The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3333: Something to discuss

Luo Ling’s words made Jiang Yun’s eyes burst into a chill.

However, Jiang Yun immediately resumed as usual, calmly said: "If you know who I am, then you should also know the purpose of my coming here!"

While talking, Jiang Yun’s hand has already held the town’s ancient guns without cover!

Although Jiang Yun has been sure that Luo Ling is indeed a member of the ancient thoughts, but the other party can break his identity, but there are two possibilities.

One possibility, naturally, is to listen to Fuyi.

Fuyi is aware of his true identity, which is why Fuyi is willing to cooperate with himself.

Another possibility, this Luo Ling, perhaps is the old demon who took Jiang Ying!

After all, I used the old guns and wounded the palm of the old demon.

If you change to someone else, you may not know the ancient guns, but all the ancient thoughts are killed by your own father and escaped into the ancient domain of the spirit. They are very familiar with the ancient guns.

It is not difficult to guess the true identity of the ancient demon from the ancient gun!

Therefore, Jiang Yun took out the town gun, just in case!

After Luo Ling’s gaze glanced at the ancient gun in Jiang Yun’s hand, his face was regained his smile: “I want to know, if you are looking for Fuyi, how can you find me inexplicably?”

Jiang Yun did not answer his question, but also smiled a little: "If you find you, does it mean that you have found Fuyi?"

Although Jiang Yun still can't confirm the identity of the other party, he believes that all the ancient thoughts will definitely know each other's position.

Luo Ling did not deny it. He just swept his eyes and looked at the old gun: "If I didn't take you to Fuyi, would you use the ancient guns for me?"

Jiang Yun swayed the ancient guns of the town: "You can give it a try!"

Jiang Yun is really not scaring him. If the other party refuses to take him to find Fuyi, he can only use the ancient guns and force the other party to take him.

As for the use of the ancient guns, although it may lead to the strong of the heavens, but in his mind, this consequence can not be compared with the safety of Jiang Ying Xueqing and others.

After staring at Jiang Yun for a while, Luo Ling shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "Well, I will take you there!"

However, Jiang Yun suddenly shook his head and said: "No, I changed my mind."

"You inform Fuyi, and all your ancient thoughts, I said that I have something to discuss with them, let them arrive here within three days, I am here to wait for them!"

For the ancient thoughts, Jiang Yun really does not know much, so he is still jealous.

Especially this Luo Ling, it seems that he was forced to agree by his own gun, but Jiang Yun could not believe that he would be so honest.

Linggu is so big, if he deliberately takes his own circle, or wants to harm himself on the road, he is simply unable to prevent it.

More importantly, I don’t have much time!

In just one month, he had to find Jiang Ying, find the ancient thoughts, persuade them to cooperate with themselves, let them help to deal with the five spirits, and rescue Xue Qing and others.

Then, they have to take Xueqing and they rushed to the southwestern gates to get enough killings for all of them and enter the heavens.

Therefore, he changed his decision and asked Luo Ling to summon all the ancient thoughts to the blue sky.

After listening to Jiang Yun’s words, Luo Ling couldn’t help but laugh out loudly.

After laughing for a while, he said with sarcasm: "Jiang Yun, do you think that you are bearing the identity of the son of Jiang Qiuyang, and with a handle of the ancient gun, can we listen to your words in ancient times?"

"Tell you, even your father, Jiang Qiuyang, has no courage to speak to us in ancient times!"

Ancient thoughts, at least in their own opinion, their identity is absolutely superior to any other race, above any ethnic group.

Now Jiang Yun’s words, I want to let all the ancient thoughts come here to see him in three days. This kind of behavior is in the eyes of Luo Ling, it is simply not knowing how high.

However, Luo Ling’s voice has just fallen, and Jiang Yun’s hand in the hands of Jiang Yun has already shot.

The gun head, which was not sharp, turned into a cold light and firmly reached Luo Ling’s eyebrows.

Jiang Yun also said with a blank expression: "My father is my father, I am me, three days, if they don't come, then I will kill you!"

Jiang Yun’s sudden move made Luo Ling’s face suddenly sink, and looked coldly at Jiang Yundao: “If you know that I am an ancient thought, then you think that with your little strength, you can kill it. I?"

Jiang Yun still said with a blank expression: "Maybe your strength is very strong, I can't kill you."

"But we can give it a try and see if the ancient guns in this town are full of power, can you really live?"

Jiang Yun and the ancient thoughts are also considered to be handed over, knowing that the ancient thoughts are extremely difficult to kill.

Even his father failed to kill all the ancient thoughts, not to mention himself.

However, at this moment he has already got rid of it.

Feeling the Zhen Gu gun that has begun to vibrate slightly, Luo Ling's face has become more and more gloomy.

Because he can see it, Jiang Yun’s words are not scaring himself, but really dare to do it yourself!

Moreover, he is also very likely to be killed by the town gun!

Jiang Yun does not know why the spirit master can find Luo Ling, but Luo Ling himself is well aware.

Because he was seriously injured by Jiang Qiuyang, he still could not recover for so many years.

Therefore, today's strength is the weakest among all the ancient thoughts, and the hiding of the breath is naturally the weakest!

Deeply took a breath, Luo Ling forced his anger in his heart and softened his attitude: "I can contact other ancient thoughts, but first of all, I can't guarantee that they will come."

"Secondly, the three days are too short. We are located in various places in the ancient domain of this spirit. They are far away, they certainly can't get here..."

Not waiting for Luo Ling to finish the words, the gun head of Zhen Gu Gun has once again reached his eyebrows.

The gun that was not sharp, he had already smashed his skin and ooze some blood.

Jiang Yun said faintly: "That is your business. In short, three days, they are not, you are dead!"

After dropping this sentence, Jiang Yun slowly recovered the old gun of the town, and his body shape shook. He had turned and disappeared, leaving only the gloomy Luo Ling, like a statue, standing in the sky.

Jiang Yun did not leave the blue sky, but appeared on the canopy of the tallest tree in the world, sitting cross-legged.

Jiang Yun did not worry that Luo Ling would take the opportunity to escape.

If he couldn't determine the strength of Luo Ling before, then after Luo Ling softened his attitude, he knew that Luo Ling was afraid of the ancient gun.

Then, as long as Luo Ling dares to have the slightest change, he will not hesitate to use the ancient gun!

With the strength of Zhen Gu Gun, it is absolutely possible to stab him before Luo Ling escapes.

After a long time, Luo Ling spit out a long breath from his mouth, glanced at the direction where Jiang Yun was in the dark, and then turned and walked down.

It didn't take three days at all. Just two days passed. Jiang Yun had always covered the gods outside the blue sky. He had already seen three men, and the couple appeared in the seam.

The three men, all of them look like middle-aged men, one in red, one strong, one gentle and gentle.

Although the length of the three is very strange to Jiang Yun, but he can sense it, the gentle and gentle man is Guling Fuyi!

As long as Fu Yi is coming, then his own plan has already succeeded in half!

With the appearance of these three people, along with Luo Ling, they have come to Jiang Yun in front of them.

Looking at Jiang Yun, Fu Yi smiled slightly, first said: "Jiang Yun, I haven't seen you for a long time, I thought you forgot me!"

However, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to him at all, but slowly looked up and looked at the red man next to him.

This man looks very handsome, just a little sinister.

His hands were hugged around his chest, and he was also looking at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s gaze fell on the man’s right hand, and at his tiger’s mouth, there was a deep visible bone wound!

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