The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2241: Who wants to kill me?

"Little beast, no matter what happens, you should not act rashly."

"Don't worry about me, keep these things for me, protect myself, wait for me to come back to you!"

"Remember what I said to you not long ago. If you don't listen any more, then after that, you and I will part ways!"

Jiang Yun slowly walked, and when the little beast was transformed into a wolf-shaped monster, he quietly handed over his refining demon pen and black cloud to it.

Jiang Yun knows the deep feelings of the little beast. If there is any accident, the little beast will inevitably save himself.

This time, I don’t know what kind of danger is coming, and how can I let the little beast accompany her in danger, so this is a special devil.

Fortunately, until now, everyone thinks that the person who can control the monster is Jiang Yun, and he did not expect that it would be a little beast mixed in the monster group!

This is naturally Jiang Yun deliberately, in order to protect the little beast.

If you let people know the little beast's ability, then I am afraid that the two domains will be destroyed, even the life and death gates will be aimed at the little beast.

After all, who can get the little beast is equal to getting the battlefield outside the field!

Therefore, in any case, Jiang Yun can not let the little beast expose his identity.

Looking at Jiang Yun who walked in front of himself, the little beast’s eyes showed an anxious color, but he did not dare to rush.

In the beginning, in order to be able to make myself stronger, he has already betrayed Jiang Yun once and went to cooperate with the hunter.

This time, if you don’t listen to it anymore, then Jiang Yun will really be angry!

As for Jiang Yun’s move toward the distance, although everyone saw it, at this time, no one would pay attention to him.

Everyone has felt the danger and felt an irresistible pressure.

After Jiang Yun confessed to the little beast, it also speeded up the speed. In a few steps, it was far from the area where the seventh world was located. He stood alone in the seam and looked at the distance. The one that had already appeared The black mans in his sight!

The speed of the black mans has slowed down, and as it moves forward, it is like a pool of ink, slowly spreading.

So that everyone can see clearly, where is the black mans, clearly a black cloud!

For a time, many people really thought that the black cloud of the extraterritorial battlefield left its original position and came here.

However, they soon knew that this was not the black cloud, but another black cloud.

Because the black cloud, although named cloud, is actually a secret, a space.

And this black cloud that is coming to them is a real black cloud.

Jiang Yun's pupil is also slightly contracted.

Because when he saw the black cloud, in addition to the dangerous feeling, his heart, there is a more familiar feeling.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed a light, using only the voice he could hear: “The power of robbery!”

This familiar feeling comes from the robbery of the hijacking family!

No matter whether it is a Taoist or a destructive domain, as long as it is a monk, there will inevitably be a robbery on the road of spiritual practice.

There are many forms of robbery, and Jiang Yun has come through this road and has experienced many robberies.

There is a robbery of his own, there is a robbery of alchemy, but that is the robbery of the domain.

And the robbery of the domain, he only knows one kind - black thunder!

That was what he knew in the sacred object of the Xiao nationality.

Nowadays, the power contained in this dark cloud gives Jiang Yun the feeling that although it is not exactly the same as the robbery of the robbery, but it has the same, so let yourself have a sense of familiarity!

Just Jiang Yun is also very puzzled: "I have neither broken through the realm nor refining any medicinal herbs. Even if this is really a kind of robbery, why is it coming to me at this time?"

"Where is this dark cloud coming from?"

The rest of the people are also watching the dark clouds that are getting closer and closer. Even if they are even more powerful, such as Lu Qingcheng, everyone is ashamed, fearful, standing in the same place, not moving. Dare to move.

At this moment, just like the monks who had previously stood outside the dark clouds, they felt the breath of the dark clouds that made them feel trembled.

More and more black clouds are getting thicker and thicker, so that the entire boundless seam seems to have been completely occupied by the dark cloud.

In it, there is a black thunder!

"Really is the power of robbery!"

Seeing this black thunder, Jiang Yun’s face has been restored to calm and calm.

Since I can't hide it, I can only face it, so when Jiang Yun stopped his body shape, the whole person's state has been adjusted to the peak, and he has secretly prepared everything.


Suddenly, the heavy black clouds rolled up, just like the black ocean.

In this tumbling, Jiang Yun just recovered his calm eyes, but the pupil could not help but shrink sharply again.

Because, under the surging of the black clouds, the black thunder is also going up and down with the ups and downs.

It is also this ups and downs that let Jiang Yun, who is always watching it dead, discover it, and the Thunder twists and the shape becomes no longer regular.

It is not so much a thunder, it is better to say that it is like a... a shadow!

"Shadow, shadow!"

Jiang Yun’s mouth repeated these two words constantly, and there was something vaguely thought of in his mind, but it was impossible to grasp it in a moment.

At this time, there was a sudden buzz in the dark cloud!

The snoring is not the sound of thunder and roar.

It doesn't even look like a human voice, nor a beast's voice, but the feeling of Jiang Yun, it should be from a certain creature!

There are creatures in the dark clouds?

Or is it that this black cloud is the control of the creatures?

Robbery, some people say that they are from heaven, some say that they come from outside the country, and no one is clear about where they came from.

Jiang Yun only knows that most of the robberies in the original domain were actually monks from the Thunder days.

They exercised the responsibilities of robbery on behalf of the heavens and lowered all kinds of robberies for the monks in the form of Thunder. This is a test for the monks.

It is only this responsibility that is not owned by Thunder Day, but a right granted to them by Tao.

Dao Zun, as the demon of the Taoist domain, does have this qualification in his world.

But now in this field outside the battlefield, this should be a kind of robbery that belongs to the domain, but there are also creatures to control?

When this thought was drawn from Jiang Yun’s brain like lightning, the black Thunder finally rushed out from the black cloud and went straight to Jiang Yun!

The black Thunder is like a black dragon, falling from the sky and roaring.


Among the seams, the roar of the black thunder was even more shocking, and everyone immediately felt a strong and horrible chill, filled the entire field of battlefield, pervading everyone's body.

Although this murder is not directed at them, it still makes them inevitably have deep fears from the bottom of their hearts, so that they do not even have the courage to resist.

At this time, some of the monks from the two fields have realized that this black cloud, this black thunder, seems to be some kind of robbery!

Moreover, the power of this robbery is really strong to the extreme, powerful enough beyond their imagination.

Even those who have returned to the source of the land, such as Lu Qingcheng, are arrogant under this robbery, and I am afraid that they are unable to compete.

This day robbery, it is just to kill Jiang Yun!

"With a strong robbery, there is always a lifeline."

"Now this robbery is clearly going to kill me completely. As a result, it is increasingly proving that this robbery does not come from heaven, but man-made!"

"Who wants to kill me?"

Jiang Yun’s eyes are soaring and murderous!

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