The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5764: Deceived, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Di Zun did not give a specific answer, what he said was equivalent to already giving an answer.

Among the three true realms, Ren Zun can be sure that he did not participate in the troubled times of the Nine Emperors.

In addition to himself, the person who can wound the earth-zun and possess a power that even the earth-zun has never touched can only be the heaven-zun!

Heaven, earth, man, three deities, in the eyes of other monks, and even Ren Zun himself, the difference between the three is only the time when they become deities.

As for the slight gap in strength, it can be completely ignored.

It was the same reason, the heads of all three of them had already touched the ceiling of spiritual practice.

Although Tianzun was the first one to meet, unless she could break the ceiling, she could only stand against the ceiling and wait for the earth and humans to narrow the distance with her a little bit until the three reached The same height.

But at this moment, the words of the Lord of the Earth alluded to the strength of the Lord of the Heavens, at least stronger than him.

If there was a Tianzun among the three people who attacked the Earth Venerable in the first place, it would be impossible for the Heavenly Venerable's deity to take the shot himself. It could only be a clone, so he would explode without hesitation.

After pondering for a long time, Ren Zun looked at Di Zun and said, "In other words, all the things directed at me in the Realm of Fantasy, including the death of your clone, were actually her doing?"

"Her purpose is to make me think that you robbed me of my things, but also to make you think that I killed your clone?"

Di Zun smiled bitterly: "In addition to this possibility, do you think there is a second possibility, there is also a second person, can you provoke you and me to fight?"

Ren Zun couldn't help reaching out his hand and pressing **** both sides of his forehead.

Although he also admitted that all of Earth Zun's analysis is indeed reasonable, but he always feels that it is a little unlikely.

After a long time passed, Ren Zun suddenly said again: "You just said, at that time, did you have a dark wound on your body?"

"Can I ask, how did that secret wound come from?"

The Earth Venerable pointed his finger upwards and said, "The person from outside the territory who told me that there is a heaven outside the sky!"

"Oh!" Ren Zun nodded, Thaksin said this.

He also knows that the reason why the respected land has asked Si Kongzi to refine the Four Realms Zang, in the final analysis, is because of the arrival of a person from outside the territory.

Although he had never seen the person from outside the territory, the strength of the opponent was definitely higher than that of the three of his own.

Then, it is normal that the other party can leave hidden wounds in the body of the earthly respect.

Di Zun continued: "The matter of me fighting with people outside the realm, the entire real realm is only known to the nine races under my command and my daughter."

"Since the three who attacked me can also know, it must be that some of them betrayed me!"

Ren Zun suddenly smiled coldly and said: "You can't find out who the traitor is, so you simply let the Nine Clan take all the people to suppress the Nine Emperors."

"Even, you refine your daughter into a monument for seeking repairs!"

Regarding Ren Zun's words, Earth Zun calmly said: "Yes!"

"If the two of us change positions, you will encounter the same thing in an adult, I think, you might do better than me!"

Ren Zun did not speak, it was a acquiescence!

When they are in this status, they can do whatever they want.

What the family affection, love, friendship, etc. are for!

As long as you are alive, there are as many as you want for these things.

Therefore, I will never let these things threaten my safety.

"Brother!" The Earth Lord slowed down his voice and said, "Now you should be able to believe that what happened to you has nothing to do with me, right!"

"Naturally, I also believe that the death of my clone was not yours either."

"Well, if there is nothing else, I won't keep my brother, my body, I really don't dare to show my face outside."

Ren Zun said indifferently: "Then, this matter, is my brother willing to ignore it?"

Di Zun smiled bitterly: "You have already seen my situation. I want to find out, but I am helpless!"

"Brother, you also listen to my persuasion, this matter, you can bear it!"

"She was able to plan the troubled times of the Nine Emperors back then, and can hurt me like this, so now, she has done so many things, she should be equally confident to deal with you!"

"Simply stop here, brother, take care!"

Speaking of this, Earth Zun shook his head, turned around, and prepared to leave.

However, Ren Zun looked at his back and said: "Brother, if you don't avenge you, I don't mean anything, but I must take my things back."

"Now, someone has cut the connection between me and the realm of fantasy. I don't know if my brother has any way to go to the realm of fantasy, or the realm of dreams."

The Earth Zun's figure stopped, turned his back to the Zun, and was silent for a while before saying: "If my clone is still alive, then I can go to the dreamland regardless of whether it is with the help of the clone or with the help of the search for repair monument."

"But since he is dead, looking for the monument is equivalent to becoming a masterless thing, and I can't help it."

"Xunxiu monument?" Ren Zun's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "Xunxiu monument, not for you... can it send you from the realm to the dreamland?"

"Is it Teleportation Array?"

Ren Zun did not say it, looking for the monument, now it is on his body.

And he has also studied the Xunxiu monument, although he didn't study the reason for it, but he can at least be sure that there is no teleportation array in it.

Naturally, he was testing the earthly respect.

The Earth Zun shook his head and said: "It's not a teleportation array, it's a bit similar to a space channel, and it can only be opened by a person holding a monument to repair."

"It doesn't make any sense to say this now. My clone is dead. The Xunxiu monument is in the dream realm. It is impossible for others to own it."

"Okay, brother, I'm leaving!"

After leaving this sentence, the Earth Zun lifted his leg and took a step, finally disappearing without a trace.

Ren Zun stood in place, steadily facing the earth in front of him for a long time, then turned and left likewise and returned to his own territory.

Youqing had already waited there respectfully. Seeing Ren Zun appeared, she hurriedly knelt down and said, "My lord, the order to prepare for war has been passed on."

"We are all ready to go to war at any time."

Ren Zun is now full of doubts, and for the time being, he has no plans to go to war with the Earth Zun. He waved his hand and said, "You go down first!"

Youqing nodded and said, "Yes, there is one more thing for the slave and maidservant."

Ren Zun frowned and said: "Say!"

"My lord asked me to compile a list of monks who have entered the realm of illusion over the years. The slaves and maidservants have already been sorted out."

While speaking, a piece of jade slip appeared in Youqing's hand.

I have to say that Youqing's work efficiency is indeed extremely high.

Ren Zun's front foot has just finished ordering, and her back foot has been completed.

However, Ren Zun did not reach out to pick it up, but asked faintly: "I didn't look at it, just tell me, among these monks, is there anyone suspicious?"

Youqing shook her head and said, "There is no suspicious person."

"Every monk who enters the realm of illusion needs to be verified, and only monks in the realm of adults are eligible to go."

The realm of phantom is the second place of Renzun. Therefore, the censorship of people who enters is extremely strict. Soul search is secondary. Even the 18th generation of the ancestors must be checked clearly and confirmed .

Ren Zun nodded and said: "Okay, I know, you can withdraw!"

Youqing retreated, and Ren Zun immediately took it out to find the monument.

Although he was half-believing about everything that the Earth Zun said, he was willing to believe that Xunxiu Tablet could go to the Dreamland.

Therefore, now he has to study carefully, how can this Xunxiu monument make himself go to the dreamland!

At the same time, the Earth Zun who had returned to his residence suddenly took a deep breath and saw a cloud of mist suddenly appeared all over his body.

Under the rapid rotation of the mist, his rickety body gradually straightened, and the death breath exuding from his body disappeared without a trace, as if he had changed himself.

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly rang from the ears of Di Zun: "It seems that my father has successfully deceived the Zun?"

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