The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2192: Hungry for too long

Jiang Yun was fanned out by Dan Feng, who had the knowledge of Xue Qianxi, and fanned out Danyang. After falling heavily on the ground, he immediately turned and jumped and continued to move toward the second array in front.

Although he already knows that there is a secret manipulation of Xue Qianxi, it is impossible for him to break this big array, but he must at least go to the Danyang nationality and tell Shura!

In any case, it is impossible to let Shura really stand alone in the Danyang community.

Even if you die, you must accompany him!

However, Jiang Yun’s figure just jumped up and saw the flameless lamp that was still firmly held in his hand. He suddenly gave off a fire, wrapped his body and took it with him. He rushed directly under the earth!

The sudden action of the flameless lamp, it is beyond the expectation of Jiang Yun, and he did not even have time to resist. He could only let the flameless lamp rush into the earth with himself.


Although it seems to be the earth, it is still in the Jiufeng Jiuyang array.

Therefore, while the flameless lamp is moving forward, all kinds of flames have been attacked in all directions, like a storm, and constantly hit.

However, all the attacks, for the flameless lamp, not only have no effect, but are almost absorbed by it, speeding up its progress.

Jiang Yun also let go of his heart. Although he is not sure what the flameless lamp is, it is necessary to take where he is going, but the protection of the flameless lamp is obviously easier than the one he wants.

What's more, the flameless lamp is its own instrument, and it will not hurt itself anyway.

After only a moment, the flameless lamp has suddenly stopped.

In front of Jiang Yun, there was another huge incomparable sun, and there was a burning flame in the body.

The raging flames stretched for at least a few hundred feet and looked like a single arm.

Every Mars that is filled with flames will burn a small hole in the surrounding space, making the space resemble paper.

Although Jiang Yun is not protected by the flameless lamp, he can't feel the temperature of the flame, but I can imagine it when I see this scene.

Staring at the sun, Jiang Yunkou muttered in the mouth: "This should be the origin of the Danyang people, that Danyang!"

Jiang Yun never imagined that the flameless lamp could bring himself to the place of Danyang.

However, he understood the purpose of the flameless lamp.

Obviously, the flameless lamp is to devour the flame that this Danyang radiates!

In this regard, Jiang Yun will certainly not stop, but will be happy to see.

Devouring the fire of Danyang, not only for the flameless lamp, but also weakens the power of this Danyang, thus weakening the strength of the entire Danyang tribe!

The destroyer of the domain, the strength of the power than the domain of the monks is strong, the root is in their origins, but their weakness, it is precisely this source.

If the origin of a family is strengthened, the strength of this ethnic group will also be affected, and the water will rise;

If the origin of a family is destroyed, then the family will not say that they will all die, but the strength of all the people will have a large drop.

Therefore, for any source of their own family, as long as any ethnic group is acquired, it will definitely be protected at all costs.

It is like the yin-yang of the Xuanyin family. As a sturdy person, it is simply staying with Xuanyinzhu and guarding Xuanyinzhu.

The domain is different.

All kinds of avenues are illusory, without substance, even if they want to destroy, there is nothing to destroy.

With the passing of this thought, Jiang Yun's gaze couldn't help but sigh: "Will it be, will the Danyang people also send a position to defend the Danyang?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun’s eyebrows showed the pattern of the wind of silence. Among the eyes, there was an endless golden light, which looked at this Danyang!

When Jiang Yun broke through the heavens, he once used the lines to create the Danyang of Danyang, so now he looks at it. This Danyang has been reinvented in his eyes. The texture.

Naturally, the whole situation inside Danyang is also clearly presented.

At first glance, Jiang Yun’s pupil could not help but shrink.

Because he really saw a figure, he was closing his eyes and sitting in Danyang!

The old man's appearance is already the oldest to the extreme, although the exhalation of the body is extremely powerful, but it also contains a strong dead air, clearly has been a life soon.

This old man is naturally the ancestor of the Danyang people, Xue Yuanshou!

Jiang Yun did not know that although Xue Yuanshou’s deity was sitting in Danyang, all his energy was condensed into a flame avatar. He just left here and was talking to Shura!

It was also thanks to Shura that attracted his attention, so their arrival, and the flameless lamp that had begun to greedily devour the flame, was not discovered by him.

Although Jiang Yun did not know about it, but he saw a sturdy person and himself close at hand, and in the other's origin, Jiang Yun did not dare to have any rash action.

Even, Jiang Yun has the heart to let the flameless lamp give up the act of continuing to engulf the flame, and quickly take it out with him.

Where is the flameless lamp, it has been hungry for too long.

Not long ago, the battle between Jiang Yun and Xue Jingyang made it taste the fire of Danyang.

Although it is not very delicious, at least it can barely eat it, and it can barely fill its stomach. So now it’s hard to wait until Jiang Yun comes with himself to be able to make a meal, it’s impossible. go away.

The flameless lamp does not go, Jiang Yun naturally can only be under its protection, and his eyes are firmly watching Xue Yuanshou.

However, he also knows that even if he is prepared, but the other party only needs to wake up, as long as he is on his own, then he has no resistance at all, only death.

After looking at Xue Yuanshou for a long while, Jiang Yun’s brow gradually wrinkled.

Because at this moment, the flameless lamp has swallowed up a considerable amount of fire in Danyang, and the other party still has no slightest movement, which is a bit unreasonable.

If you change to Jiang Yun, guarding a family of holy things, if there are outsiders, even if you don't know at the beginning, but the enemy has swallowed so many flames, it is absolutely impossible to know.

Needless to say, one is a strong man!

"He, is it being closed, not knowing everything that happened outside?"

"It is still said that even if he knows it, he is now at a critical juncture in cultivation and cannot be distracted."

The emergence of these thoughts made Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly brighten: "If this is the case, then this is a great opportunity to kill him!"

Tianyuanjing kills the virtual world!

Switching to other monks, I don’t even think about it, because it is simply unrealistic.

Can Jiang Yun act, as long as there is an idea, even if it is unrealistic, but as long as he thinks it is possible to achieve it, then he will let go.

What's more, he did not forget his purpose, but to destroy the Danyang people.

If you can't break the array and give Shura help, then if you can kill a strong man, it will also give Shura a lot of help.

As for the risks, of course there will be, and it will be very big.

But as he once said to Nangong Dream, there is nothing in this world, and there is no need to take risks.

Therefore, Jiang Yun’s eyes showed a cold light, facing the flameless lamp: “Let me feel the temperature of this Danyang.”

The flameless lamp slightly condensed some of its own fire, letting a glimmer of flame fall into the palm of Jiang Yun.

When the flame fell, Jiang Yun's palm and the muscles he touched suddenly turned red, giving off a burning pain.

After just counting the numbers, this muscle has already been burned into nothingness.

And this also makes Jiang Yun's heart sway: "I can bear, but the speed is fast!"

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