The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2242: Active attack

Jiang Yun knows that there are many people who want to kill themselves and then quickly.

However, it is possible to use the power of robbery as an attacking means, and even refuse to give himself a trace of life. For a while, Jiang Yun really can't figure out who it will be!

However, Jiang Yun is very clear that there are not many people who can do this!

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, the coldness of the sky was soaring and murderous. At the same time above his head, a golden big tripod appeared, emitting golden light and completely covering his whole person.

On top of the body, it is quickly filled with black lines, and under the squirming, it gradually merges together.

The power of robbery, Jiang Yun also has!

The power of robbery is the unique power of the Xiao people, but in the final analysis, it still stems from the power of silence.

With Jiang Yun's current cultivation as the realm, the strength of the robbery he can display is even more than Xiao Letian, surpassing any Xiao ethnic group.

Although Jiang Yun did not know, the one who died in the past was the strongest who divided the power of silence into nine and gave it to the nine slaves.

But since the power of silence includes the power of robbery, it is very likely that the strong man of that year, like himself, has also seen this black thunder.

Therefore, at this moment, in the face of this clearly originated from the hands of a strong, not ready to give himself a black Thunder, Jiang Yun decided to use the power of robbery to try.

Of course, Jiang Yun's temptation is not the strength of the two kinds of robbery, but to test the strong man who shot himself!

This time, Jiang Yunshi’s power of display was not hidden, and everyone could see it clearly.

Looking at Jiang Yun, looking at the golden dading on the top of Jiang Yuntou, looking at the black lines that are madly blending, the eyes of the many monks who are surrounded by the eyes are mostly revealing the confused colors.

They naturally see it, and Jiang Yun’s display seems to be the same force as the black Thunder.

This also makes them more confused, can not figure out what is going on.

Only Lu Qingcheng and Dao San, staring at the golden dading on the top of Jiang Yuntou, the two eyes were confused first, but gradually turned into a stunned color: "This is the power of the Xiao people's looting!"

As disciples of Dao Zun and Night Lonely, although the two of them did not catch up with the battle between the nine races that occurred many years ago, they are naturally far more clear than the other monks in the situation of the nine races. More.

Therefore, they recognized the power that Jiang Yun was exerting, and it was a force belonging to one of the nine ethnic groups.

Lu Qingcheng is better. He knows Jiang Yun’s true identity after all, but Dao San is more curious about Jiang Yun’s identity.

"Is he a Xiao ethnic group in the extraterritorial battlefield, or a Xiao ethnic group in the Daoyu?"

From the beginning to the end, he never thought that the other party would be Jiang Yun.

Because Jiang Yun left the domain but only for decades.

When he wants to come, even if Jiang Yun grows faster, it is impossible to be strong enough to be able to return to the source.

Under the golden light, above the top of Jiang Yun's head, there are countless black lines, which are also a black thunder!

Jiang Yun’s eyes are more murderous and brighter, and his face is full of confidence and perseverance.

"No matter who you are, wanting to kill me is not that easy!"

If the other party does not give himself a chance, then he will force himself to make a living!

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun suddenly reached out and pointed, the black thunder floating above the head, rising from the sky, also like a black dragon, directly greeted the black thunder that fell.

Jiang Yun’s shot was beyond everyone’s expectations.

In the face of the black Thunder that is so powerful that the returning source is unbearable, he actually took the initiative to attack in the same way!


Two almost identical black thunders slammed into each other, and the sound of the loud noise that broke out shocked all directions and was also introduced into everyone's ears.

The monks are okay, and they can basically withstand them, but most of those monsters are trembling, and there are blood spills in the seven.

However, everyone did not pay attention to their own situation, all staring at the results of the two Thunder impacts.

Jiang Yun’s Thunder collapsed directly, and the black Thunder, although there was a little collapse, was almost unharmed and continued to fall towards Jiang Yun.

This result, in the expectation of Jiang Yun, and his hand has also appeared a red maple leaf!

In the face of this inexplicable black vault that swears to kill himself, Jiang Yun’s only vitality is not to stand in the same place and to use his own body to resist.

Instead, think of ways to weaken the power contained in the Thunder as much as possible before the Thunder hits your body!

Therefore, he must constantly launch an attack.

This maple leaf is the most powerful magic weapon among the piles of things that Luo Xin gave him when he left the field.

The power contained in it can kill the strong in the late stage.

In this crisis of life and death, Jiang Yun is not ready to use this magic weapon.

Because this is what he prepared for the Tao.

But now, in order to weaken the power of this robbery, he naturally does not care much.

"This kid is savvy, and maybe he can really make a living."

At the entrance of the Taoist and extraterritorial battlefields, the old man who drank the wine touched his nose and said: "It is best that you can save yourself. Otherwise, you will make it difficult for me to do it!"

"If you encounter a crisis of life and death, my knowledge will naturally save you."

"But once I get to know my god, the owner of the dark cloud will know."

"Although I should have shot, but to save you, it is unruly."

Shaking his head, the old man continued: "In fact, what I should do most is to take back my knowledge, but I promised your master."

"And your master, and we are very concerned."

"If you let him know that I didn't save you, in the future, I don't have to. In the future, if you die, I am afraid I will come to me and fight for it!"

"This can be difficult! Save you will break the rules and not save you will offend your master, this is this..."


In the small room in the real black cloud, the hunter is still there, afraid to look up, and the figure that appears on the stone still exists.

At the same time that Jiang Yun displayed his power of robbery, this figure also once again said: "Hey, who is he? How can there be the power of robbery, although not exactly the same, but there are similarities of four or five points."

"However, he is certainly not ours, perhaps just a group that has seen the power of the robbery, imitating this power."

"It’s really shameful to say it. In my capacity, now I have to improve the qualification level of Tongtianmen by killing such a small monk."

"It's still a quick fix, and then all the people who know it!"

When I heard the figure, the hunter was expressionless, but there was a surge of hatred in my heart.

The Yaozu is the Yaozu, a despicable race, murderous, and it is necessary to kill people!


Jiang Yun shook hands and the red maple leaf had already flown out.

At the same time as Jiang Yun’s fingers were left, the maple leaf exploded immediately, turning into a red hurricane, swept away toward the black thunder, wrapped the Thunder, and frantically rotated.


Unfortunately, the hurricane has just rotated, and the black thunder is like a sword with the same invincible sword. The swords that are scattered out of the air will completely shred the hurricane in an instant, and continue to come straight toward Jiang Yun.

"too strong!"

Lu Qingcheng’s face was slightly white, and he did not know where the power of the Thunder came from, but who wanted to kill Jiang Yun, but he knew that Jiang Yun could not escape this robbery.

However, looking at the black thunder, which is still almost unharmed, Jiang Yun is frowning and muttering in his mouth: "No! This is the extraterrestrial battlefield..."

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