The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2185: Road source comparison

I am the day!

This sentence, in fact, many people have said, but at this moment in the ears of the night, but no one is as natural as Jiang Yun said.

It seems that Jiang Yun at this moment really turned into the sky above.

Even, he can feel faintly, when Jiang Yun said this sentence, there have been some obvious changes in Jiang Yun's body.

Only this change is too embarrassing and nothingness, even Jiang Yun himself has not noticed anything, let alone him.

The reason why Jiang Yun can have such a feeling, although the cause is only because of his doubts about the existence of the refining demon in the destruction of the domain.

However, when he entered the heavens before he was not long ago, in the process of arranging and arranging the lines, he had just produced his own unique sentiments.

Nowadays, the combination of the two makes him suddenly have a new understanding and ideas.

However, his thoughts, heard in the night, are too shocking and ridiculous.

After a long time, Jiang Yun also retracted his thoughts that day and night: "Sorry, night!"

"It’s just that I’ve been feeling it for a while, but it’s making you laugh. We’re still going to refine the subject of the demon!”

In Jiang Yun’s thought, the kid who has been practicing for more than a hundred years, no matter what his views on the practice, can’t be compared with the night’s solitary dust.

But where did he know that the night of the night, not only did not laugh, but through the words of Jiang Yun, the heart also had a great touch.

Even, he hopes that Jiang Yun can continue to speak.

I heard that Jiang Yun has changed the topic again. It’s natural that night dust can’t really let him continue. He can only follow Jiang Yun’s words: “I just said that you should be able to pick up the refining magic again. The reason is I know about the Yaozu."

"The demon sects are not the same as ours, but at least their physical structure, as well as their natural abilities, are not the same as the demon of the Dao."

"That's why, refining magic will have the same effect on them!"

Jiang Yun nodded. As early as when he first came to destroy the domain, he had already performed the refining magic.

Moreover, the object of his display is the big demon born of the Holy Spirit of the Moon Spirit.

Night Solitary followed: "If you want to regain the refining technique now, it is simple and simple. It is difficult and difficult to say that you must find a force that can replace the power of the demon to draw the demon print! ”

The so-called power of refining the demon, that is, after combining the aura and the demon, and then relying on a kind of power generated by various kinds of printing, can achieve the role of the demon.

As a monk in the night, the night of the refining of the demon, he must naturally be supplemented by the aura.

When Jiang Yun entered the heavens, the aura and demon in the body have all been expelled, leaving only a variety of sources.

Although there is also the presence of aura in the destructive domain, Jiang Yun tries to reabsorb the aura after entering the heavenly source, but those auras can not exist in the body, and will be directly destroyed by the source.

Moreover, he can't find a way to let Aura and Source coexist in the body.

Jiang Yun also tried it, and wanted to use his various powers to destroy the demon print, but it had no effect.

Therefore, this method of nightly dust is indeed difficult and difficult.

The hard part is where to find the power of substitution;

It is not difficult to find the power of substitution, Jiang Yun will immediately be able to restore the identity of the refiner.

The night is no longer open, and Jiang Yun has closed his eyes, and all the secrets of the entire Shura period have once again emerged in his mind.

In almost every day in Shura, there will be a kind of power. Jiang Yun wants to see if he can find one.

Although there are only a few secrets he can control today, he is still qualified to know the power of each secret.

However, Jiang Yun quickly opened his eyes and gave up the power to explore the secret.

Because the number of secrets is too large, even if he can know every power contained in it, he must have this power before he can try to draw a demon print.

And to complete this project, it is really too big.

It’s just that you have to gain the power of every kind of mystery, and I’m afraid I can’t do it for hundreds of years.

Moreover, Jiang Yun really does not want to let his body more devastating power.

What's more, if these forces can't make the power of the sorcerer print, then you are not busy in vain.

As soon as he was indulged, Jiang Yun decisively left the central secret, but entered the secret of time.

There are Shura swords in hand, and the time and secrets are completely unimpeded for Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun still chose a river with a time flow rate ten times slower than the outside world. Stepping into it, it began to continue to discuss with the night, in addition to finding alternative power, is there any other way to recover itself? Refining the identity of the demon.

It is a pity that in this river of time, the two men have been discussing and trying for nearly a year, and have not found a feasible solution.

Even Jiang Yun thought of using the power of assimilation to assimilate other forces into aura, thus displaying the refining magic.

Although it is indeed a success, but in this way, the display of refining magic is too much trouble, and the time required is much more than before.

Refining magic is basically carried out in battle. If it can't be quickly displayed in a short time, it will become a chicken rib. It is really unnecessary!

In desperation, Jiang Yun can only give up.

However, seeing the success of the power of assimilation, there is a new idea in the night.

He asked Jiang Yun to give him some more time, because he wanted to see if he couldn’t find the power of substitution, then whether he could make some changes in the essence of refining, so that the refining can pass the power of destroying the domain. , can still be displayed.

Perhaps this is something that others can't do, but the night is the ancestor of the refining demon. For this reason, Jiang Yun even gave the power of assimilation of the night.

At night when the lonely dust began to ponder how to change the refining magic, Jiang Yun originally wanted to hurry to practice, but somehow, his mind was involuntarily recalling the previous thoughts about the Tao and the source.

"If according to their thoughts of the night predecessors, the Tao is originally between the heavens and the earth, then it is said that there is no difference between the Tao and the source!"

"After all, the source of all kinds of power is the real first between the heavens and the earth."

Jiang Yun has witnessed the birth of those original sources, so at this point, he is extremely certain.

"And then through these sources, one after another has emerged, even if it includes the mortal tribe."

"That said, what is the source of the source, and the Tao, is there no difference!"

Jiang Yun continues to follow his own ideas.

“Heavenly source, heaven and source together;”

"Humanity, people and harmony;"

"Heaven is the source, and man is the way!"

"Compared with the source and the Tao, or compared with the domain, the real comparison is whether the world is bigger than the people, or people are bigger than the sky!"

"Or, what is the darkness that breeds the various sources, and what kind of qualification does it represent?"

Having said that, Jiang Yun finally closed his mouth, and the gods looked at his body and looked at the darkness!

Ever since Jiang Yun entered Tianyuan, whether it is this darkness or the wind of silence, Jiang Yun can always see it.

Looking at the darkness, Jiang Yun’s ear suddenly sounded the voice of the heavenly body: "I have a way to let you step into the homeland soon!"

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