The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5763: The past, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

A trace of annoyance flashed across the face of the respect of the earth, as if to blame himself for missing his mouth, but then he sighed leisurely and said: "Forget it, anyway, this matter can't be concealed forever."

"Since I respect you here personally, you have to challenge me again. If I can't prove that it is not what I did, then we will have to fight, I am afraid, it happened to be caught by someone else's divorce."

"Aren't you always curious about why my deity hasn't appeared for a long time?"

"Today, I will let people respect my deity!"

As soon as the voice of the earth-zun fell, the human-zun immediately said, "What is the trick to divorce?"

However, the respect of the earth did not answer: "The respect of the person will know it in a moment."

Ren Zun did not speak any more, but frowned tightly, thinking about what the Earth Zun said.

In order to prove that he really didn't do anything, the deity did not hesitate to let his deity appear, which was unexpected by the deity.

Although Ren Zun felt that this was probably the conspiracy of the Earth Zun, but to be honest, he was indeed very curious about why the Earth Zun's deity had refused to appear for so many years.

After a moment of indulgence, Ren Zun took a step towards the rear, and the terrifying aura emanating from his body suddenly restrained.

Looking at the bitter face of the earth-zun, the human-zun nodded and said: "Okay, I'll see, what tricks you have!"

The Earth Zun shook his head without explaining, his clone directly merged into the earth below him and disappeared without a trace.

And a violent coughing sound suddenly came from far away.

Ren Zun looked at the sound, and from a distance, a figure was walking slowly.

Although the distance is far away, the human respect can naturally recognize it at a glance, it is the earth respect!

However, at the moment when he saw Di Zun clearly, Ren Zun's pupils couldn't help condensing suddenly, and his face showed an incredible color.

The earth-zun stopped a thousand feet away from the human-zun, and the bitter color on his face became thicker and said: "This is why I have not appeared for so many years!"

At this moment, the earth-zun's complexion was withered, his hair was gray, and his body, which was somewhat rickety, exuded a faint breath of death!

Where is the respect of the earth, it is basically a dying old man!


Ren Zun was dumbfounded, and for a while, he was speechless.

Although he wanted to think that what appeared in front of him was not the deity of the earthly deity at all, but another clone.

In other words, the terrible scene of the earthly respect is completely disguised by the earthly respect.

However, with his strength, he can see through any disguise at a glance.

Unless it is the strength of the Earth Venerable, which exceeds him too much, it can hide from him.

This is also impossible!

The strength of the three of them will definitely be strong and weak, but the difference is definitely not too big.

Because they are now the ultimate heights of practice.

If you want to make a breakthrough, it will be another scene, even another world.

If Earth Zun has really taken the lead in breaking through, then he doesn't have to pretend to be so dying, he can completely kill the Human Zun!

Therefore, Ren Zun can be sure that the one standing thousands of feet away is indeed the real deity of the Earth Zun, and the death aura emanating from his body is even more real, not a disguise.

Even Ren Zun understands why Earth Zun stands thousands of feet away!

Naturally, I was worried that I would get into trouble, so I shot him and killed him!

Although the distance of thousands of meters is not a big deal, there is definitely an ambush on the earth where the master of the earth is standing.

This also even more shows that the strength of the respected earth is not as good as before, so that he dare not get too close to himself.

There were countless thoughts in Ren Zun's mind in an instant, but all the thoughts could not explain the situation of Earth Zun at this moment.

They are three!

They are the only ones who can hurt them to this degree.

But Ren Zun can be sure that he has never fought against Earth Zun.

Is it Tianzun?

Combining with the divorce strategy just mentioned by Di Zun...

Ren Zun faintly understands something.

When the respected person is thinking, the respected ground does not speak, just standing there quietly, and occasionally coughing twice.

Finally, Ren Zun stopped thinking and slowly said: "Did you sneak into a place outside the law? Or is your lifespan already running out?"

In a place outside the law, because there is no rule of the three deities, there is indeed the possibility of the three deities falling away.

In addition to places other than the law, it can only hurt the three deities, it can only be time!

Three statues, even though they are so powerful that they are unimaginable, they are not immortal.

Therefore, when Ren Zun wanted to come, either Earth Zun concealed himself and Tian Zun and broke into a place outside the law alone.

Or, it is really that the longevity of the **** is really running out.

After all, the previous experience and deeds of the Earth Zun, no one else can know except himself.

Perhaps the life of the earth is almost over before becoming a respect.

After he became a venerate, his strength skyrocketed and his cultivation base increased, which also increased his lifespan.

But after so many years, his lifespan is about to run out again, that's why he has become like this.

As for whether it was possible that Tianzun did it, Renzun deliberately didn't mention it.

However, regarding these two speculations of Ren Zun, Earth Zun shook his head and said: "Neither! I was attacked by someone, but I don't know who the one who attacked me was!"

Ren Zun's brows suddenly twitched together, the breath that had just converged on his body became violent again, and he said word by word: "Lord, are you making fun of me?"

As the earthly respect, it is possible to be attacked by someone, but it is too unreasonable to be beaten like this, but even who is the opponent.

The earth-zun waved his hand and said, "Be safe, don't be impatient, listen to me and you will understand."

"Back then, when the Nine Emperors were in troubled times, I originally planned to solve it myself."

"After all, they leaked the news about Sijingzang. Although not many people know about it, there must be quite a few."

"I just thought, I personally took action and killed all nine of them with the momentum of thunder, so as to deter the true realm, so that other people who want to fight the Sijingzang will not dare to mess up again."

"But I didn't expect that at that time, I encountered an ambush."

"The ambush was clearly designed long ago, specifically to wait for me."

"Ordinary ambushes can't work for me at all, but in that ambush, as long as you can think of the means to threaten us, there are all there."

"In that situation, I was slightly injured."

"But apart from these ambushes, there are three others."

"The strength of these three people is so strong, needless to say, all of them are at least in the realm of pseudo-sovereign, and they all carry Fu family's talisman, Huang family's poison, and one of them can temporarily suppress my rules. ."

"Even, they still know that I have a dark wound on my body that has never healed."

"In short, in the end all three of them blew themselves up, and I was also seriously injured, and there was always a force in my body that could not be dispelled."

"This power is something I have never touched before. It can't kill me, but it can consume my lifespan a little bit."

"The reason why my deity has not appeared over the years is to find a way to eliminate this power."

"But as a result, you have seen it, I still couldn't find a way, it became like this!"

"With the death of those three people, I was unable to deal with the Nine Emperors anymore, so I returned."

"Naturally, I finally know that this is a conspiracy specifically aimed at me, and the people who dealt with me are not only the Nine Emperors, not just the three, but also my men!"

"That's why, when I return, I will let the Nine Clans under my command take their clansmen to imprison the Nine Emperors, and send them all into the Four Realms Treasure, preventing them from coming out!"

"Because, only they know that I have hidden injuries!"

"Naturally, my deity couldn't follow them, only sent a soul clone."

Speaking of this, Di Zun smiled bitterly: "Ren Zun, you say, I am lingering, how can I have the intention to grab your things!"

After listening to the explanation of the earth-zun, there are many doubts in Renzun's heart that have been solved, but his face is still suspicious, and he frowned and said: "You really don't know, the one who attacked you The identity of the three?"

After a long silence, the earth-sovereign said: "Do you think, among the three of us, who has the strongest strength, and who has the power that even I have never touched?"

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