring.

I have only done things like 16 years, and it took me thousands of years to get alone.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that the night is absolutely a person with great wisdom and great perseverance. No wonder he can become the first refiner in the domain.

While Jiang Yun is admiring the night, he has also flashed another problem in his mind.

In the destruction of the domain, there is no refining sorcerer.

Everything that destroys the domain is superior to the domain, and the practice of the domain is only imitating the domain.

However, because the domain does not have the origin of various forces, it leads to the monks in the domain can only go to the monastic.

However, there is no reason to destroy the domain. There is a great possibility that it should be among the various forces that exist in the destruction of the domain. There is no demon source, and there is no associated source.

If the extermination domain does not have a certain source of power, then there will be no monks who practice the corresponding forces. In the domain of the lower level than the destructive domain, it is reasonable to say that there should be no existence of a refining demon.

However, why is the domain domain able to be born into a refining demon?

Jiang Yunkou couldn't help but whispered a word: "If you look at it from this aspect, it seems that it is more advanced than the various forces of the domain!"

Night Solitary is talking about his own affairs, did not hear the mutter of Jiang Yun, so he asked a voice: "What do you say?"

Jiang Yun casually said his doubts, and after listening to it, the night is also in meditation.

Although the night is a pure monk, but he has existed for a long time, and Jiang Yun has been in the field for so long, and he is quite familiar with the difference between the two domains.

It’s just that Jiang Yun’s question has never been thought of and considered. There is no clue in the moment, I don’t know where to answer it.

Jiang Yun suddenly asked: "Night predecessors, the road, where did it come from?"

In the night, I thought about it: "The roads are thousands of years, naturally they existed between heaven and earth, but they need someone to discover them, find them out, and then go to practice."

"Most of the roads are actually the first to be discovered and discovered by the Yaozu."

"For example, the thunder mother is itself the first thunder born between heaven and earth. Her appearance is equal to the emergence of the thunder."

"After she has the consciousness, as she grows up and grows, and spreads the Thunder to the world, leaving a trace of the thunder, let the monks discover and feel, so the way of the thunder gradually develops. ”

Jiang Yun then asked: "What about you? Is your way of refining the demon, is it already there between heaven and earth?"


This question suddenly asked the night of the lonely dust, although he is the domain, even the first refining demon in the domain, but he also did not think about the pursuit of the demon lord, but also from where.

Finally, it is still Jiang Yun’s long way: “I think there is no such thing in the world!”

"Dao, it is simply a later monk, a human being, a demon, through his own constant practice, and then he realized it!"

"The existence of Lei Ma does not represent the way of Lei, but only represents the Thunder, on behalf of her, but her unique status can gradually create the way of Lei."

"Or, the way to Lei, the respect of the mother!"

"You are the same, your presence has created the way to refine the demon!"

Jiang Yun’s remarks were just a thought that suddenly flashed through his mind, and it was also said by the letter.

But he did not know that his words fell in the heart of the night, even if it fell in the hearts of any other monk in the Taoist domain, it has already set off a huge wave.

The monks should, of course, consider where the Tao comes from, but the thoughts of all will be the same as the night alone, thinking that the Tao was originally between the heavens and the earth, waiting for them to discover and cultivate.

And the reason why there is such a method, the reason is very simple - the avenue is supreme!

Daosheng one, one life two, two three, three things!

Even the yin and yang of the heavens and the earth, all things in the world are derived from the Tao, which naturally means that the Tao has already existed!

However, Jiang Yun’s remarks have overthrew the idea that it has existed in the hearts of all the monks in this area since ancient times.

Jiang Yun believes that Tao is created by the soul!

Jiang Yun did not notice that the night alone was already stunned and speechless.

On the contrary, his thoughts are as clear as the sky, so he goes on to say: "If you put the situation of the thunder in the domain, it is equivalent to the source, and once she has the spirit, she can Derived a race!"

"And when the mine is placed in the domain, the mother is the way to create the mine."

"For the destruction of the domain, the source of power is the heaven, the monk can only exist under the heavens, can not resist the sky, but if my thoughts are true, then for the domain, the road is certainly heaven, but because I am Road, so..."

"I am the day!"

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