The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2193: Double piercing

After Jiang Yun calculated the flame time that he could bear, he immediately no longer hesitated, and his body shape flashed, and he took the initiative to break away from the protection of the flameless lamp, and stepped into Danyang.

Inside and outside Danyang, there are actually endless fires.

Although Jiang Yun’s movements were already soft enough, when he landed, he was still in the flames, and he set off a shackle, so that he could not move when he stood in the same place, for fear that he would cause Xue Yuanshou’s attention and wake him up.

For other people, those who are strong in the virtual world are absolutely high, and they are inviolable, and even afraid that they will not look at each other.

But for Jiang Yun, it does not have this feeling.

However, at this moment, he has to rely on the cultivation of the heavenly source to kill a strong person who is in the virtual world, so even if he is, he has to raise the care of 120,000 points.

In fact, Jiang Yun’s caution is overdone.

Because at this moment, Xue Yuanshou has already fought with Shura.

In the face of a stick, he killed a man who was a sturdy person. Even if Xue Yuanshou and the three people like Xue Qianxi joined forces, they still dare not have the slightest contempt.

What's more, Xue Yuanshou will not think of it anyway. At this time, there will be outsiders who can enter the origin of their own family and be able to get close to their own deity!

Therefore, in addition to leaving a trace of God in the body of the deity, all the strengths are condensed into flames.

Don't say that Jiang Yun just picked up the cockroach, even if he really pushed him, he would not have any reaction.

With the disappearance of this silkworm, Xue Yuanshou still closed his eyes and kept his eyes open. Jiang Yun just let go of his heart, and his figure again swayed and came to Xue Yuanshou!

The higher the strength of the monk, even if it is not physical repair, the flesh will be stronger.

For this, Jiang Yun is deeply experienced.

However, he can also see that Xue Yuanshou’s body is full of deadness, and Shouyuan is close, so his body will naturally become vulnerable.

This is also the reason why Jiang Yun dared to take the risk of assassination!

However, now that she is standing in front of Xue Yuanshou, Jiang Yun can't help but feel a little worried. Even though she has such a great opportunity, she can't kill each other.

Even if worried, Jiang Yun has no way out.

He slowly raised his hands, and the pattern of silence on his left hand emerged, but the sword on his right hand was tightly held!

The body of silence and the sword of Shura, this is the most powerful attack of Jiang Yun!

Looking at Xue Yuanshou, who still has no reaction to his arrival, Jiang Yun condensed his hands with all his strength and extended.

Xiu Luojian stabbed the other's eyebrows, but the body of the silence was the temple of the other side!


The sound of two crisp gold and iron crosses almost simultaneously.

When the two voices were heard, Jiang Yun’s heart sank.

When he wants to come, his own strength, still can't break through the body of a dying tyrannical powerhouse.

However, immediately after that, there were two more rumors!

Xiu Luojian and his own fingers, both of them pierced Xue Yuanshou's eyebrows and temples!


Outside the Danyang nationality, Xue Yuanshou, Xue Qianxi and the sacrifices, the three are fighting Shura.

Although Shura had just killed a sturdy person, there was almost no power in his body, but the black stick in his hand was able to give him strength.

This is also the reluctance of Shura to kill the sturdy person!

However, in Xue Yuanshou's view, the power that can be provided in this stick is almost continuous and endless.

But Shura is well aware that this power will be completely exhausted in a short time.

According to Shura’s original idea, he killed the Danyang ethnic group with a tough attitude and forced Xue Qianxi to appear.

If you really shocked them and made them dare not do it with themselves, then they can confuse them with them.

If they are not afraid, they dare to shoot, then with the help of the stick, they still have the power of a battle.

Regardless of the result, you can help Jiang Yun to fight for more time as much as possible, let him unravel the Jiufeng Jiuyang big array, let Nangong dream and Yin mother-in-law enter.

Once these two strong people can enter the Danyang nationality, then today the Danyang people will be destroyed!

However, Shura did not think that there are four people in the Danyang family!

The trio teamed up to fight him, even if he had a stick as a reliance, but he could not hold on for too long, and he would soon be in the middle of the mountain.


Endless fire bloomed from Xue Qianxi's body, turned into a huge incomparable sun, rolling through the boundaries, all rolling toward the Shura.

Although at the beginning, Xue Qianxi was unwilling to shoot Shura, but since he had already started, he would naturally not have any mercy.

Coupled with seeing Shura, let him think of Jiang Yun, think of Jiang Yun, let him think of the two sons killed by Jiang Yun, so at this moment he completely regarded Shura as a murderer, only wanted His life.

Xue Qianming’s strength is the weakest, and he is a sacrificer. He will not fight against people on weekdays.

In particular, the old family was in front of him, and was repaired by Shura to a stick. Therefore, his heart was the deepest in the Shura, and the attack was the weakest.

If he can have the same shot as Xue Qianxi, then Shura can't support it now.

Among the three, the strongest nature is Xue Yuanshou!

His life is not much, and life is coming to an end.

Although he has lived for countless years, the more he is, the more he is afraid of death.

Therefore, he not only wants to kill Shura, but also the stick in the hands of Shura. He wants to repair the origin of the family as the main material of his own refining, so that he can continue to live, even get rid of the resurgence of the fire of Danyang. .


Under the palm of Xue Yuanshou's hand, a flame of flames flew out of his hands and turned into a river of flames, constantly rushing toward Shura!


Under the inevitable, Shura was suddenly hit by a river of flames, and the whole man suddenly flew out.

Although he barely stopped his figure in the air, his body was already swaying.

"He can't do it!"

In the eyes of Xue Yuanshou, a dazzling light broke out, and the palms were lifted again, just wanting to continue the attack.

But at this moment, his eyebrows and the flames in the temples suddenly appeared two blanks!

Because at this moment, he was condensed into a avatar by the fire of Danyang, so the flame at the eyebrow and the temple suddenly went out, which meant that his deity was attacked!

However, my deity is clearly in Danyang!

Someone entered Danyang!

Although he was reluctant to give up Shura, he did not dare to let his own family's origins and let his own deity have the slightest accident.

Therefore, he can only swear to Xue Qianxi and Xue Qianming: "Catch him!"

After dropping this sentence, his figure has been blasted directly, turned into a million Mars, and dissipated.

For his two descendants, Xue Yuanshou did not dare to say that someone entered Danyang and injured his deity.

Because that would inevitably cause the two people to be confused and lose their sense of proportion, thus giving Shura a chance to succeed.


Jiang Yun was a little sluggish and looked at Xue Yuanshou, who had already opened his eyes, and his face showed an incredible look.

Although he did want to kill Xue Yuanshou, he did not expect that his body of silence and Shurao would be so easily penetrated into each other's body.

Even if the other party is going to die, it should not be so easy!

Where does Jiang Yun know that Xue Yuanshou is going to die, he has been suffering from anti-phagosis for so many years, and his body has long been riddled with holes.

Otherwise, why should he deal with Shura in a avatar!

However, even such Xue Yuanshou is not easily killed by Jiang Yun.

Therefore, Xue Yuanshou had already breathed a sigh of relief when he opened his eyes.

Jiang Yun couldn't dodge, the body was immediately shrouded in this suction, and the vitality of the body began to flow to Xue Yuanshou!

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