The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3332: Biluo Ling

Outside the world in which the lord is imprisoned, two women stand, one is the Wu Yaohua who goes back and the other is an old man.

About a year ago, Wu Yao spent five days here and did not wait until Wu Chang appeared.

Although the life stone that Wu often left for her was not broken, she was not difficult to guess. Wu Chang should have been imprisoned by the spirit.

Therefore, she took the initiative and immediately rushed back to the Five Spirits, and informed the family that they sent people to the monks who had a relationship with Jiang Yun, whether they were all enemies or friends, and they were replaced by Wu Chang.

Just as she said to Wu Chang, the Wulings can not even kill the spirit, but they must not let Wu Chang, the old man, fall.

After all, the five old people are the foundation of the rise of the five spiritual groups and the control of the ancient domain of the spirit. At all costs, we must also ensure the safety of the five people.

Although the Wuling family received a message from Wu Yaohua, it was a headache for her task.

Because at that time, all the foreign monks were already gathered near the southwestern gate.

Even though the strength of the five spirits is strong, they can restore the facts of cultivation unless they reveal their seals.

Otherwise, a spiritual family, going to the gathering place of the foreign monks to arrest people, will certainly cause counterattacks by foreign monks.

However, I did not expect that the monks who had a relationship with Jiang Yun did not go to the southwestern gates. Instead, they all rushed to the place where Jiang Yun was shattered and jade.

It was just the five Ling people who came to meet Wu Yaohua, that is, the old man met.

Naturally, this old man is the same as Wu, who is one of the hidden old people of the Five Spirits. His strength is comparable to that of the year.

Because Wu Yaohua's identity is extremely special, and knowing that Wu Chang has not entered the land where the Lord is imprisoned, the Wulings are worried about her safety, so they sent the old lady to pick her up.

So, Liu Peng, Shura, Xue Qing, etc., all the people who came to look for Jiang Yun, one without leaking, all were caught by the old man.

After returning these people to the Wuling Land, the old man returned to the place with Wu Yaohua again, waiting for the emergence of Jiang Yun, so he negotiated with Jiang Yun.

Today, they have been waiting for three months, but neither the spirit nor Jiang Yun has ever appeared, even the mirror world is unresponsive.

The old man couldn’t help but ask Wu Yaohua: "Yaohua, do you know that the spirit master knows our arrival?"

Wu Yaohua shook her head and said: "I don't know, but I think she should know it!"

Just as the two men spoke at the same time, in the unknown furnace, the spirit of the lord was watching Wu Yaohua firmly, and frowned slightly: "This woman's cultivation is not high, and the appearance is very strange. Why do you come twice? This person is her?"

"And, every time she has a family protection around her."

"This is enough to show that she is not low in the five spirits, but I have no impression, who is she?"

After a moment of indulging, the spiritual master did not think of a reason, and he ignored the two men, but slowly closed his eyes and let them continue to wait here.

Just now, Jiang Yun has been sent out by her secretly, and went to the ancient thoughts!

The Biluo Lingzu, an extremely ordinary spiritual family among the countless spiritual groups in the ancient times.

In the battle of foreign monks entering the ancient domain of the spirit, although they had to flee their homes because of the attack of foreign monks, but as the foreign monks went to the southwestern gates, they also returned to the ethnic land, the Biluojiejie .

At this moment, Jiang Yun is standing outside the blue sky!

Because, the place where the ancient thoughts sensed by the Spirit Lord is here!

Jiang Yun’s knowledge instantly enveloped the whole world and carefully observed the situation in the world.

In the blue sky, the forest is covered almost everywhere, like the ocean of trees.

The Wansong people of the Biluo people live in these forests.

Jiang Yun’s knowledge quickly found all the Bilu people, but under his knowledge, both the Bilu people and the world are extremely ordinary, and there is nothing strange about it.

However, Jiang Yun knows that the ancient thoughts are hidden in other living bodies in a parasitic way.

Their own knowledge, even if they are strong, cannot find their existence.

Therefore, after watching for a while, Jiang Yun finally stepped into the world and appeared on the sky of the world.

And, without any cover, it exudes its own breath.

Jiang Yun does not know how many ancient thoughts are hidden in the ancient domain of the spirit, nor does it know whether the ancient thoughts sensed by the spiritual master are ancient spiritual aids.

But since you are a spiritual fellow, the other party will inevitably perceive your arrival and take the initiative to find yourself.

The atmosphere that Jiang Yun exudes is extremely large, and was immediately perceived by many Bilu people. They all looked up and looked at Jiang Yun.

Then, a gray-haired old man appeared directly in front of Jiang Yun. He looked at the eyes and looked at Jiang Yun. After a few glances at the top and bottom, his brow was slightly wrinkled and his tone was not good. "Who is your lord?" What is the price of my trip to the world?"

Before coming, Jiang Yun considered that even if he is a cult, the identity of the Terran monk is likely to cause hostility to the Bilu people and even to himself.

Therefore, in order to avoid this unnecessary trouble, he has used the power of assimilation to assimilate his own breath and the mirror spirit, so that in the eyes of the Bilu people, he is also a spiritual family.

Jiang Yun held a fist to the old man and said: "In the next Jiang Yun, take the risk to find a friend."

"My friend?" The old man’s brow wrinkled more tightly: "Your old friend is my Bilu people?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Yes!"

The old man obviously does not have a channel: "What is his name, and which spirit are you?"

Jiang Yun did not answer the latter question of the old man, but directly reported the name of Fuyi: "Fuyi!"

“Fuyi?” The old man shook his head and said: “There is no such person in our family. You are afraid to find the wrong place. Go quickly!”

Jiang Yun is ignoring the old man. After seeing all the Bilu people below, he suddenly exhaled and said: "Fuyi, are you not going to cooperate with me?"

"Now I have come, why don't you still appear, is it because you forgot the original transaction between you and me?"

Jiang Yun’s sudden opening made the old man’s face change, and he sighed out: “What are you doing?”

"I have said that we are not helping this person in the Bilu. If you don't want to leave, don't blame me!"

While speaking, the old man’s eyebrows have already appeared in the spirit, ready to shoot on Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "The person I am looking for is already here!"

The old man suddenly looked around and turned around and saw that a tribe had risen to the sky and came to his side.

Looking at this person, the old man is puzzled: "Luo Ling, what are you doing?"

I came here with a handsome middle-aged man who smiled at the old man: "The old man, I am the person he is looking for."

"When I was traveling outside, I met him by chance. He helped me a little, but because I was on guard, I took the pseudonym of Fuyi."

The old man narrowed his eyes and pointed his finger at Jiang Yundao: "Is he really your friend?"

Luo Ling smiled and nodded and said: "Yes!"

The old man continued to ask: "Then he said that he wants to cooperate with you, what is going on?"

Luo Ling lowered his voice: "This is a long story, and I will explain it to the old man later."

The old man took a deep look at Luo Ling and nodded: "Then you will entertain your friend!"

Although the old man did not believe in Jiang Yun, he believed that his own people would not deceive themselves, so they left with confidence.

After the old man left, Jiang Yun’s gaze looked at Luo Ling and asked straightforwardly: “You are the ancient thought?”

The smile on Luo Ling's face suddenly converges, and there is a faint sensation in the eyes: "Your courage is not small, the son of Jiang Qiuyang!"

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